12. Nutrients cycle Flashcards
What is the chemical composition of trees?
Carbon (50%), Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, others
Where do trees get their chemical composition elements from?
Water/Soil, but mostly from the air (CO2)
Explain the first law of thermodynamics (sort of)
Conservation of energy/mass: in a chemical reaction, mass is neither created nor destroyed. Atoms/molecules are rearranged and recycled. Nutrients cycle. Energy flows, but nutrients cycle.
Energy flows, but nutrients ___.
What are some consequences of nutrient cycling?
Anything we create may not go away. If biodegradable: eaten by microbes. Decomposed into molecules or atoms. If not, around “forever”. Plastics are barely decomposable. Most of our pollution problems are linked to “nutrient” cycling.
Match the pollutant with the problem:
a) Sulfur dioxyde
b) CO2
c) Nitrates
d) DDT
e) Chlorofluorocarbons
Problems: Climate change, Ocean dead zones, Acid rain, Depletion of ozone layer, Egg-shell thinning in birds
a) Acid rain
b) Climate change
c) Ocean dead zones
d) Egg-shell thinning in birds
e) Depletion of ozone layer
Who am I?
Synthesis of nutrient cycling and energy flow
Explain biomagnification
Synthesis of nutrient cycling and energy flow. Whenever ingestion: excretion. Chemicals increase in an organism’s body over time. Typically: fat-soluble compounds. When that organism is eaten, pass the pollutants up the food chain. DDT: first major environmental problem
What is the first major environmental problem?
DDT (insecticides)
Explain Silent Spring from Rachel Carson
She began the modern environmental movement. Added a “nutrient cycling” perspective to our ecocentric ethic
Explain the banning of DDT in 1972
It was the first major environmental problem to be tackled/solved. Bald eagles listed as endangered in 1967 in US. 417 breeding pairs in “lower 48”. Changed to threatened in 1995. Not at risk in 2007: 10,000 breeding pairs.
Why does the St-Lawrence river not run dry?
Hydrologic cycle.
What are the implications of the water cycle (hydrologic cycle)
1-way flow of nutrients. Land to water: Anything we do on land affects aquatic ecosystems. Sewage: where does it go? The City of Victoria is the last city to stop dumping raw sewage into the ocean.
What limits primary production in aquatic ecosystems?
Limiting nutrients in oceans? Nitrogen
Limiting nutrients in freshwater? Phosphorus
Discuss Dr. David Schindler, DFO and U Alberta
Schindler’s (1974) study gave the most compelling evidence for phosphorus being the cause of man-made eutrophication.
Legislation was later adopted limiting P in detergents and effluents. Fertilizing with P, N, and C: white reflection is the algae bloom the resulted from phosphorus fertilization. Bassin fertilized with only C and N