13. Conditioning and Learning Flashcards
One of the fundamental ways we learn about the world, a theory of learning and identity
Classical (Pavlovian) conditioning
Russian psysiologist who is known for Classical conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
What was Pavlov’s experiment
Pavlov rang a bell and gave a dog some food. After repeating this pairing multiple times, the dog treated the bell as a signal for food, and began salivating in anticipation of the treat
Occurs when neutral stimuli are associated with psychologically significant events
Classical conditioning
____ elicits an unconditioned response (UR) or without any kind of training or teaching
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
____ produces a conditioned response (CR), or has no importance to the organism until it is paired with something that does have importance
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
What are the two forms of Conditioning
Classical and Instrumental (Operant Conditioning)
Occurs when a behavior is associated with the occurence of a significant event
Operant Conditioning
Conditioning first studied Edward Thorndike, and extended by B. F. Skinner
Instrumental or Operant Conditioning
Effects that increase behaviors
What is Thorndike’s Law of Effect
When a behavior has a positive (satisfying) effect or consequence, it is likely to be repeapted in the future. But when a behavior has a negative (painful/annoying) consewuence, it is less likely to be repeated in the future.
Effects that decrease behaviors
In classical conditioning, the finding that no conditioning occurs to a stimulus if it’s combined with a previously conditioned stimulus during conditining trials. Suggests taht information, surprise value, or prediction error is important in conditioning
To sort or arrange different items into classes or categories
The procedure in which an initially neutral stimulus (the conditioned stimulus CS) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US). The result is that the conditioned stimulus begins to elicit a conditioned response (CR).
Classical Conditioning
Nowadays considered important as both a behavioral phenomenon and as a method to study simple associative learning.
Classical Conditioning
In classical conditining, a conditioned response that opposes, rather than is the same as, the unconditioned response. It functions to reduce the strength of the unconditioned response. Often seen in conditioning when drugs are used as unconditioned stimuli
Conditioned compensatory response
The response that is elicited by the conditioned stimulus after classical conditioning has taken place
Conditioned Response CR