1.2 Familie und Freunde (2) Flashcards
What is the possessive adjective for ‘my’ (feminine and plural)?
Examples: meine Frau (my wife), meine Eltern (my parents).
What is the possessive adjective for ‘my’ (masculine and neutral)?
Examples: mein Mann (my husband), mein Kind (my child).
How is ‘tsch’ pronounced in German?
How is ‘sch’ pronounced in German?
How is ‘st’ pronounced in German?
How is ‘sp’ pronounced in German?
How is ‘eu’ pronounced in German?
How is ‘ie’ pronounced in German?
How is ‘ei’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘ß’ pronounced in German?
pronounced as ‘s’
How is the letter ‘Ü’ pronounced in German?
[u mit Umlaut]
How is the letter ‘Ö’ pronounced in German?
[o mit Umlaut]
How is the letter ‘Ä’ pronounced in German?
[a mit Umlaut]
How is the letter ‘Z’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘Y’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘X’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘W’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘V’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘U’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘T’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘S’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘R’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘Q’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘P’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘O’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘N’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘M’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘L’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘K’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘J’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘I’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘H’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘G’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘F’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘E’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘D’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘C’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘B’ pronounced in German?
How is the letter ‘A’ pronounced in German?
What are the categories for neutral nouns?
Latin-based words (e.g., das Publikum), diminutives (-chen, -lein)
What are the categories for feminine nouns?
female professions, many words ending in -e
What are the categories for masculine nouns?
male professions, weekdays, months, seasons, cars (e.g., der Mercedes), alcoholic drinks (except das Bier)
What are the common endings for neutral nouns?
-chen, -lein
What is the article for neutral nouns in German?
Examples: das Mädchen (the girl), das Kaninchen (the rabbit).
What are the common endings for feminine nouns?
-heit, -keit, -ung, -ur, -e, -ei, -ie, -schaft
What is the article for feminine nouns in German?
Examples: die Mutter (the mother), die Freiheit (freedom), die Möglichkeit (possibility).
What are the common endings for masculine nouns?
-er, -ismus, -ling
What is the article for masculine nouns in German?
Examples: der Vater (the father), der Montag (Monday), der Sommer (summer).
How do you say ‘they/you speak’ (formal) in German?
sie/Sie sprechen
How do you say ‘you speak’ (plural informal) in German?
ihr sprecht
How do you say ‘we speak’ in German?
wir sprechen
How do you say ‘he/she/it speaks’ in German?
er/sie/es spricht
How do you say ‘you speak’ (informal) in German?
du sprichst
How do you say ‘I speak’ in German?
ich spreche
What is the German verb for ‘to speak’?
Irregular: e -> i in du and er/sie/es forms.