1.1.5 Flashcards
Outdoor environment as a resorce
In Outdoor and Environmental Studies, a resource can be described as something from the environment
that supplies, supports or aids humans in some way, and is often a source of income. The environment
has always played a part in providing resources in order for humans to survive; whether it is a source of
food and water, or for materials such as rock and timber for shelter. The plentiful resources provided
by the Australian environment have led humans to take advantage of them, and we have developed
many ways of exploiting the environment’s resources through practices such as timber and water
harvesting, agriculture and horticulture, mining, grazing and other farming methods. Because of
their experiences, landowners and land managers often respond to environments as a resource. More
recently, tourism and education have also become aspects of the natural environment that people have
been able to harness and use to make money.
Recreation and adaventure
Typically, recreation is an activity that is done
for enjoyment, amusement
or pleasure, and is considered to be fun by the participant.
Conversely, adventure can be described as an
exciting, risky or daring experience that is in
some way hazardous or dangerous in nature.
The concepts of recreation and adventure are
characteristically intertwined, and often share similar examples
Spiritual connection
Describing or defining the term ‘spiritual connection’ is difficult. Some people say it’s connecting to
something on a deeper level, feeling close to or having faith in something; others say it’s being in sync
or aligned with something, like puzzle pieces fitting together. In terms of the environment, it could be
a spiritual notion where you find a sense of place and can put your life into perspective, or a deeper
connection that cannot be achieved through participation in a purely recreational activity.
To have a spiritual experience, you don’t necessarily have to visit an environment to do something
in particular. Instead, you may visit an environment and just ‘be’
Study site
A study site is a location or place where investigation, analysis
and other activities occur in the pursuit of knowledge. There are
many people who utilise the environment as a study site, such as
scientists, students, land managers, volunteers and outdoor education
companies. They may undertake observation, exploration, testing,
monitoring, recording and reporting in order to better understand
the environment, how and why it has changed over time, and human
interrelationships with it.
Experential knowlege
Experiential knowledge is essentially obtaining knowledge and understanding through actively
engaging in an environment. It is a personal experience, such as visiting a location and/or getting
involved in an activity. These hands-on experiences are extremely important in allowing us to
form a relationship with the environment, and feature heavily throughout the Outdoor and
Environmental Studies course. People who come to know the environment through their own
individual experiences often have a deep and clear understanding of it.
Ecological perspective is grounded in biology and
is concerned with the interrelationships between
living organisms and their physical surroundings.
It plays an important role in ensuring the
adequate functioning of ecosystems within an
environment. Ecological perspectives can lead to
a level of knowledge and understanding about
the environment that is not always immediately
obvious, and the development of an appreciation
that goes beyond what we can simply observe
with the naked eye.
Human interactions with outdoor environments are the foundation of the social perspective. They
refer to the actions of society as a collective or community, rather than just focusing on individuals. By
encountering the environment through a social perspective, we can gather knowledge about which
activities and behaviours have been successful and which ones have not, thereby leading to a greater
understanding about specific environments.
Economic persepctives
Economic perspective is directly linked to profit, and is therefore associated with what the
environment offers in terms of its resources and income opportunities, such as those in tourism,
farming, timber and water harvesting, mining and commercial fishing. Some people who come to
know the environment through this perspective may be narrow-minded with an insatiable desire
to make money, but they may also come to understand the value of protecting the very asset they
require – the environment itself