12 main lei tai points Flashcards
Middle of the mentolabial groove
CV 24 chéngjiāng
collecting fluids
*Intersection of Stomach, Large Intestine and Du Mai on Ren Mai
*8th Ghost Point
In front of the angle of the mandible on the anterior border of the masseteric muscle,behind the facial artery.
ST 5 dàyíng
big welcome
Behind the lobule of the auricle,in the depression between the mastoid process and the mandible
TW 17 yīfēng
wind screen
*Intersection of Gallbladder on San Jiao Channel
Below the occipital bone,in the depression on the outer part of the trapezius muscle,on a level with Fēngfǔ GV 16 wind mansion
GB 20 fēngchí
wind pond
*Intersection of San Jiao, Yang Wei and Yang Qiao Mai of Gallbladder Channel
On the lateral part of the thigh.Or standing within reach, the middle finger at.
GB 31 fēngshì
wind market
tender point about 2.5 cun distal of center line transversing between the elecranon and inner arm crease
LI 10 shǒusānlǐ
arm 3 mile
At the elbow crease, on the radial side of the tendon of the biceps brachiii muscle.
LU 5 chǐzí
cubit marsh
*Uniting Sea-He Point
*Water (Sedation) Point
Below the end of the 11th rib where it meets the midaxillary line.
LV 13 zhāngmén
gate of hope
*Alarm Mu Point for Spleen
*Gathering Hui Point for the Five Organs
*Intersection of Gallbladder on Liver Channel
Large Vag in a tree holding a stool in one hand, using other Ba Gua Zhang hand to hit men, telling them to go through a gate of hope. Red Alert Alarm on other side of gate next to mean spleen cat and opposite, badder gall bladder, where a gathering point for 5 airplane vessels.
At the later end of the eyebrow
TW 23 sīzúkōng
silk bamboo hollow
Two Women using switch on arm rests of a stool so see zoo (king) kong, and put him into a silk bamboo hollow.
In the 6th intercostal space,2 ribs below the nipple.
LV 14 qīmén
chapter gate (qi cycle gate)
*Alarm Mu Point for the Liver
*Intersection of the Spleen and Yin Wei Mai on Liver Channel
Large Vag in a tree in a car throwing chi at men. An alarm on the car going off next to another large vag, car intersecting with mean spleen cat and Black Whey protein on the other side.
1.5 cun directly below qimen, in the 7th intercostal space,4 cun lateral to the midline of the abdomen.
GB 24 rìyuè
sun and moon
*Alarm Mu Point for Gallbladder
*Intersection of Bladder and Yang Wei Mai on Gallbladder Channel
Green Boar using a switch to turn on a car sitting next to Ryu who is holding a sun and a moon.
Alarm in car going off with a little green boar on one side, car intersecting with a water bladder wearing a yellow wig.
2 cun beside the umbilicus,in the rectus abdominis muscle.
ST 25 tiānshū
heavenly pivot
*Alarm Mu Point for Large Intestine
Soapy Tiger using switch to have glove come out of wall holding tea and a shoe, alarm going off with laughing Indian yelling about it.
Middle of the mentolabial groove. CV 24 collecting fluids *Intersection of Stomach, Large Intestine and Du Mai on Ren Mai *8th Ghost Point
In front of the angle of the mandible on the anterior border of the masseteric muscle,behind the facial artery.
ST 5
big welcome
Behind the lobule of the auricle,in the depression between the mastoid process and the mandible.
wind screen
*Intersection of Gallbladder on San Jiao Channel
Below the occipital bone,in the depression on the outer part of the trapezius muscle,on a level with Fēngfǔ GV 16 wind mansion
GB 20
wind pond
*Intersection of San Jiao, Yang Wei and Yang Qiao Mai of Gallbladder Channel
On the lateral part of the thigh.Or standing within reach, the middle finger at.
GB 31
wind market
tender point about 2.5 cun distal of center line transversing between the elecranon and inner arm crease
LI 10
arm 3 mile
At the elbow crease, on the radial side of the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle. LU 5 cubit marsh *Uniting Sea-He Point *Water (Sedation) Point
At the later end of the eyebrow
TW 23
silk bamboo hollow
Two Women using switch on arm rests of a stool so see zoo (king) kong, and put him into a silk bamboo hollow.
Below the end of the 11th rib where it meets the midaxillary line.
