11 - Insolvency Flashcards
What is the primary statute governing corporate insolvency, and how has it been amended?
The Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986), which has been significantly amended by various legislation:
- Enterprise Act 2002 (EA 2002): Focused on promoting the rescue of companies.
- Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act 2015
- Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016
Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (CIGA 2020): Commenced on 26 June 2020.
The EA 2002 and CIGA 2020 represent the most substantial changes to insolvency law since the introduction of the IA 1986.
What were the key corporate insolvency reforms introduced by the Enterprise Act 2002 (EA 2002)?
Came into force on 15 September 2003 (relevant date):
Aims of the reforms:
- Promote a rescue culture by removing the stigma associated with insolvency and encouraging an entrepreneurial culture.
- Increase entrepreneurship by prioritising collective insolvency procedures (benefiting creditors as a whole) over enforcement procedures (which primarily benefit secured creditors).
Methods of achieving these aims:
- Streamlined the administration procedure to encourage company rescue.
- Restricted the use of administrative receiverships on or after the Relevant Date.
What are the key corporate insolvency reforms introduced by the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (CIGA 2020)?
Introduced two key insolvency procedures to increase the likelihood of companies restructuring their debts and avoiding formal insolvency like administration or liquidation:
- The pre-insolvency moratorium
- The restructuring plan for companies
These procedures aim to help companies successfully restructure and improve their chances of survival.
What is the meaning of insolvency?
The Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) defines insolvency in the context of when a court may make a winding-up order, specifically under s 122(1)(f), which includes a company being unable to pay its debts.
The IA 1986 outlines four situations to determine if a company is unable to pay its debts (s 123):
1. Cash flow test (s 123(1)(e)): The company is unable to pay its debts as they fall due.
2. Balance sheet test (s 123(2)): The company’s liabilities exceed its assets.
3. Statutory demand (s 123(1)(a)): The company fails to comply with a demand for a debt exceeding £750, evidencing cash flow insolvency.
4. Judgment debt enforcement (s 123(1)(b)): The company has not satisfied enforcement of a judgment debt.
The most commonly referenced tests for insolvency are the cash flow and balance sheet tests.
What are directors’ obligations towards companies in financial difficulties?
Directors must actively monitor their company’s financial performance and act appropriately when financial difficulties arise.
This includes:
- Recognising financial difficulties: Indicators include unpaid creditors exerting payment pressure, a fully drawn overdraft with no further credit facility, or liabilities exceeding assets.
- Decision-making: Directors must decide how to address the company’s difficulties while adhering to their duties, responsibilities, and liabilities under the IA 1986 and general law.
- Seeking advice: Directors should obtain guidance on their legal duties and available options under IA 1986, CIGA 2020, and other relevant legislation to resolve the company’s financial challenges and minimise creditor losses.
Properly addressing these obligations is crucial to protecting the company and its creditors.
Director’s may be personally liable under provisions of IA 1986 where the company is insolvent if they do not take the correct steps and in breach of their duties under CA 2006.
What are the options available to directors when a company faces financial difficulties?
Directors have several options to address a company’s financial difficulties, each with specific considerations:
- Do nothing: Directors must consider the risk of personal liability under the Insolvency Act 1986 and potential breaches of their duties under the Companies Act 2006 when choosing inaction.
- Do a deal: Reach an informal or formal arrangement with some or all creditors to reschedule debts, either by reducing the amount owed or extending the time for payment.
- Appoint an administrator: A formal collective insolvency procedure that considers the interests of all creditors.
- Request the appointment of a receiver: A secured creditor may enforce its security by appointing a receiver, who sells the secured assets to repay the creditor (subject to certain prior claims).
- Place the company into liquidation: A formal collective insolvency procedure to wind up the company.
Each option requires careful assessment of legal and financial implications.
Provide a summary of the introduction to corporate insolvency.
- Section 122(1)(f) IA 1986 provides an overall definition of insolvency for companies as an inability pay its debts.
- There are four tests for insolvency, which are set out in s 123 IA 1986. The most important are the cash flow and the balance sheet tests.
Directors must monitor their company’s financial position and there is a range of options available to them if their company is in financial difficulty:
- Do nothing for the present time;
- Do a deal with some or all of the creditors to restructure the company’s liabilities;
- Appoint an administrator;
- Request the appointment of a receiver (where there is a secured creditor); orPlace the company into liquidation.
What are informal agreements in the context of corporate financial difficulties, and what challenges do they present?
Informal agreements allow a company to negotiate with creditors to avoid formal insolvency proceedings, but they come with challenges:
- These agreements are contractually binding but not regulated by IA 1986, CIGA 2020, or other insolvency-related statutes.
