113b - Psychotherapies Flashcards
Which kind of therapy focuses on mindfulness practices?
Which patients are most likely to benefit from this kind of therapy?
Dialectical behavior therapy
(A type of cognitive behavior therapy)
- Borderline personality
- Substance abuse
- Chronic suicidality
According to Freud, what is the difference between the Id, the Superego, and the Ego?
- Id
- Personal drives; what we WANT to do
- Hides in the unconscious
- Superego
- Values, beliefs learned from society: what we SHOULD do
- Ego
- Deals with the demands of reality: what we DO
- Balance between Id impulses and superego demands

Patients with deep, complex cases who want to understand the connections between past and present would most likely benefit from which kind of psychotherapy?
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Believing a person or situation is “all good” or “all bad” describes which primitive defense mechanism?
What kind of psychotherapy does this describe?
- Based on ideas of classical and operant conditioning, behaviors
- Focuses on the “here and now”
- Identifies thoughts/triggers in order to extinguish maladaptive behaviors and generate adaptive behaviors
Cognitive behavioral therapy
How does the role of the therapist differ in psychodynamic vs. cognitive behavioral therapy?
- Psychodynamic therapist is:
- Non-directive, leads unstructured sessions
- Facilitates exploration, personal growth/insight of the patient
- Cognitive behavioral therapist is:
- Active, educational, leads structured sessions
- There may be a “curriculum” to follow
- Facilitates training, techniques to extinguish maladaptive behaviors, generate adaptive behaviors
- Active, educational, leads structured sessions
What kind of psychotherapy does this describe?
- Based on the idea that unresolved childhood conflicts lead to transference, defense mechanism, symptoms
- Focus on the emotional world of the patinet - past and present
- Explore the origins of defenses, resistance
Psychodynamic therapy
Freuidian! Goal to “make the unconscious conscious”
Patinets who are struggling with grief after losing a loved one or having difficulty adapting after a life-changing event would most likely benefit from which kind of therapy?
Interpersonal therapy
Which patients would benefit most from desinsitization therapy/
Patients with specific phobias
Jane has a big argument with her manager at work and yells at her children when she comes home
Which defense mechanism is this?
Are all defense mechanisms maladaptive?
- Primitive defense mechanisms can be maladaptive because they may prevent growth
- Denial
- Splitting
- Compartmentalization
- Projection
- More mature defense mechanisms protect the ego from stress and allow us to behave in civilization
- Rationalizing
- Intellectualization
- Sublimation
- Humor
Patients who are struggling with a specific problem, such as insomnia or somatic symptom disorder, would most likely benefit from which kind of psychotherapy?
Cognitive behaviroal therapy
Focus is on changing behavior
What is transference (as it relates to psychotherapy)
How the patient reacts to the therapist based on pts previous experience
Which kind of therapy is best for patients in crisis when it isn’t warranted or practical to identify or resolve other symptoms or the root of the problem?
Supportive therapy or crisis therapy
A department employee who is threatened by their new boss decares that the boss is actually threatened by them
What kind of defense mechanism is this?
Attributing one’s own feelings onto someone else
How does dialectical behavior therapy differ from cognitive behavioral therapy?
- Helps patients solve a specific problem
- Requires that the patient engage with the curriculum, learn new skills, tasks
- More “cognitive load”
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Less “cognitive load”
- Emphasis on midfulness practices, emotional regulation, distress tolerance
- Better for patients who are severely distrubed and managing powerful, opposing emotions