(12) tooth morphology Flashcards
A two-cusp type of mandibular second premolar.
Divided into two.
Area in which two roots divide.
Canine eminence (EM-i-nens)
External vertical bony ridge on the labial surface of the canines.
Central groove
Most prominent developmental groove on the posterior teeth.
Cingulum (SING-gyoo-lum)
Raised, rounded area on the cervical third of the lingual surface.
Major elevation on the masticatory surfaces of canines and posterior teeth.
Cusp of Carabelli
The fifth supplemental cusp found lingual to the mesiolingual cusp.
Diastema (dye-uh-STEE-muh)
A space between two teeth.
Wide, shallow depression on the lingual surfaces of anterior teeth.
Area between two or more root branches.
Imbrication (im-bri-KAY-shun)
lines Slight ridges that run mesiodistally in the cervical third of the teeth.
Incisal edge
Ridge on permanent incisors that appears flattened on labial, lingual, or incisal view after tooth eruption.
Inclined cuspal planes
Sloping areas between the cusp ridges.
Mamelon (MAM-uh-lon)
Rounded enamel extension on the incisal ridges of incisors.