1.1.2 Types of processor Flashcards
What are CISC and RISC stand for?
Complex instruction set computer and Reduced instruction set computer
出现顺序 - 先 CISC,后 RISC: CISC 是在早期计算机资源有限的背景下发展起来的,解决了编程效率和资源节约的问题;而 RISC 则是在硬件成本下降、高级语言兴起之后,为了进一步提高性能而提出的。
现代融合: 随着技术的发展,现代处理器(如 Intel 和 AMD 的 x86 芯片)虽然属于 CISC,但已经采用了许多 RISC 的设计理念(如内部将复杂指令分解为更简单的微操作)。同样,RISC 处理器(如 ARM)也不断加入更复杂的功能,使其更接近 CISC。
Definition CISC
A design approach where a CPU uses a small set of instructions. While this means loss of some of the more specialised instructions, it allow for efficiencies in the processor design.
Definition RISC
Non-RISC. CISC processors tend to have a larger instruction set, including very specialised instructions.
Compare the instruction set/length of CISC and RISC
CISC - large complex. Multi-cycle instructions
RISC - small simple set. Single-cycle instructions
Compare the execution speed of CISC and RISC
CISC has slower execution speed due to complexity.
RISC has faster execution speed dur to simplicity.
Compare the reliance on register/RAM of CISC and RISC
CISC - fewer registers, more memory access needed
RISC - more registers, less reliance on memory
(CISC更多的是操作内存,use less register/内存储存更多的instructions)
Compare complexity of hardware structure of CISC and RISC
More complex for CISC, simpler for RISC.
Compare the efficiency of pipelining for CISC and RISC
CISC - less efficient due to complex instruction
RICS - high efficiency with simpler instruction
Benefits for RISC/CISC
1.fewer instructions to perform complex task
2.simpler assembly programming
1.faster execution
2. has lower energy consumption
3. scalable hardware
4. Cost-efficient
5. fewer translators
“可扩展性” 是衡量一个系统应对增长的能力,无论是硬件、软件,还是组织结构。
Where does RISC used
Embedded system, supercomputers, mobile devices, real-time applications
Where does CISC used
Desktop, general-purpose computer, servers
Pause and recall the dimensions for comparison between CISC and RISC
Instruction set
Instruction length
Execution Speed
Register and memory
Hardware complexity and costs
Energy consumption
What is GPU stand for
Graphics Processing Unit
What is a GPU
A processor designed to handle graphics operations.
“CPUs are general purpose processors whereas GPUs are designed specifically for graphics”
How are GPU cores different to CPU cores
CPU has a few cores optimised for sequential serial processing.
GUP has a massively parallel architecture consisting of thousands of smaller, more efficient cores designed for handling multiple tasks simultaneously.
And there are built-in instructions for common graphics operations