12 Neuroplasticity in Response to Stress and Injury Flashcards
What is neuroplasticity?
Capacity of neurons and neural networks in the brain to change their connections and behaviour in response to new information, sensory stimulation, development, damage, or dysfunction
What are the 2 functions of neuroplasticity
- learning or enhancing cognitive capacities
- strengthening areas where function is lost or damaged
What are the 4 types of neuroplasticity?
- homologous area adaptation
- cross-modal reassignment
- map extension
- compensatory masquerade
How does homologous area adaptation work?
cognitive process taken over by homologous region in opposite hemisphere
What is cross-modal reassignment (cross-modal plasticity)?
- reorganization and functional change of brain structures as response to sensory loss / to compensate for sensory deficit
- varying effects depending on: timing of sensory deprivation, sensory experience, damaged brain regions, etc.
- cross-modal recruitment: recruitment of deprived sensory cortex by remaining senses
- compensatory plasticity: functional refinement of spared sensory cortices
What is map expansion?
- enlargement of functional brain region based on performance
- size of cortical map devoted to particular function may enlarge with skilled practice or frequent exposure to stimulus
- in adult owl monkeys, after amputation of 1-2 digits adjacent digit representations expanded topographically
What is compensatory masquerade?
allocation of new specific cognitive process to perform task
Are all sensory and motor body representations contralateral in the brain?
- no, auditory processing is ipsilateral
Cross-modal recruitment in blind people
- visual cortex active for processing somatosensory information, V1 & V2 active while reading Braille
- TMS of occipital cortex leads to error rate increase with Braille and roman embossed letters (distorted tactile experience: phantom dots or extra dots, not for sighted - sensorimotor cortex)
compensatory plasticity in blind people
- better in tactile grating detection task (independent of Braille reading ability or blindness onset)
- more precise at localizing and focusing on sounds in periphery (both in congenitally and late blind)
cross-modal recruitment in deaf people
- primary auditory cortex activated by visual stimuli and sign language
compensatory plasticity in deaf people
- hearing loss leading to enhancement in some vision related tasks
- not general enhancement but in specific abilities
- motion processing, visual stimulus onset dection
- spatial attention to peripheral visual field (not found in hearing signers)
Neural correlates of cross-modal reassignment
changes in subcortical connectivity
- tracing studies in blind mole rats
- alteration in projection from inferior colliculus to thalamus
- not only to auditory, but also to non-degenerated visual thalamus
- recruitment of occipital cortex by auditory stimulus
indirect cortical connections through multisensory cortical areas
- feedback from parietal cortex as source of crossmodal rearrangement
Sensory loss leading to circuit adaptation that favors feedforward processing in the spared cortices while promoting intracortical processing in deprived cortex
6 neocortical layers and their connectivity patterns
- layer 1: no neural cell bodies, only axons and dendrites
- layer 2: input mainly from other cortical areas, dfficult to distinguish from layer 3
- layer 3: output mainly to other cortical areas
- layer 4: input mainly from thalamus (non-cortical sources)
- layer 5: output mainly to basal ganglia and spinal cord (non-cortical targets)
- layer 6: output mainly to thalamus
What are sensory substitution devices (SSDs)?
- non-invasive human-machine interfaces
- transform stimuli characteristic of one sensory modality into stimuli of another sensory modality
- e.g. visual-to-tactile SSD: “Seeing with touch”
What are the 3 components of SSDs?
- sensor : collects information from external environment (e.g. camera, sonic, infrared sensors)
- coupling system: signal transduction
- stimulator: relayed onto receptors of sensory organ (e.g. tongue, back, hand, ears)
What are shortcomings of SSDs?
- limited attentional capacity and sensory overload
- interference with other perceptual functions or daily tasks (tradeoff between acuity and usability)
- active training and assessment
first SSDs by Paul Bach-y-rita
Tactile vision substitution system (TVSS)
- In 1969, first experimental evidence for sensory substitution
- conducted with congenitally blind
- Brightness of pixel => tactile stimulation on 20x20 grid
- Object recognition even when obscured, person identification, batting a ball + reports of 3D vision, distal attribution
- Recruitment of brain areas considered purely visual (Kupers et al., 2003; Ptito et al., 2005)
case of Cheryl Schiltz
bilateral vestibular damage as side effects of antibiotics
- feeling of perpetually falling, oscillopsia, vertigo
- tactile-vestibular SSD with tongue display unit (TDU)
- tactile information encoding direction of head
- prolonged residual effect with training -> complete removal of device
basics of synaptic plasticity
- number of synapses increases steeply during first year of life, then steadily declines
- increased use of given pathway leads to consolidation of circuitry (sprouting of new synapses, stronger response to stimuli)
- decreased use weakens circuitry
- past synaptic activity modifies future synaptic activity (= synaptic plasticity)
What is phantom limb pain?
- pain sensation to a limb, organ or other tissue after amputation and/or nerve injury
- sometimes hard to distinguish with post-operative pain
- clinical problem: existence of pain in a non-existent limb, seems inherently untreatable
- complex phenomenology, age-dependent, which body part amputated
Causes of Phantom limb pain
- wishful thinking, frayed nerve endings (neuromas) fool higher brain regions, or cortical remapping and expansion
- change in cortical maps (homunculi) in amputees
- motor commands to missing limb are also received by somatosensory cortices, dissonance between motor and sensory areas involved in body image might cause pain
other factors: - errors in pain modulation from descending pathways and local interactions in peripheral nervous system (loss of inhibitory control in dorsal horn => increased sensitivity => allodynia)
- proprioceptive memory
- visual dissociation with proprioception
How can cortical maps change rapidly in response to amputation?
- sprouting of axonal collaterals into neighboring regions (gradual)
- redundancy of nonfunctional connections that are now activated (immediate)
Neuromatrix Theory of pain
- most explanations ascribed to it
- pain is produced by patterns of neural impulses
- widely distributed neural network called body-self neuromatrix actively generating subjective experience based on memory, biological and sensory influences (modified by life experience)
- body representations (possibly poorly rewired in cortical maps) remain intact without sensory input/life experience to update them
- incongruence enhanced with lack of visual feeback can lead to excessive pain
mirror therapy
- PLP increases when visual feedback mismatches with body image
- mirror therapy: visual feedback can resolve paralyzed feeling and subsequent pain
- proof that body-self matrix is adaptable and may subsequently affect brain structure by life experience
pharmacological treatment
- aim: ease symptoms
- NSAIDs, pain killers, anti-seizure medications, muscle relaxers, antidepressants
- electrical impulses to nervous system may also reduce symptoms (deep brain stimulation, spinal cord stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
VR Therapy
- control sensory experiences and implement mirror therapy
- modify neurosignature (abnormal reorganization) of matrix with systemic approach
- significant reduction of pain after VR session, pre-session pain levels also decreased
Neuromatrix of Pain - limitations
- phantom pain never fully eliminated in patients
- poorly explains how sensations can rapidly appear (perhaps result of activation of dormant networks)
- no explanation why some patients never experience PLP
- objectively hard to empirically study (or bayesian inference, predictive coding, synthetic sensory input)