1.3 Flashcards
Design mix
shows the essential elements required for successful production of product
aesthetics is what the product looks like. business ca add value to a prod thats aesthtically pelasing, so customers liekly to be mroe attracted to the apperance, increasing sales, revnue, differentiating from rivals
able to charge higher prices
improved market position
longer product life cycles, build rep for quality and reliability
Designing products to meet social trends
ethically sourcing, customers incrasingly intersting in bying from ethical businesses, how products amde key issue, damage to reputation if issue discovered in supply chain.
waste minimisation: well-designed product manufactured with minimal wastage. process starts with computer-aided design (CAD) software, enables the designer to work out the wastage implications of the production process. keeps production costs down and helps reduce the environmental footprint of the business. This, in turn, might be used as a marketing message to convey to customers: ‘We are serious about every aspect of the environment.’
sustainability: making a product without affecting long term suppliers of the inputs into the product. As resources deplete, their price will rise. This will be the signal for designers to try to find alternative solutions based on different materials.
Above and below the line promotion
Influences on promotion
Ways to build a brand
Importance of branding
adds value to product- charge higher.
* It enables the business to reduce the amount spent on promotion.
* Customers are more likely to purchase the product again (repeat purchase). loyalty.
* It is easier to persuade retailers to put the products in their stores.
* Other products can be promoted using the same brand name.
reduce PED: strong branding can be placed somewhere on the spectrum from brand loyalty to brand obsession, producer to push prices up with little damage to sales volume.
Ways to build a brand
USP, creating a feature within a brand that makes it stand out like a logo, different ingredient, feature
advertising, creating brand awareness communicating clear brand message
sponsorship, associating brand name wit an event to raise its profile to public, business pays to sponsor event in return for visual coverage.
social media,vitual comm to comm with potent customers. targeted newsfeed, based on searched on other webpages cookies.
social trends: viral marketing, use of SM to encourage spread of promo activities and increase brand awareness, blog and forums.
emotional branding, tap into customer feelings, personal pysch needs and aspirations, sells a status or life style choice
Influences on price
Pricing strategies
Types of pricing strategies
Adv and dis of price skimming and penetration