1.3 Business key terms (part 1) Flashcards
consumer durables
goods that can be used repeatedly over a period of time
such as cars and household appliances: washing machine and so on
design mix
the range of features that are important when designing a product, includes:
- aesthetics: based on the subjective judgement of consumers, how the product appeals to consumers, ways to differentiate the product
- economic manufacture: how much value is added during the production process, does the design allow the product to be made and sold profitably
- function: the way the product works, does it do what it needs to do, is the product reliable
the study of how people interact with their environment and the equipment they use - often in a work place
ethical sourcing
using materials, components and services from suppliers that respect the environment, treat their workforce well and generally trade with integrity
product design
the process of creating a new product or service
making use of materials that have been discarded as waste
resource depletion
the using up of natural resources
waste minimization
reducing the quantity of resources that are discarded in the production process
above the line promotion
paid for communication in the independent media
e.g. advertising on TV, radio or in the newspapers.
though it can be targeted, it can also be seen by anyone outside the target audience
communication between a business and its consumers where images are placed in the media to encourage the purchase of products
below the line promotion
promotional activities where the business has direct control over the target audience without the use of media
e.g. sales promotions, direct marketing and personal selling
emotional branding
the practice of using the emotions of consumers to build a brand
generic brands
products that only contain the name of the product category rather than the company or product name
e.g. banana
manufature brands
brands created by the producers of goods or services
marketing mix
the elements of a business’s marketing that are designed to meet the needs of consumers
the four elements are often called the 4P’s
- product
- place
- price
- promotion
the activity of promoting the sale of goods, especially by their presentation in retail outlets
own-label or
distributor or
private brands
products that are manufactured for wholesalers or retailers by other businesses
point of sale
any point where a consumer buys a product
an attempt to obtain and retain customers by drawing their attention to a firm or its product
public relations
an organisation’s attempts to communicate with interested parties
sales promotion
methods of promoting products in the short term to boost sales
making a financial contribution to an event in return for publicity
vital marketing
any strategy that encourages people to pass on messages to others about a product or a business electronically