LV 13
gate of hope
*Alarm Mu Point for Spleen
*Gathering Hui Point for the Five Organs
*Intersection of Gallbladder on Liver Channel
Large Vag in a tree holding a stool in one hand, using other Ba Gua Zhang hand to hit men, telling them to go through a gate of hope. Red Alert Alarm on other side of gate next to mean spleen cat and opposite, badder gall bladder, where a gathering point for 5 airplane vessels.
In the 6th intercostal space,2 ribs below the nipple.
LV 14
chapter gate (qi cycle gate)
*Alarm Mu Point for the Liver
*Intersection of the Spleen and Yin Wei Mai on Liver Channel
Large Vag in a tree in a car throwing chi at men. An alarm on the car going off next to another large vag, car intersecting with mean spleen cat and Black Whey protien on the other side
1.5 cun directly below Qimen, in the 7th intercostal space,4 cun lateral to the midline of the abdomen.
GB 24
sun and moon
*Alarm Mu Point for Gallbladder
*Intersection of Bladder and Yang Wei Mai on Gallbladder Channel
Green Boar using a switch to turn on a car sitting next to Ryu who is holding a sun and a moon.
Alarm in car going off with a little green boar on one side, car intersecting with a water bladder wearing a yellow wig.
2 cun beside the umbilicus,in the rectus abdominis muscle.
ST 25
heavenly pivot
*Alarm Mu Point for Large Intestine
Soapy Tiger using switch to have glove come out of wall holding tea and a shoe, alarm going off with laughing Indian yelling about it.
CV 24
chéngjiāng collecting fluids Middle of the mentolabial groove *Intersection of Stomach, Large Intestine and Du Mai on Ren Mai *8th Ghost Point Creamy Vag lightswitch on a car with a Chain Jingling Intersecting with a Soapy Tiger, a Laughing Indian and a piece of Doo Doo, 8 ghosts watching everything.
ST 5
big welcome
In front of the angle of the mandible on the anterior border of the masseteric muscle,behind the facial artery.
baby Soapy Tiger held in a glove, dying, while big welcome group of people open arms to embrace.
TW 17
wind screen
Behind the lobule of the auricle, in the depression between the mastoid process and the mandible.
*Intersection of Gallbladder on San Jiao Channel
Two Women in a tree with dice showing (old English) ye fangs, intersecting with Grean Boar ( climbing tree.
GB 20
wind pond
Below the occipital bone,in the depression on the outer part of the trapezius muscle,on a level with Fēngfǔ GV 16 wind mansion
*Intersection of San Jiao, Yang Wei and Yang Qiao Mai of Gallbladder Channel
Green Boar flicking a switch for a donut, by a windy pond, intersecting with Two Women ( trying to steal donut) to feed to Yellow Wig and Yellow Quail.
GB 31
wind market
On the lateral part of the thigh.Or standing within reach, the middle finger at.
Green Boar on a stool with a tree growing out of it, digging his fangs into a shirt in a windy market.
LI 10
arm 3 mile
tender point about 2.5 cun distal of center line transversing between the elecranon and inner arm crease
Laughing Indian in a tree holding a donut, showing sand with leach in it. His arm walking on it’s fingers (like the thing from adams family) a whole three miles to get their.
LU 5
cubit marsh
At the elbow crease, on the radial side of the tendon of the biceps brachiii muscle.
*Uniting Sea-He Point
*Water (Sedation) Point
Large Umbrella with gloves on, holding a chi ball, with dragon ball Z hair in a cube shaped marsh, marsh overflowing with clear water, into the sea.
LV 13
gate of hope
Below the end of the 11th rib where it meets the midaxillary line.
*Alarm Mu Point for Spleen
*Gathering Hui Point for the Five Organs
*Intersection of Gallbladder on Liver Channel
Large Vag in a tree holding a stool in one hand, using other Ba Gua Zhang hand to hit men, telling them to go through a gate of hope. Red Alert Alarm on other side of gate next to mean spleen cat and opposite, badder gall bladder, where a gathering point for 5 airplane vessels.
TW 23
silk bamboo hollow
At the later end of the eyebrow
Two Women using switch on arm rests of a stool so see zoo (king) kong, and put him into a silk bamboo hollow.
LV 14
chapter gate (qi cycle gate)
In the 6th intercostal space,2 ribs below the nipple.
*Alarm Mu Point for the Liver
*Intersection of the Spleen and Yin Wei Mai on Liver Channel
Large Vag in a tree in a car throwing chi at men. An alarm on the car going off next to another large vag, car intersecting with mean spleen cat and Black Whey powder on the other side
GB 24
sun and moon
1.5 cun directly below qimen, in the 7th intercostal space,4 cun lateral to the midline of the abdomen.