- A key difficulty is securing unanimous agreement from all creditors the company wishes to bind.
- Informal agreements are often sought to avoid the time, cost, and potential termination of the company that formal insolvency proceedings might cause.
What steps might a company take to secure creditor agreement in an informal arrangement?
Preliminary Step: Before negotiating an informal arrangement, the company may request creditors to enter a Standstill Agreement, where creditors agree not to enforce their rights or remedies for a specified period. This gives the company time to negotiate a resolution for its financial issues.
1. Granting new or additional security.
2. Replacing directors or senior employees.
3. Selling failing businesses, subsidiaries, or profitable assets to raise cash.
4. Reducing costs, e.g., through redundancy programmes or closing unprofitable businesses.
5. Issuing new shares to creditors, known as a “debt for equity swap.”
What is the purpose of the pre-insolvency moratorium introduced by CIGA 2020?
The pre-insolvency moratorium is designed to help struggling companies avoid immediate insolvency.
It is a period during which creditors are unable to take action to exercise their usual rights and remedies, thereby creating breathing space for the company to resolve their difficulties.
- It applies to companies not yet in formal insolvency.
The moratorium can be used to:
- Reach an informal agreement with all or some creditors.
- Propose a CVA, restructuring plan, or scheme of arrangement.
What restrictions does the pre-insolvency moratorium place on creditors and proceedings?
The pre-insolvency moratorium restricts creditors and proceedings by:
- Preventing creditors from enforcing security over the company’s assets.
- Imposing a stay on existing legal proceedings and barring new proceedings.
- Prohibiting the commencement of winding-up procedures, unless initiated by the directors, or shareholder resolutions to wind up the company without director approval.
- Disallowing the commencement of administration proceedings, except by the directors.
These measures create a “breathing space” for the company to resolve its financial difficulties.
What is the procedure for obtaining a pre-insolvency moratorium, and how long does it last?
To obtain a pre-insolvency moratorium, a company must file documents at court, including:
- A statement confirming that the company is, or is likely to become, unable to pay its debts as they fall due.
- A statement from a licensed insolvency practitioner (the Monitor) asserting that it is likely the moratorium will lead to the company’s rescue as a going concern.
The Monitor supervises the company during the moratorium. The initial duration is 20 business days, but it can be:
- Extended by the directors for a further 20 business days.
- Extended beyond this with the consent of a requisite majority of creditors or by a court order, up to a maximum of one year, subject to further court approval for extensions.
The moratorium ends automatically if:
- The company enters liquidation or administration.
- A CVA is approved, or a court sanctions a restructuring plan or scheme of arrangement.
What are pre-moratorium debts, and which of these must still be paid during the pre-insolvency moratorium?
Pre-moratorium debts:
- Have fallen due before or during the moratorium due to an obligation incurred before the moratorium.
- Generally benefit from a ‘statutory repayment holiday’ while the moratorium is in effect.
However, the statutory repayment holiday does not apply to the following pre-moratorium debts, which must still be paid:
- The Monitor’s remuneration or expenses.
- Goods and services supplied during the moratorium.
- Rent for a period during the moratorium.
- Wages, salaries, or redundancy payments.
- Loans under a financial services contract (e.g., bank loans made before the moratorium).
This ensures critical expenses are covered.
What are moratorium debts, and what obligations must a company meet in relation to them?
Moratorium debts are debts that:
- Fall due during or after the moratorium due to an obligation incurred during the moratorium period.
Key points about moratorium debts:
- All moratorium debts must be paid.
- These typically include payment for goods or services ordered by the company during the moratorium.
- In practice, a company must remain ‘cash flow’ solvent to pay its debts as they fall due and maintain its operations during the moratorium period.
What are the main advantages of formal arrangements and what types of formal arrangements exist?
Formal arrangements (using statutory procedures) offer the advantage that, if approved by the requisite majorities of creditors and/or shareholders, they become legally binding, even if:
- Some creditors voted against the arrangement.
- Some creditors did not vote on it.
- Certain creditors did not receive notice of the procedure.
Two types of formal arrangements:
1. Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA): Defined under ss 1–7 IA 1986.
2. Restructuring Plan: Introduced by CIGA 2020 and found in part 26A CA 2006.
What is a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA), and how does it operate?
A CVA is a compromise between a company and its creditors, defined in s 1(1) IA 1986 as: “A composition in satisfaction of its debts or a scheme of arrangement of its affairs.”
