115. Weapons Flashcards
What are the firearm safety rules?
RULE #1 - Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.
RULE #2 - Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
RULE #3 - Keep finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire
RULE #4 - Keep weapon on safe until you intend to fire.
What are the characteristics of the M9 service pistol?
The M9 pistol is a 9mm, semiautomatic, magazine fed, recoil operated, double/single action pistol. Capacity is 15 rounds.
Maximum Range: 1800 meters
Maximum Eff. Range: 50 meters
What are the weapons conditions for the M9 service pistol?
Condition 1: Magazine inserted, round in chamber, slide forward, hammer in the forward position and decocking/safety lever is on.
Condition 2: Does not apply to the M9 Pistol.
Condition 3: The chamber is empty, a magazine is inserted, the slide is forward, and the safety is on.
Condition 4: Magazine removed, the chamber is empty, the slide is forward, and the safety is on.
How far may you disassemble the M9 weapon?
Field strip only. Disassembly of the M9 pistol beyond field strip (operator) level is not authorized.
What are the steps for clearing a stoppage of the service pistol?
TAP: Slap the bottom of the magazine
RACK: Pull the slide to the rear and release
BANG: Sight and fire
Name three types of hand grenades used in the US Marine Corps?
Fragmentation - used to produce casualties by high-velocity projection of fragments.
Chemical - used for incendiary, screening, signaling, training, or riot-control. Smoke grenades and CS grenades are in this group.
Nonlethal - used for diversionary purposes or when lethal force is not desired. Also called a stun grenade, or “flash-bang”.
Illuminating - used to provide illumination of terrain and targets.
Offensive - used for concussive blast effect.
Incendiary - used to ignite fires or destroy equipment.
Practice & Training - used for training personnel in use, care and handling of service grenades.
What are the characteristics of the M67 grenade?
M67 Fragmentation Grenade: Maximum effective range - 40 meters Ammunition - HE (highly explosive) Effective Casualty Radius - 15 meters Remarks – 4 to 5 second fuse delay
Discuss the safe handling procedures of flares.
Don’t handle if damaged or if parts are missing.
Use leather work gloves & helmet when possible.
Aim away from face, body, & others.
Maintain at least a 45-degree elevation to launch.
Avoid overhead obstacles and fallout.
Check wind to avoid fire, smoke, or irritation.
What types of rounds can be fired from a mortar?
High explosive (HE) - Used against personnel and light materiel targets. White phosphorus (WP) - Used as a screening, signaling, casualty-producing, or incendiary agent. Illumination (ILLUM) - Used in night missions requiring illumination for assistance in observation. Training practice (TP) - Used for training in limited areas.
What are 3 machine guns used by the Marine Corps?
M-249 SAW
M-2 .50 Cal
What are the specs of the M16A2 Service Rifle?
Lightweight, 5.56 mm ammunition Magazine-fed, gas-operated, air-cooled Shoulder-fired Maximum effective range: -Area target: 800 meters -Point target: 550 meters
What are the weapons conditions of the M16A2 Service Rifle?
Condition 1: Safety on, magazine inserted, round in chamber, bolt forward, and ejection port cover closed
Condition 2: Not applicable to the service rifle
Condition 3: Safety on, magazine inserted, chamber empty, bolt forward, and ejection port cover closed
Condition 4: Safety on, magazine removed, chamber empty, bolt forward, and ejection port cover closed
What are the specs of the M4 Carbine Rifle?
- Shorter barrel than M-16, retracting stock, lighter, easier to use close quarters and indoors
- Caliber: 5.56mm Mag: 30 rounds
- Range: Point: 500m Area: 600m
What are the specs of the M27 Carbine Rifle?
New USMC infantry rifle, to replace M4/M16
• Caliber: 5.56mm Mag: 30 rounds:
• Range: Point: 600m Area: 800m
What are the specs of the M203 Grenade Launcher?
- Lightweight, single-shot, breech-loaded, pump action, shoulder fired grenade launcher attached to an M16/4 variant rifle.
- Carried by a fire team leader
- Caliber: 40mm, Rounds: HE, signaling, training, CS Gas, Illum
- Range: Point 150m, Area: 350m
What are the specs of the M249 SAW Machine Gun?
Caliber: 5.56mm
• Mobile, can be fired from shoulder
• Range: Point: 800m, Area: 100m Grazing: 600m
• Fire Teams Saw Gunner/A-Gunner
What are the specs of the M777 Howitzer?
- True artillery unit, can transport with helo / truck.
- 155mm round
- Range: 18.4 km/15.3 mi standard munition
- 30 km/ 18.6 mi rocket assisted munition
What are the specs of the HIMARS?
Anti-structure, anti-artillery, anti-heavy vehicle
• Used on hard targets that are threat to M777/Troops
• 227mm round; M26 Artillery Rocket (unguided), M30 (guided)
• Sits on Army Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle (FMTV) frame “5-ton”
• Range: 70 km, 45 meter blast radius
What are the specs of the M2 HMG?
- Belt-Fed, Recoil-operated, Air Cooled, crew served machine gun. Anti-Vehicle gun.
- Max(eff): 1830m, Grazing Fire: 700m
- Rounds: 0.50cal
- Unique: belt can be fed to either side, (most HMG only feed 1 way).