13) Arrhythmia & Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs Flashcards
Pacemaker cells function
- Intrinsically generate rhythmic action potentials in the absence of external stimuli
Sinoatrial (SA) node
- The pacemaker
- Normal initiation site of the heartbeat/impulse (the action potential)
The impulse spreads from the SA node to the
- Atrioventricular (AV) node
- Then to the bundle of His and the Purkinje system
The SA node excites
- The right atrium
- Impulse travels through Bachmann’s bundle to excite left atrium
- Abnormality in cardiac rhythm (heart beats)
Types of cardiac cells
- Pacemaker (SA node)
- Non-pacemaker (cardiac myocytes)
Pacemaker (SA node) cell characteristics
- Exhibit Automaticity
- Intrinsically generate
APs and stimulate the heart beats without External Stimuli - Leaders/Initiators
Non-pacemaker (cardiac myocyte) cell characteristics
- Do NOT exhibit automaticity
- Receive impulses from pacemakers to generate action potential and induce contraction
- Followers/Executers
Cardiac myocyte Phase 4 (resting)
- Cardiomyocyte is −90 mV
- Maintained by slow outward leak of K+ currents
Cardiac myocyte Phase 0 (depolarization)
- An AP triggered by an impulse from pacemaker cell
- Fast Na+ channels start to open
- Na+ leaks into the cell causing depolarization
Cardiac myocyte Phase 1 (early repolarization)
- Some K+ channels open briefly
- Allow an outward flow of K+
Cardiac myocyte Phase 2 (plateau)
- L-type Ca2+ channels are open, inward current of Ca2+
- K+ leaks out
- Countercurrents are electrically balanced
- Transmembrane potential (TMP) is maintained at a plateau
Cardiac myocyte Phase 3 (repolarizaton)
- Persistent outflow of K+, now exceeding Ca2+ inflow
- Brings TMP back towards resting potential of −90 mV
- Prepares the cell for a new cycle of depolarization
The action potential in cardiomyocytes is composed of
- 5 phases (0-4)
- Begins and ends with phase 4
SA node Phase 4 (spontaneous depolarization)
- Membrane potential is -60 mV
- Ion channels open and conduct slow, inward (depolarizing) Na+ currents called “funny” currents (If)
- Transient (T-type) Ca++ channel starts to open
- Inward Ca++ currents further depolarize the cell to about -40 mV
- Second type of Ca++ channel opens (long-lasting/L-type) to depolarize the cell until AP threshold is reached (usually between - 40 and -30 mV)
SA node Phase 0 (depolarization phase of the action potential)
- Primarily caused by increased Ca++ conductance through the L-type Ca++ channels
- If and T- Ca++ currents are closed
SA node Phase 3 (repolarization)
- Occurs as K+ channels open
- At the same time, L-type Ca++ channels closes
- Once the cell is completely repolarized at about -60 mV, the cycle is spontaneously repeated
Mechanisms of arrhythmia
- Disorders in impulse formation
- Conduction block or delay
Disorders in impulse formation
- Altered automaticity
- Abnormal automaticity
Altered automaticity
- Specialized heart cells (like SA and AV nodes) possess the property of automaticity
- An increase or decrease in the activity of these cells may lead to arrhythmias
Abnormal automaticity
- Arrhythmia occurs when cardiac sites other than the SA node shows enhanced automaticity which should not possess automaticity
- Thereby, Non-Pacemaker cells exhibit abnormal automaticity “ectopic foci” and may may generate competing impulse and arrhythmia may occur
Conduction abnormalities (block or delay)
- Occur when the propagating impulse fails to conduct or conduct at slower rate
- When an impulse arrives at tissue that is still refractory, it will not be conducted
Antiarrhythmic drugs classification (Vaughan Williams Classification based on MOA)
- Class I = Na channel blockers (IA, IB, IC)
- Class II = B-blockers
- Class III = K channel blockers
- Class IV = Ca channel blockers
Class IA sodium channel blockers MOA
- During phase 0
- Greater degree of blockade in tissues that are frequently depolarizing
- Can inhibit potassium channels (Class III activity)
- Proarrhythmic
- Can slow down the conduction velocity and induce QT prolongation