It is an arrangement agreed by the company’s unsecured creditors and members to achieve a restructuring of the company’s unsecured liabilities.
Key features of a CVA:
- Creditors agree to part payment of debts and/or a new extended repayment timetable.
- Once approved under IA 1986, the CVA is reported to court but does not require court approval.
- Supervised and implemented by a Supervisor (an Insolvency Practitioner).
- The company’s directors remain in office and manage the company’s affairs under the CVA terms.
- CVAs can be used alongside administration or liquidation.
What is the process for setting up a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA)?
Drafting the CVA proposal:
- The directors draft the proposal and appoint a Nominee (an insolvency practitioner).
- If the company is in liquidation or administration, the administrator or liquidator drafts the proposal and acts as Nominee.
Submitting the proposal:
- The directors submit the CVA proposal and a statement of the company’s affairs to the Nominee.
- In practice, the Nominee often drafts the CVA proposal.
Nominee’s report to court:
- The Nominee reviews the proposal and, within 28 days, reports to the court on whether creditors and shareholders should vote on the proposal (s 2(1) and s 2(2) IA 1986).
Voting process:
- The Nominee allows at least 14 days for creditors to vote on the CVA proposal.
- A shareholders’ meeting must occur within 5 days of the creditors’ decision.
Approval criteria for the CVA - The CVA proposal is approved if:
- At least 75% in value (i.e., in value of debts owed) of creditors (excluding secured creditors) voting on the proposal vote in favour.
- If the required majority is achieved, the decision of those creditors will be invalidated if more than half of the total value of creditors voting against the CVA proposal are unconnected to the company (e.g., not a related company, shareholder, or director of the company proposing the CVA).
- A simple majority of shareholders/members vote in favour.
- In practice, creditor approval is decisive. If creditors approve but shareholders reject the proposal, the creditors’ vote always prevails.
Reporting to court: The Nominee reports to court that the CVA has been approved.
Implementation: The Nominee usually becomes the Supervisor responsible for implementing the CVA.
What is the effect of a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA)?
A CVA is binding on all unsecured creditors, including those who did not vote or voted against it.
Secured or preferential creditors are not bound unless they unanimously consent to the CVA (s 4 IA 1986), which is a significant disadvantage of the CVA procedure.
Creditors can challenge a CVA within 28 days of its approval being reported to the court on two grounds:
- Unfair prejudice: If the CVA treats one creditor unfairly compared to another.
- Material irregularity: If there is an issue with the procedure followed to seek approval, such as how creditors’ votes were calculated.
- Subject to any challenge, the CVA becomes binding on all creditors at the end of the 28-day challenge period.
The Supervisor’s role includes:
- Agreeing creditors’ claims.
- Collecting unsecured funds to pay dividends to creditors.
- Ensuring the company complies with its obligations under the CVA.
- Sending a final report to all shareholders/members and creditors once the CVA is completed.
How are CVAs commonly used within the retail sector?
CVAs are frequently employed in the retail sector to achieve compromises with creditors, particularly landlords, often to agree on rent reductions to enable the company to continue trading.
- CVAs can be used independently or as part of an administration process.
- During the coronavirus pandemic, companies like All Saints (June 2020) and Clarks (October 2020) utilised CVAs for rent reductions.
- In 2023, Wilko explored a CVA with landlords in May and June, but as of August 2023, entered administration.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of CVAs for companies, trade creditors, and landlords?
Advantages for companies:
- Directors remain in control of the company.
- The company continues trading under the terms of the CVA proposal, aiming to survive as a going concern.
Major limitation of CVAs for companies: Secured or preferential creditors are not bound without their consent.
Advantages for trade creditors: Likely to recover more through a CVA than via administration or liquidation.
Disadvantages for landlords:
- CVAs often result in heavily discounted rents and income loss.
- However, re-letting retail properties is challenging, so landlords may accept reduced rents over having empty properties with no income.
What is a Restructuring Plan, and how does it work?
The Restructuring Plan is a court-sanctioned compromise between a company and its creditors and shareholders to restructure the company’s debts.
Introduced by CIGA 2020, designed to:
- Compromise a company’s creditors and shareholders.
- Restructure liabilities to help the company return to solvency.
- The Plan is a hybrid of a CVA and a scheme of arrangement under CA 2006.
- Unlike a scheme of arrangement, the Plan is only available to companies facing financial difficulty or likely to do so.
- Court approval (a ‘sanction’) is required for the Plan to be binding.
- Creditors and members are divided into classes, and each class votes on the Plan.
- Approval requires at least 75% in value of those voting in each class to vote in favour.
