1.1 The universe and the place of humam beings Flashcards
State the two theories concering the origin of the universe
- Steady State theory
- proposed that the universe was infinite or eternal, and essentially unchanging - Big Bang Theory
- originated from 1930s when Georges Lemaitre suggested that a cosmic egg exploded creating the universe
Two evidences for big bang theory
- Red Shift
- red shift of light from far away galaxies deomstrates that the universe is expanding, if it is expanding then something must have initiated that expansion - Cosmic Background Radiation
- discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert 1964
- this electromagnetic radiation is like the echo of the big bang and was predicted before being discovered
What did the theory of evolution say?
- Animals produce large nimbers of offspring many of which die
- those that survive do so because they are best suited to their environment
- animals which survive well live longer produce more offsprign
- these offspring often inherit traits from their parents. therefore beneficial genetic mutations or variations are passed on and preserved
- over time these small beneficial changed can cumulatively cause huge divergence between species
evidence supporting evolution
- selective breeding of domestic animals, demonstrates that traits can be selected passed on and that over time huge variety can be produced
- fossil record, shows species have changed overtime and also that some species have died out, such as archeopteryx shows thay birds dvolved from dinosaurs
What are the two biblical accounts of creation?
- Genesis 1
- God created the world in six days before resting on the seventh
- the order of creation is hierarchical
- implication is that the world is created in order to support the life that god has created
- god saw that it was good, suggets that creation has intrinsic value and is loved by god
2 Gensis 2-3
- The earth already existed but is formless because human beings did not exist yet to work the land and God has yet to send rain
- God creates Adam then created the animals which Adam names
- God creates woman whom Adam named eve, this story leads to the story of the fall.
- Adam and eve live in a paradise garden full of good things that god has provdied.
- The impression that God creates the world with the express purpose of providing human beings with a place to live
What are the different Christian interpretations of the creation story?
- interpret the Gensis 1 Story as the Hebrew word translated as day can mean any period of time. Thus six days creation was not six days but six distinct periods of time
- Argue thst the six day creation story presents an order of creation that can roughly be aligned with scientific theories
- Less concerned with correlating the Bible with science, argue that the bible has many outdated and inaccurate teachings and would view Gensis stories as myths
- Believe that the biblr is literally the inspired word of God usually believd God literally created the world in seven days as it says in the bible
What is Thomas Aquinad natural law?
- Believed humans could use their reason to work out Gods intended purpose for creation.
- the concept that it is good to use something for what God made it for, and it id morally wrong to use it in a way which prevents Gods purpose from being achieved
- Preserve Life
- Reproduce
- Educate Children
- Live in Society
- Worship God
What are religioud teachingd of Human Beings
- Hymans have a privileged place in Gods creation because we are created in God’s image and we are given a specific role
Genesis 1
- Humans are created on the sixth day with the other animals
Genesis 2-3
- More detailed account of the creation of mankind
- God creates man out of the dust of the earth and breathes into him, some christisns use this to show humans have two aspects, spiritual and physical
- Adam names the animals God created, the act of naming suggests Adam has power over the animals and that none are suitable companions for him implies they are perhaps a lesser form of life
What is the Purpose of Human beings?
According to Genesis
1. “Go fourth and multiply” (Gensis 1:28) suggests part of human purpose is to have children
- “Fill the earth and subdue it” to rule the world and the right to use creation for humans own good
steward is someone who looks after something for someone else. Christians shoudl look after it in the way God intends, applis to environment and animals, to wealth and assets - Story of the fall
- Nan to work hard to make the land productive, and Woman to have pain in childbirth and to have her husband as master over her.
- St Agustine believes God created woman, he created her specificially ad a helper in the task of procreation.
-Main purpose of women are to be wives and mothers
Other purposes
1. Seek Salvation( Get to heaven)
Descrube animal rights
-bible makes it clear that humans can use animals, and stesses they must be used fairly, and the hse of animals should not be cruel
- Necessary for humans, such as medical research or food, unecessary such ad cosmetic or putting wild animals in circuses
Examples of how to treat animals fairly
- Buy only free range products or meat with RS freedom food label
- Avoid products that had been tested on animals
- Give money to charities that support conservation,
- Choose to be vegetarian or limit the amount of meat u eat
What are 2 things that make hs Gods image and likeness
Intellect,( To know) and Will(To choose)
Describe Hinduism and Buddism Beliefs
- Soul is reincaranated into a new vody on the basis of bad karma
- Good karma comes from being morally good and leads to a positive rebirth, Bad larma leads to negative reincarnation, natural consequences of your voluntary actions
Best Reincarnation is to be a Brahman
- Principle of Ahimsa
- No harm to all living beings