1.1 The Creation of a Republic Flashcards
When did Prince Max ask for an armistice?
3rd October 1918
Why was the republic created?
Move to democracy. One of Prince Wilson’s demands in order to gain favourable terms to the treaty of versailles, to which Germany were barred from involving.
How did it work?
The elected president would work as a counterbalance to the other political force - the parliament, named the Reichstag, which was made up of elected representatives from political parties
How did the Reichstag work?
To head the Reichstag a chancellor was selected by the president to act as a chairman for proceedings and to lead the government. For a government to be effective it was necessary for the chancellor to have the support of the majority of the Reichstag and so he was usually selected from the party that had the most votes.
How did the reichsrat work?
was made up of elected regional representatives that dealt with issues concerning the governance of the 17 states, however this parliament was of considerably less importance than the president and the Reichstag.
Was it good?
At the beginning it was In 1919 the Weimar system of government was credited as the most advanced example of democracy in the world
What was one of the issues with the republic?
The constitution. The constitution at the heart of the new republic contained certain issues such as Article 48 that presented serious challenges to the Weimar Republic through its 14-year existence
How was the 19th Jan elections?
Successful to an extent. 82% electors voted, although the SPD did not gain majority, thus ruling by coalition was the only option.
What parties formed a coalition?
SPD formed a coalition with Centre party and the German Democratic Party (DDP)
Who were the most right winged party?
German National People?s Party (DNVP). Created from older conservative, nationalist and monarchist parties.
What were the DNVP against?
Social reform. Disliked idea of a republic. Supported army.
Who were the DNVP?
Wealthy landowners, many were anti-semitic.
Another right winged party?
German People?s Party (DVP)
Who were the DVP?
Moderately conservative group of mostly wealthy industrial middle class nationalists
What were the DVP against?
Social reform
What did the DVP want?
They wanted the economy to be fixed so that business could continue.
Who were the Centre Party?
They were between the two right wing groups and four left wing. Long established, largely Catholic, defended church + policies. Drew in people from many social groups. Had conservative values, but did advocate social reform
What were the Centre Party against?
Firmly against left wing policies + fanatically opposed communism.
What would the Centre Party?s election posters show?
The horrors of communism, urged voters to vote so communism would not spread.
Who were the German Democrats (DDP)?
Newly formed party of liberal, educated professionals. Often part of coalitions.
What did they want?
Idea of republic + more representative constitution. Social reform, improving workers conditions by regulating industry to give workers a better deal. Reforming the army.
Who were the Social democrats (SPD)?
Largest party in the reichstag from 1919 to 1929. Long established party. Anti-monarchist before war (misleading name).
What happened to the Social Democrats in 1917?
They split. SPD shifted to a republican stance to keep its members who favoured a republic. Head party at the new post war government.
What did the SPD members believe in?
Republic and moderate reform, but not revolution.
Who followed the SPDs?
After the war, it attracted liberal middle class, people who wanted social reform. But hampered due to the high number of union member it had to please.
Who were the Independent Social Democrats (USPD)?
The party the split from the SPD in 1917. Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were members of USPD before forming the Spartacists.
What did the USPD want?
More radical system than republic. Stood for social reform, including and equal society.
Who were the German Communist Party (KPD)?
Set up in 1919. Wanted a worker?s revolution establishment of communist state with the abolishing of private ownership.
Who did the KPD attract?
the young, poor and unemployed as they promised them a better future than any other parties.
What happened on 7th February 1919?
Ebert gave victorious speech to new assembly proclaiming victory for democracy
What happened on 11th Feb?
Ebert = elected republic?s first prime minister by 277 votes to 51.
Why was the government still meeting in in Weimar?
It was too dangerous to leave.
How was the Constitution written?
Not hastily written or badly thought out but the result was always going to be a compromise
What happened on 31st July 1919?
The Weimar Constitution was finally passed by the National Assembly.