- The Plan becomes binding only when the court sanctions it.
- Once sanctioned, the Plan binds all creditors, including secured creditors.
What makes the Restructuring Plan advantageous?
Exclusion of creditors and shareholders:
- The court can exclude creditors and shareholders from voting on the Plan if they have no genuine economic interest in the company, even if they are affected by the Plan.
Cross-class cram down: The court can sanction the Plan even if a dissenting class of creditors or shareholders votes against it, provided:
- The dissenting class would not be worse off than they would be if the Plan were not approved.
- At least one class of creditors or members who would receive payment or retain a genuine economic interest if the Plan were not approved has voted in favour.
Effect of a cram down:
- One rank of creditor can force the Plan on another class of creditor who voted against it.
- Shareholders can be forced to accept a debt-for-equity swap, allowing creditors to hold new shares in the company in place of their debt claims.
How does the Restructuring Plan compare to a CVA, and what makes it more advantageous?
Advantages over a CVA:
- The Plan can compromise the rights and claims of secured creditors and shareholders, which a CVA cannot do.
- The Plan can bind all creditors even if the requisite majority approval is not obtained in every voting class, provided the court sanctions it.
Usage flexibility:
- The Plan is likely to be used by directors alongside a pre-insolvency moratorium.
- It can also be used by administrators and liquidators to restructure the company.
Provide a comparison of the formal arrangements.
Who can initiate?
CVA: Directors, liquidator, or administrator.
Restructuring Plan: Company, creditor, member, liquidator, or administrator.
Approval requirements:
CVA: At least 75% in value of unsecured creditors, but not more than 50% of unconnected creditors voting against. Over 50% of shareholders.
Restructuring Plan: Sanctioned by the court.
At least 75% in value of each affected class of creditors/shareholders.
Who does it bind?
CVA: Binds all unsecured creditors.
Restructuring Plan: Binds all creditors and shareholders.
CVA: Not court sanctioned, making it quicker and less costly to implement.
Restructuring Plan: Binds all creditors, including dissenting ones, and can bind classes of creditors who do not approve if the court sanctions the plan.
CVA: Preferential and secured creditors are not bound without express consent.
Restructuring Plan: Court process is costly and time-consuming, and it requires consideration of whether creditors are in separate classes for voting.
Provide a summary of formal and informal arrangements.
- A company can enter into informal contractually binding agreements with some or all of its creditors, using standstill agreements where creditors agree to refrain from exercising their rights and remedies whilst terms are negotiated.
- The company can also obtain a pre-insolvency moratorium by filing documents at court. This moratorium gives the company a breathing space in which to seek a longer term solution to its financial problems.
- A CVA is an arrangement agreed by the company’s unsecured creditors and members to achieve a restructuring of the company’s unsecured liabilities.
- CVAs do not bind secured and preferential creditors without their consent and there is no requirement for court approval.
- The Restructuring Plan is a court-sanctioned compromise between a company and its creditors and shareholders to restructure the company’s debts.
What are the objectives of the administrator in an administration?
- Administration is a collective procedure where the administrator acts in the interests of the creditors as a whole, rather than on behalf of a particular creditor.
- Administrators are officers of the court, even if appointed out of court, owing duties to the court and creditors.
- Administration is the second most common insolvency procedure after liquidation.
- Administrators must be licensed insolvency practitioners.
What are the statutory objectives of administration under Sch B1 IA 1986?
Administrators must perform their functions with the aim of achieving one of three objectives, in order of priority:
1. Firstly - Rescue the company as a going concern, if reasonably achievable.
2. Secondly - Achieve a better result for creditors as a whole than would be likely if the company were wound up, if objective (a) is not reasonably achievable.
3. Thirdly - Realise the company’s property to make a distribution to secured or preferential creditors, if objectives (a) and (b) are not achievable.
Objective (b) is most commonly achieved in practice.
These objectives guide the administrator’s actions throughout the process.
What are the two methods for appointing an administrator?
Court Procedure:
- Apply to court.
- Interim period with an interim moratorium.
- Hearing and order for administration.
Out-of-Court Procedure:
- File Notice of Intention (NOI) and serve to the Qualifying Floating Charge Holder (QFCH.)
- Wait 5 business days, then appoint administrator and file Notice of Appointment.
QFCH (1st ranking):
- Appoint administrator and file Notice of Appointment.
When might the court appoint an administrator, and who can make this application?
The court may appoint an administrator if the company is or is likely to become unable to pay its debts (Sch B1 para 11(a)).
