1.1.4 Flashcards
A positive response
a recognition of value and significance in an outdoor environment
A positive response
a feeling of wonder or admiration for an outdoor environmen
A positive response
a feeling that engenders long and thoughtful observation, or a deep reflection
about an outdoor environment.
A positive response
a feeling about the outdoor environment that leads a person to want to do
something or create something
A positive response
a feeling of excitement or happiness, particularly resulting from an outdoor experience
a feeling that we are a part of a place or connected to that place; it can come with
spiritual feelings or feelings of the wondrous nature of an environment
A positive or negative response
a feeling of wanting to know more and wanting to understand an outdoor
environment in more detail or in other ways.
A negative Response
an unpleasant feeling resulting
from a belief that something about an
outdoor environment (or an activity in an
environment) is dangerous
A negative response
a sense of disgust and loathing; an
environment could elicit a revulsion because
of something negative that a person sees in an
environment, such as one animal hunting and
killing another