1.11 Undersand and Apply Threat Modeling Concepts Flashcards
What is the goal of Threat Modeling?
Threat Modeling aims to systematically idenitify threats and their severity, which in turn makes risk management more effective and accurate.
What 3 things do Threat Modeling Metholodiges help in terms of threats related to an asset?
Can help systematic identification of threats | Enumeration of Threats | and Prioritization of Threats.
What are the Three Major Threat Modeling Methodologies?
STRIDE (Microsoft) | Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis (PASTA) | DREAD
What is STRIDE an acronym for?
Spoofing | Tampering |Repudiation | Information Disclosure | Denial of Service | and Elevation of Privilege
Stride is considered a ____ focused methodology.
Pasta is considered a ____ focused methodology.
What are the seven stages of PASTA threat-modeling?
Define Objectives | Define Technical Scope |Application Decomposition | Threat Analysis | Vulnerability and Weakness Analysis | Attack Modeling | Risk and Impact Analysis.
In PASTA, what is Define Objectives for?
Considering inherent application risks profiles and addressing business impact consideration early.
In PASTA, what is Define Technical Scope for?
To decompose the technology stack that supports the application components that realize the business objectives outlined in step 1.
In PASTA, what is Application Decomposition for?
Understanding the data flows among application components and services in the application threat model.
In PASTA, what is Vulnerability and Weakness Analysis for?
Identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses within the application design and code and correlates to see if it supports the threat assertions from prior stages.
In PASTA, what is Attack Modeling for?
Emulating attacks that could exploit identified vulnerabilites and weaknesses from the prior stage. Helps to determine the threat viability via attack patterns.
In PASTA, what is Risk and Impact Analysis for?
Remediation of vulnerabilities or weakenesses in code or design that can faciliate threats and underlying attack patterns. May warrant some risk acceptance by broader application owners or development managers.
The DREAD Threat Model is primarily used to ____ and ____ the severity of threats.
Measure | Rank
How can DREAD be implemented to the results of the STRIDE threat model?
Dread can be used to rank results of the STRIDE model.