The application for the administration order can be made by:
- The company
- The directors
- A creditor
- The supervisor of a CVA
- A liquidator
The court must consider that the appointment is reasonably likely to achieve the purpose of the administration (Sch B1 para 11(b)).
What are the key features of the court procedure for appointing an administrator?
Court application criteria: The company must be unable to pay or likely to be unable to pay its debts.
The application can be made by the company, directors, a creditor, a CVA supervisor, or a liquidator.
Court’s consideration: The court must assess that the appointment of an administrator is likely to achieve the administration’s purpose.
Interim moratorium: Upon making an application to the court, a temporary freeze on creditor actions is in place until the administration order is made or the application is dismissed.
Appointments by court order are uncommon, and happen usually where a creditor has begun winding up proceedings against the company, and the directors wish to appoint an administrator before the court has made the winding-up order. Here, the company must apply to court to appoint administrators.
Winding-up proceedings: If a court order is granted, any ongoing or pending winding-up proceedings are automatically dismissed.
How does the out-of-court procedure for appointing an administrator work under Sch B1, Para 22 for the directors or the company?
- The directors (more commonly than the company itself) can appoint an administrator out of court under Sch B1, Para 22.
- The directors must first file a notice of intention to appoint (NOI) at court.
- At least 10 business days later, the directors must file a notice of appointment at court.
- The administrator’s appointment becomes effective when the second notice is filed at court.
- If the company has granted a qualifying floating charge (QFC), the process differs.
How does the out-of-court procedure for appointing an administrator work when a qualifying floating charge holder (QFC) is involved?
- If a company has granted a QFC, the directors must send the NOI to the QFC holder at the time of filing it at court.
- The QFC holder has 5 business days to appoint its own choice of administrator.
- If the QFC holder does not appoint an administrator, the directors can proceed with filing the notice of appointment, and the directors’ choice of administrator will be appointed.
- For a QFC holder to appoint an administrator out of court, it must first enforce its security according to the terms of the QFC.
- The appointment takes effect once the QFC holder files a notice of appointment at court.
- If there are multiple QFC holders, a lower-ranking QFC holder must give two business days’ notice to higher-ranking QFC holders and obtain their consent before proceeding with the appointment.
What are the key roles and powers of an administrator during the administration process?
The administrator is an officer of the court with a duty to act in the interests of all creditors to achieve the purposes of the administration.
Directors remain in office but cannot exercise management powers without the administrator’s consent.
Employees remain employed by the company during the administration.
The administrator’s powers include:
- Carrying on the business of the company
- Taking possession and selling the company’s property (subject to the consent of the fixed charge holder or court)
- Borrowing money
- Executing documents in the company’s name
Administrators generally cannot pay a dividend to unsecured creditors without obtaining court permission.
What is the administrator’s responsibility regarding proposals and what time limits apply to the administration process?
Within eight weeks of appointment, the administrator must produce a report outlining proposals for the conduct of the administration. These proposals may include:
- A scheme of arrangement
- A restructuring plan
- A CVA (Company Voluntary Arrangement)
The report is sent to all creditors for their approval. If the proposals are rejected, the company is usually placed into liquidation.
If the proposals are accepted, the administrator proceeds with them, and if successful, the company exits administration.
Administrations have a 12-month fixed time limit for completion, though extensions can be granted.
What are the key features and benefits of an administrative moratorium during the administration process?
During administration, the company benefits from a full moratorium (Sch B1 para 42-44 IA 1986), and all business documents and the company’s website must state that the company is in administration.
The moratorium prevents the following actions without the court or administrator’s consent:
1. No order or resolution to wind up the company can be made or passed.
2. No administrative receiver of the company can be appointed.
3. No steps can be taken to enforce security over the company’s property or repossess goods subject to security, hire purchase, or retention of title.
4. No legal proceedings, execution, or other process can be commenced or continued against the company or its property.
5. A landlord cannot forfeit a lease of the company’s premises.
Interim moratorium, following a court application to appoint an administrator or the directors filing a NOI, includes the restrictions in points (a), (c)-(e), but only the court can consent to creditors taking such actions. The interim moratorium does not prevent a QFC holder from appointing an administrator.
What powers does an administrator have under the Insolvency Act 1986 to manage the company’s affairs and property?
Administrators have wide powers under s 14(1) IA 1986 to ‘do all such things as may be necessary for the management of the affairs, business and property of the company.’
Once the administrator is appointed, the directors are unable to exercise any of their powers without the consent of the administrator. The administrator has wide powers to manage the company and may also bring actions against directors.