*Alarm Mu Point for Gallbladder
*Intersection of Bladder and Yang Wei Mai on Gallbladder Channel
Green Boar using a switch to turn on a car sitting next to Ryu who is holding a sun and a moon.
Alarm in car going off with a little green boar on one side, car intersecting with a water bladder wearing a yellow wig.
ST 25
heavenly pivot
2 cun beside the umbilicus,in the rectus abdominis muscle
*Alarm Mu Point for Large Intestine
Soapy Tiger using switch to have glove come out of wall holding tea and a shoe, alarm going off with laughing Indian yelling about it.
collecting fluids
chéngjiāng CV 24 Middle of the mentolabial groove *Intersection of Stomach, Large Intestine and Du Mai on Ren Mai *8th Ghost Point Creamy Vag lightswitch on a car with a Chain Jingling Intersecting with a Soapy Tiger, a Laughing Indian and a piece of Doo Doo, 8 ghosts watching everything.
big welcome
ST 5
In front of the angle of the mandible on the anterior border of the masseteric muscle,behind the facial artery.
baby Soapy Tiger held in a glove, dying, while big welcome group of people open arms to embrace.
wind screen
TW 17
Behind the lobule of the auricle, in the depression between the mastoid process and the mandible.
*Intersection of Gallbladder on San Jiao Channel
Two Women in a tree with dice showing (old English) ye fangs, intersecting with Grean Boar ( climbing tree.
wind pond
GB 20
Below the occipital bone,in the depression on the outer part of the trapezius muscle,on a level with Fēngfǔ GV 16 wind mansion
*Intersection of San Jiao, Yang Wei and Yang Qiao Mai of Gallbladder Channel
Green Boar flicking a switch for a donut, by a windy pond, intersecting with Two Women ( trying to steal donut) to feed to Yellow Wig and Yellow Quail.
wind market
GB 31
On the lateral part of the thigh.Or standing within reach, the middle finger at.
Green Boar on a stool with a tree growing out of it, digging his fangs into a shirt in a windy market.
arm 3 mile
LI 10
tender point about 2.5 cun distal of center line transversing between the elecranon and inner arm crease
Laughing Indian in a tree holding a donut, showing sand with leach in it. His arm walking on it’s fingers (like the thing from adams family) a whole three miles to get their.
cubit marsh
LU 5
At the elbow crease, on the radial side of the tendon of the biceps brachiii muscle.
*Uniting Sea-He Point
*Water (Sedation) Point
Large Umbrella with gloves on, holding a chi ball, with dragon ball Z hair in a cube shaped marsh, marsh overflowing with clear water, into the sea.
Gate of hope
LV 13
Below the end of the 11th rib where it meets the midaxillary line.
*Alarm Mu Point for Spleen
*Gathering Hui Point for the Five Organs
*Intersection of Gallbladder on Liver Channel
Large Vag in a tree holding a stool in one hand, using other Ba Gua Zhang hand to hit men, telling them to go through a gate of hope. Red Alert Alarm on other side of gate next to mean spleen cat and opposite, badder gall bladder, where a gathering point for 5 airplane vessels.
Silk Bamboo Hollow
TW 23
At the later end of the eyebrow
Two Women using switch on arm rests of a stool so see zoo (king) kong, and put him into a silk bamboo hollow.
chapter gate (qi cycle gate)
LV 14
In the 6th intercostal space,2 ribs below the nipple.
*Alarm Mu Point for the Liver
*Intersection of the Spleen and Yin Wei Mai on Liver Channel
Large Vag in a tree in a car throwing chi at men. An alarm on the car going off next to another large vag, car intersecting with mean spleen cat and Black Whey powder on the other side
sun and moon
GB 24
1.5 cun directly below qimen, in the 7th intercostal space,4 cun lateral to the midline of the abdomen.
*Alarm Mu Point for Gallbladder
*Intersection of Bladder and Yang Wei Mai on Gallbladder Channel
Green Boar using a switch to turn on a car sitting next to Ryu who is holding a sun and a moon.
Alarm in car going off with a little green boar on one side, car intersecting with a water bladder wearing a yellow wig.
heavenly pivot
ST 25
2 cun beside the umbilicus,in the rectus abdominis muscle
*Alarm Mu Point for Large Intestine
Soapy Tiger using switch to have glove come out of wall holding tea and a shoe, alarm going off with laughing Indian yelling about it.