13 Flashcards
If you have higher ABA/GA ratio, does germination occur?
If you have lower ABA/GA ratio, does germination occur?
Gibberellin is important for germination, but it is also important for? 2*
*Cell elongation
What really is a seed?
Its an embryonic plant that is now a diploid tissue by fusing of male and female gametes which were haploid.
Seed anatomy? 4*
*Seed coat: what is interacting with the environment and is important in first defense of seed against that environment.
*Embryo: What will start producing roots and shoots. The only alive tissue of the seed where gibberellins will be produced.
*Endosperm: food storage of the plant.
*Aleurone: Source of the a-amylase enzyme used to break down starch into sugars.
seed germination requires? 4*
*rehydration, *oxygen, *suit temperatures, and *demobilization of energy reserves.
What conformation of the red light absorbing chromophore facilitates germination?
germination is induced/inhibited by gibberellin?
Steps for plant germination?
Seed absorbs water and oxygen and germination begins. Then, gibberellin diffuse from embryo to cells in aleurone layer. The aleurone cells synthesis and release digestive enzyme a-amylase to the endosperm. a-amylase digest starch, and release sugars and other molecules to growing plant.
Is ratio or quantity more important in hormones?
If you have a high ABA/GA ratio, then?
Seed dormancy
If you have a low ABA/GA ratio?
Seed germination
What does ABA do in the seed?
inhibits the synthesis of a-amylase in the aleurone layer. No nutrients will be available for germination.
Precocious germination vivipary14 (vp14) mutant of maize encourages germination with ABA acid being present by?
Vp14 being an ABA deficient mutant and also over-produces GA.
ABA synthesized in roots travels using the _____ and promotes stomatal closing even in presence of water?