Specific powers include:
- The power to remove and appoint directors (s 14, Sch 1, and para 61 Sch B1).
- The power to dispose of property subject to a floating charge (para 70 Sch B1).
- The power to dispose of property subject to a fixed charge (with the court’s consent) (Para 71 Sch B1).
- Administrators can bring proceedings against directors for fraudulent and wrongful trading.
What is a pre-packaged sale in administration and what are its benefits?
A pre-packaged administration is when the business and assets of an insolvent company are prepared for sale to a selected buyer before the company enters administration.
The terms of the sale agreement are negotiated and agreed upon prior to the administrator’s appointment, and the administrators complete the sale with the buyer immediately following their appointment.
Benefits of pre-packaged sales:
- The goodwill and continuity of the business are not damaged by the administration.
- Certainty of result for creditors is achieved.
- The sale often involves entities associated with the holder of the QFC, or current shareholders or directors of the company.
What are the controversies and restrictions regarding pre-packaged sales in administration?
Pre-packaged sales are controversial, especially when the sale is to existing shareholders or directors, as concerns arise about:
- The sale not occurring at a fair price.
- Creditors being given insufficient information to determine whether the sale was in their best interests.
The Administration (Restrictions on Disposal to Connected Persons) Regulations 2021 impose restrictions on pre-packaged sales to directors, shareholders, or connected persons, unless:
- The sale has been approved in advance by creditors.
- The buyer obtains an evaluator’s qualifying report, which must be sent to Companies House and all creditors.
Examples: The Debenhams brand was bought by Boohoo for £55m in January 2021, with the stores closing but the brand continuing online.
What is receivership and how does it differ from administration?
Receivership is an enforcement procedure carried out in the interests of a secured creditor, rather than a collective procedure like administration.
There are three types of receivers in receivership:
- Administrative receivers
- Fixed charge receivers
- Court-appointed receivers
What is an administrative receiver and when can they be appointed?
- Administrative receivership is now a rare procedure and is prohibited in most cases.
- A secured creditor with both fixed and floating charges over all of a company’s assets may appoint an administrative receiver (AR).
- The AR takes control of the secured assets, sells them, and uses the proceeds to repay the debt owed to the secured creditor.
- It is an enforcement procedure conducted in the interests of the secured creditor, rather than the creditors as a whole.
- Only a licensed insolvency practitioner can be appointed as an AR.
ARs can only be appointed by QFC holders in two cases:
- If the floating charge was created before 15 September 2003.
- If one of the statutory exceptions applies.
What are fixed charge receivers and what are their powers and duties?
Fixed charge receivers are the most common type of receivership and do not need to be licensed insolvency practitioners.
They are appointed by the holders of a fixed charge under the terms of the relevant security document.
Their main duties include:
- Enforcing the security
- Managing and selling the secured assets (commonly land and buildings)
- Repaying the debt owed to the appointor (usually a bank) from the sale proceeds.
Their duties are primarily owed to the appointor (chargee or mortgagee), though they also owe a limited duty to the debtor (chargor or mortgagor) to act in good faith during the appointment.
Receivers usually act as agents for the chargor/mortgagor, which is a legal anomaly but facilitates the receivership.
Fixed charge receivers have extensive powers set out in the security document and some limited powers under the Law of Property Act 1925, including the ability to:
- Sell, mortgage, and collect rents from secured assets.
A fixed charge receiver is only entitled to deal with assets secured by the specific security document, not other assets of the company.
They cannot be appointed while a pre-insolvency moratorium is in place or if the company is in administration.
What are court-appointed receivers and when are they appointed?
- Court-appointed receivers are relatively rare and are appointed by the court, with their powers and duties set out in the court order.
- They are sometimes appointed when there is a dispute between shareholders.
- Court-appointed receivers may also be appointed under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and related legislation.
- Given the growing trend towards criminal sanctions for corporate misconduct, the use of court-appointed receivers is likely to become more common.
- The primary duty of a court-appointed receiver is to run the business until the dispute is resolved.
Provide a summary of Administration and Receivership.
- Administration is a collective procedure conducted in the interests of a company’s creditors as a whole. Administrators are insolvency practitioners who may be appointed by the court but are more likely to be appointed using the out of court procedure by either the directors or a QFC holder.
- The administrator performs their duties in accordance with the statutory objectives.
- Once the administrator is appointed, the directors are unable to exercise any of their powers without the consent of the administrator. The administrator has wide powers to manage the company and may also bring actions against directors.
- The appointment of an administrator gives rise to a moratorium, protecting the company from hostile actions by creditors.
