120b - Somatoform Disorders Flashcards
What motivates patients with factitious disorder?
Desire to have the role of the patinet (primary gain)
Remember: These patients are being unconsciously deceptive; they are not making a conscious effort to lie
(Vs. malingering, where goal is financial, legal - secondary gain)
How does illness anxiety disorder differ from somatic symtom disorder or functional neurological disorder?
No physical symtoms present in illness anxiety disorder
- Physical symptoms in SSD (upset stomach, pain, headache)
- Neurological symptoms in FND (can’t lift leg, facial droop)
Describe the clinical presentation of factitious disorder
- 1 or more brief episodes
- If multiple episodes, symptoms vary
- May have psychological symptoms, physical symptoms, or both
- May have real medical symptoms (may be self induced)
- Pt has the unconscious goal of being the patient/being cared for as a patient
- Onset in early adulthood
- Usually after hospitalization
Describe the clinical presentation of functional neurological disorder (previously conversion disorder)
- Rapid neurological symptom onset, rapid resolution
- May be in the context of stress
- No neurologic cause (no stroke or motor neuron pathology)
- On exam, positive Hoover’s sign
Not intentionally produced or feigned by the patinet!

What is the “classic presentation” of a patinet with somatic symptom disorder?
- Chartomegaly
- Complicated medial history of symptoms that don’t make sense
- Many work-ups, medical/surgical procedures, failed treatments
- Multiple allergies
- Popular, poorly understood diagnoses
- Fibromyalgia, IBD
- Psychiatric history likely
What mental status exam findings may be associated with somatic symptom disorder?
- Demanding, histrionic, dramatic
- Seductive dress and manner
- Demanding behavior in the hospital
- “Require” an abusable prescription b/c nothing else works
In factitious disorder, symptoms are usually [consistent/variable] and are [intentionally/unintentionally] produced with [conscious/unconscious] motivation
In factitious disorder, symptoms are usually variable and are intentionally produced with unconscious motivation
Unconsciously motivated by primary gain (to assume the sick role)
What are the two most common comorbidities of functional neurological disorder?
1/3 have comorbid neurological disorder in their lifetime
1/2 of non-epileptic seizure pts have epileptic seizures
What is Munchausen’s by proxy?
Parent induces medical signs in a child with the purpose of assuming the sick role indirectly
(Munchausen’s is a severe form of factitious disorder)
What causes FDN (previously conversion disorder)
May be some or all of the following; key takeaway is that there is a CNS pathology leading to the symptoms
Altered connectivity between areas involved in emotion, memory, exec control, movement
- Due to disturbances in brain networks
Disruption in emotional processing
- May be the link between psychosocial risk factors and neuro symptoms
Which somatoform disorder is caused by an abnormally functioning CNS?
Functional neurological disorder (previously conversion disorder)
What is Munchausen’s syndrome?
Most extreme and notorious form of factitious disorder
- Life of hospitalizations
- Antisocial behavior
- Iatrogenic medical conditions
- Complex medical hx (w/ >average level of medical knowledge)
- Often in medical fields
In malingering, symptoms are usually [consistent/variable]and are [intentionally/unintentionally]produced with[conscious/unconscious] motivation
In malingering, symptoms are usually consistent and are intentionally produced with conscious motivation
Patient is fabricating symptoms for financial or legal gain (secondary gain)