12-05 L3 Thorcic Region (anatomy) Flashcards
What muscles are used for inspiration?
- Extrenal intercostal muscles
- Levatores costarum m
What mucles are used for expiration?
- internal intercostal m
- inermost intercostal m
- transversus thoracis m
- subcostales m
Origin of the Levatores costarum m
- Transverse processes of C7-T11
Name the vasculature in the thoracic cage that comes off of the
- aorta
- internal thoracic a
- posterior intercostal a
- posterior branch of the posterior intercostal a
internal throacic a
- Anterior intercostal a
How does the internal thoracic a. communicate with the aorta
- anastamosis b/t anterior and posterior intercostal a.
Nerve supply in the thoracic cage
- Posterior ramus
- anterior ramus
- lateral cutaneous branch
The vessels (posterior intercostal a, posterior intercostal v and intercostal n) lie between what 2 muscles
- Internal intercostal m
- innermost intercostal m
What happens in an event of a coarctatino of the aorta?
blood can bypass the coarctation via the internal thoracic arteries
What will you find at the level of the transverse thoracic plane
- the leve of rib 2 where it attaches ot eh sternum via the 2nd caostal cartialge
- the body of vertebrae T4**
- bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk
- arch of the aorta
- drainage of the **azygous **into the superior vena cava
- bifurcation of the trachea
- crossing of the _t_horcic duct
What is contained in the
superior mediastinum
- Glandular:thymus
- Venous: L&R brachiocephalic v, SVC, azygous v
Arterioal-nervous: R brachiocephalic a, L common carotid, subclavian a.
- R&L vagus, R&L phrenic n.
- Visceral: esophagus, trachea, L recurrent Laryngeal n
- Lymphatic: thoracic duct (cisterna chyli)
What is contained in the anterir mediastinum?
- Thymus gland
- internal thoracic vessels
- Parsternal lymph nodes
What is contained in the
Middle mediastinum?
extends from costal cartilages (2-6 and vertebrae T5-T8)
- phrenic n
- pericardiacophrenic a & v
Naem the two pericardial sinuses?
- transverse pericardial sinus
- Oblique pericardial sinus
Define the autonomic innervation of the heart?
- Cervical splanchnic nerves
- Throacic splanchnic nerves
- Cardiac branches
- Superfical and deep cardiac plexuses
- Coronary plexuses
postganglionic sympathetic
Referred pain of a hear attack
- where is it
- what is its pathway?
- name of the nerve it travels down
- Intercostobrachial n (T2)
- down left arm
- from the heart –>dorsal root ganglion–>spinal cord–> cardiac ischemia stimulated GVA fibers which travel with the GVE fibers
Define the
posterior mediastinum
- Bronchials
- Posterior intercostals
- subcostal
- superior phrenic
What gives rise to the anterior vagal trunk and the posterior vagal trunk
- anterior vagal trunk: L vagus n
- Posterior vagal trunk: R vagus n