- Receivership is an enforcement procedure for the benefit of a secured creditor. There are three types of receivership : (1) administrative receivership; (2) fixed charge receivership; and (3) court-appointed receivership.
What is liquidation, and can solvent companies be liquidated?
Liquidation is the process by which a company’s business is wound up, and its assets are transferred to creditors and, if there is a surplus, to its members.
After the liquidation, the company is removed from the register of companies and dissolved.
The terms “liquidation” and “winding up” are used interchangeably.
Liquidation is the most common type of insolvency procedure. The majority of these are creditors’ voluntary liquidations.
While often associated with insolvent companies, liquidation can also apply to solvent companies. This may occur due to:
- The business opportunity coming to an end
- Internal disputes
- Members wishing to move on to new ventures.
What is the function of a liquidator in a liquidation process?
The liquidator’s role is to:
- Realise the company’s assets for cash.
- Determine the identity of the company’s creditors and the amount owed to each.
- Pay a dividend to creditors on a proportionate basis relative to the size of their claims.
- Creditors of the same rank rank “pari passu,” meaning they are paid equally.
The ranking of creditors’ claims and the order in which they must be repaid is set out in the IA 1986, the IR 2016, and by general law.
What are the powers of a liquidator, and what is the procedure during liquidation?
Liquidation is the end of the company’s life, and the liquidator has very limited powers to continue the company’s business.
- The liquidator typically closes the business and dismisses employees soon after appointment.
- The director’s are also automatically dismissed.
- They usually sell assets on a piece-meal basis rather than selling the business as a going concern.
The stay on legal proceedings in a liquidation is very limited.
Liquidation often follows another insolvency procedure, such as administration, before the company enters liquidation.
What are the different types of liquidation?
There are two main types of liquidation:
1. Compulsory liquidation - Here, dissolution occurs three months after the liquidator notifies the Registrar of Companies that the winding-up is completed.
2. Voluntary liquidation, which is further subdivided into:
- Members’ voluntary liquidation
- Creditors’ voluntary liquidation
In voluntary liquidation, dissolution occurs three months after the liquidator files the final accounts and return.
What is the process of compulsory liquidation?
Compulsory liquidation is a court-based process initiated by a winding-up petition presented to the court by an applicant, who requests a winding-up order against the company on statutory grounds.
When the court grants the petition, the order applies to all creditors and contributories (members and some former members).
The Official Receiver becomes the liquidator and continues until another person is appointed (s. 136(2) IA 1986).
The Official Receiver notifies Companies House and all known creditors of the liquidation and has the power to summon separate meetings of the company’s creditors and contributories to choose a new liquidator (s. 136(4)).
Who can apply to the court for the issue of a winding-up petition?
The following persons can apply for a winding-up petition to the court:
- A creditor
- The company (acting by the shareholders), typically when there are insufficient assets to fund a voluntary liquidation
- The directors (via a board resolution), also due to insufficient assets for voluntary liquidation
- An administrator
- An administrative receiver
- The supervisor of a CVA (Company Voluntary Arrangement)
- The Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (on public policy grounds)
The court can issue a winding-up order on the following key grounds, as set out in s. 122(1) IA 1986:
- The company is unable to pay its debts
- It is just and equitable for the company to be wound up
What constitutes a company’s inability to pay its debts for the purposes of a winding-up petition?
A company’s inability to pay its debts, as per s. 123 IA 1986, can be evidenced by the following:
- Failure to comply with a creditor’s statutory demand: This demand is issued when the debt exceeds £750 and is not disputed on substantial grounds. The company has 21 days to pay the debt, or the creditor can petition the court for winding up.
- Failure to satisfy a judgment debt: If the creditor sues the company, obtains judgment, and fails in attempts to execute the judgment debt.
- The cash-flow test: Proof that the company is unable to pay its debts as they fall due, typically proven through the statutory demand process, though not strictly required.
- The balance sheet test: Proof that the value of the company’s assets is less than its liabilities, including contingent and prospective liabilities.
What are the consequences of a winding up order being made against a company?
Once a court makes a compulsory winding up order, the following consequences apply:
Void dispositions: Under s. 127 IA 1986, any dispositions of the company’s property, transfers of its shares, and changes to its members made after the commencement of the winding up will be void. This includes transfers made between the presentation of the winding-up petition and the making of the winding-up order.
Automatic stay on proceedings: Legal proceedings against the company will be automatically stayed, meaning no new actions can be initiated or continued.
Dismissal of employees: All employees of the company are automatically dismissed.
Loss of directors’ powers: The directors lose their powers and are automatically dismissed from office.
