12: Osteoarthritis and Principles of Management Flashcards
what is osteoarthritis?
- a chronic, degenerative joint disease involving the breakdown and eventual loss of the articular cartilage in the joints.
risk factors contributing to the development of osteoarthritis include:
- age
- obesity
- previous joint injury
- overuse of joint
- genetics
- bone deformities
signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis
- pain in joint during or after use
- stiffness, especially in the morning or after a period of inactivity
- loss of flexibility and ROM
- grating sensation of the feeling of bone rubbing on bone
- formation of bone spurs around affected joint
- Heberden’s nodes (swelling of distal interphalangeal joints)
- Bouchard’s nodes (swelling of the proximal interphalangeal joints)
osteoarthritis investigations
- predominantly based on clinical presentation and corroborated by imaging studies
- X-rays (first-line)
- MRI can provide more detailed view of joint
- potentially lab tests to rule out other types of arthritis
list some potential imaging findings in a patient with osteoarthritis
LOSS acronym:
- Loss of joint space: cartilage thinning, which is a hallmark of osteoarthritis
- Osteophytes, also known as bone spurs
- Subchondral sclerosis: increased bone density beneath the cartilage, increased whiteness on x-ray.
- Subchondral cysts: fluid-filled sacs that form in the marrow of the bones adjacet to the joint.
Management of osteoarthritis involves:
- pain management with over-the-counter pain relievers and NSAIDs. More severe pain may require prescription mediaction, corticosteroid injections, or even opioids.
- physio
- weight control to reduce stress on weight-bearing joints
- in severe cases, joint replacement or joint fusion surgery
diagnostic criteria for osetoarthritis
- at least 45 years old +
- activity related joint pain +
- has either no morning joint-related stiffness or morning stiffness that lasts no longer than 30 minutes
list some non-pharmacological treatments of osteoarthritis
- thermotherapy
- electrotherapy
- aids and devices
- manual therapy
- NICE do not recommen: acupuncture, nutraceutical (glucosamine, chondroitin)
when is surgery indicated for osteoarthritis?
- substantial impact on QoL
- refractory to non-surgical treatment
- referral letter