12-7: The Brain - cerebellum and brain injuries Flashcards
large, cauliflower-like “small brain” posterior to the pons and medulla, and below the occipital lobe. Separated from the cerebrum by the deep transverse fissure
two cerebellar hemispheres are connected in the middle by this constricted area
cerebellar peduncles
cerebullum attached to the brainstem by three paired fiber tracts
thin, parallel ridges formed by the folds of the cerebellar cortex
arbor vitae
white matter tracts underneath the gray cortex
What are the functions of the cerebellum?
coordinated movement of skeletal muscles
posture, balance, equilibrium, muscle tone, and movement of the joints
cerebrovascular accidents
also called strokes; occur when blood flow to brain area is blocked - tissue dies
What causes a CVA?
blood clot in cerebral artery
A CVA, if survived, may cause: ___
hemiplegia, sensory defects, trouble with speech
Cerebrovascular accidents are the __ leading cause of death in North America.
Transient Ischemic (hold back blood) Attacks that produce temporary numbness, paralysis, impaired speech
temporary alteration in brain function following a blow to the head; feel dizzy and may lose consciousness
a bruising of the brain caused by a more serious concussion; permenant neurological damage
Brainstem contusions result in ___.
a coma (total unresponsiveness to sensory stimuli) due to injury of RAS
subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhage
bleeding from ruptured cerebral vessels into these spaces; blood accumulating in skull increase intracranial pressure. Treament - surgical removal of hematoma and repair bad vessel