12/14/2015 Spinal Questions Flashcards
What is the orientation of the inferior articular facet of C7?
Forward, medial, downward
What muscles will attach to the articular facet of C7?
Longissimus Cervicis, longissimus capitis, Semispinalis Cervicis and Multifidis
What muscles attach to the spinous process C7?
Trapezius, rhomboid minor, Serratus posterior superior, Splenius Capitis, Spinalis Capitis, Spinalis Cervicis, Semispinalis Thoracis, multifidis, rotators and interspinalis
What ligaments attach to the spinous process of C7?
Ligamentum nuchae and interspinous ligaments
The vertebral artery on which side is typically larger?
Left vertebral artery
What is the gender bias regarding size of the vertebral artery?
Men have larger vertebral arteries than women
What was the name of the physical exam use d to determine vertebral artery patency?
The vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency test
Which side artery was tested during the course of the vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency exam?
The ipsilateral artery on the side of rotation
What are the symptoms of failure of the vertebral artery to compensate during the vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency exam?
Dizziness, vertigo, nausea are common complaints
The vertebral artery is typically a branch of which artery?
Subclavian artery
Typically, at what vertebral level will the vertebral artery first become located in the transverse foramen?
At what location will the vertebral artery form its first compensatory loop?
The Atlanta-axial interspace
At what location will the vertebral artery form its second compensatory loop?
The Atlanta-occipital interspace
At what segments will the vertebral artery be firmly attached to the transverse foramen?
Both C1 and C2
What is the purpose of the vertebral artery loops between C2, C1, and occiput?
The increased length will accommodate the greater rotation at these locations
What happens to the vertebral artery after it enters the subarachnoid space at C1?
The vertebral artery ascends along the medulla oblongata to the pontine-medullary junction where the right and left arteries unite to form the basilar artery
What artery is formed by the Union of the right and left vertebral arteries?
The basilar artery
Which suboccipital muscles attach to C1?
Rectus Capitis posterior minor, Obliquus Capitis superior, Obliquus Capitis inferior
Which suboccipital muscles attach to C2?
Rectus Capitis posterior major, Obliquus Capitis inferior
Which transversospinalis muscles attach to the cervical spine?
Semispinalis Cervicis, Semispinalis Capitis, multifidis, rotators
What joint classifications are present in C1?
Synovial (diarthrosis) Ellipsoidal, synovial pivot (diarthrosis trochoid), synovial plane (diarthrosis arthrodia) and fibrous (Amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis
What is the orientation of the superior articular facet of C7?
Backward, upward, medial (BUM)