12/10/2015 Spinal Questions Flashcards
What ligament forms the anterior boundary for the spinal canal above C2?
Membrana tectoria
What ligament forms the anterior boundary for the spinal canal below C2?
Posterior longitudinal ligament
What lies on the upper surface of the pedicle of C2?
The superior articular process
What is the location of the superior vertebral notch of C2?
On the lamina-pedicle junction
What attaches to the lamina of C2?
Obliquus capitis inferior muscle, posterior atlanto-axial ligament, ligamentum flavum
What muscle attaches to the lamina of C2?
Obliquus capitis inferior
What is the facet orientation of the superior articular facet of C2?
Backward, upward, lateral
What is the orientation of the inferior articular facets of C2?
Forward, lateral, down
What muscle attaches to the articular processes of C2?
Longissimus cervicis
What osseous parts of the typical cervical transverse process are present at C2?
Costal element, posterior tubercle, and true transverse process
What is the gender variation for the transverse diameter of C2?
Males: 57 mm
Females: about 50mm
What muscles attache to the transverse process of C2?
Levator scapulae, middle scalene, splenius cervicis, longissimus cervicis, and intertransversarii
What is the characteristic appearance of the C2 spinous process in humans?
What muscles attache to the spinous process of C2?
Rectus capitis posterior major, obliquus capitis inferior, spinalis cervicis, semispinalis cervicis, multifidis, rotators and interspinalis muscles
What names may be given to C7?
Vertebra prominens and vertebral prominence