1.3 Flashcards
force/process that involves entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope
relationship between portion of earth studies and earth as whole
transnational corporation
conducts research, operates factories, and sells products in many countries
physical gap/interval between two objects
arrangement of a feature in space
three main properties: density, concentration, and pattern
frequency with which something occurs in space
of a feature and land area
what three basic concepts help explain why similarities among places and regions don’t result from coincidence
scale (from local to global), space (distribution of features), and connections (between places)
extent of a feature’s spread over space
close together: clustered
relatively far apart: dispersed
same # of objects and same size area for clarity
used to describe changes in distribution
geometric arrangement of objects in space
behavioral geography
emphasizes importance of understanding psychological basis for individual human actions
humanistic geography
emphasizes different ways individuals perceive surrounding environment
poststructuralist geography
emphasizes need to understand multiple perspectives regarding space
especially minorities
relationships among people and objects across barrier of space
place from which an innovation originates
process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one point to another over time