What are the circumstances under which a company can undergo voluntary winding up under s. 84(1) IA 1986?
Voluntary winding up can occur without a court order in three situations:
Expiry of the company’s purpose: If the company’s purpose, as outlined in its articles, has expired and the shareholders resolve to wind it up (this is rare).
Company resolves to wind up due to solvency: The company may resolve by special resolution to wind up, provided it is solvent. This is known as a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL).
Company resolves to wind up due to insolvency: If the company resolves to wind up due to its inability to carry on its business, it will be subject to a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL).
What is the process for a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL) and who is eligible for it?
Eligibility: MVL is only available to solvent companies.
Director’s declaration:
- The directors must swear a declaration of solvency, stating they have made a full enquiry into the company’s affairs and believe it will be able to pay its creditors in full, including interest, within 12 months (s. 89(1) IA 1986).
- The declaration must include a statement of the company’s assets and liabilities as at the latest practicable date.
Consequences of false declaration:
- Directors who make a declaration without reasonable grounds face a fine or imprisonment (s 89(4) IA 1986).
- If the company fails to pay its debts in full within the 12 months, it will be presumed that the director did not have reasonable grounds for their opinion.
What is the process for passing resolutions and appointing a liquidator in a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL)?
Special Resolution: The members must pass a special resolution to wind up the company (s 84(1) IA 1986).
Ordinary Resolution: The members must pass an ordinary resolution to appoint a liquidator (s 86 IA 1986).
Commencement of Winding-Up: The winding up begins immediately upon the passing of the special resolution.
Conversion to CVL: If the liquidator determines that the company will be unable to pay its debts, the MVL will be converted into a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL).
What is the process and key features of a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL)?
CVL Definition: A CVL is the most common insolvency procedure and is typically used when a company is insolvent. It is initiated by a shareholder’s resolution but is controlled by creditors.
- Shareholders pass a special resolution to place the company into CVL.
- Shareholders pass an ordinary resolution to appoint a nominated liquidator.
Role of Creditors:
- Within 14 days of the special resolution, the directors must ask creditors to approve the nominated liquidator or suggest their own choice.
- If creditors nominate a different liquidator, their choice will take precedence.
Directors’ Duties:
- Directors must draw up a statement of the company’s affairs, detailing its assets and liabilities, and send it to creditors.
What are the key duties and powers of a liquidator in a winding-up process?
- Transfer of Powers: Once appointed, the liquidator takes over the management of the company, terminating the powers of the directors.
- Fiduciary Duties: Liquidators must act in good faith, avoid conflicts of interest, and not make a secret profit.
- Qualification: The liquidator must be either a qualified Insolvency Practitioner (s 230 IA 1986) or the Official Receiver.
Key Functions:
- Secure and realise the assets of the company, then distribute them to creditors (s 143 IA 1986).
- Take custody or control of all the company’s property (s 144 IA 1986).
What are the liquidator’s powers to manage a company during the winding-up process?
The liquidator’s powers to manage the company are set out in Part I to III Sch 4 IA 1986 and include the following:
- Sell any of the company’s property.
- Execute deeds and other documents in the name of the company.
- Raise money on the security of the company’s assets.
- Make or draw a bill of exchange or promissory note in the name of the company.
- Appoint an agent to carry out any business the liquidator is unable to do.
- Carry on the business of the company, but only to the extent necessary for the beneficial winding-up.
- Commence or defend court proceedings in the company’s name, e.g. to recover or dispute debts.
- Pay debts and compromise claims.
- Do all things necessary to wind up the company’s affairs and distribute its assets.
What are the liquidator’s powers to avoid certain transactions during the winding-up process?
To preserve the company’s property and maximise the value of assets for creditors, liquidators have powers to avoid certain transactions, as follows:
- Disclaim onerous property (s 178 IA 1986).
- Apply to court to set aside a transaction at an undervalue (s 238 IA 1986).
- Apply to court to set aside a preference (s 239 IA 1986).
- Apply to court to set aside or vary the terms of an extortionate credit transaction (s 244 IA 1986).
- Claim that a floating charge created for no new or inadequate consideration is invalid (s 245 IA 1986).
- Apply to court to set aside a transaction that will defraud creditors (s 423 IA 1986).
These powers also apply to administrators.
Provide a summary of Liquidation.
- There are two main types of liquidation: compulsory liquidation or voluntary (members’ or creditors’ voluntary liquidation).
- A members’ voluntary liquidation applies only to solvent companies where the directors swear a statutory declaration of solvency.
- Compulsory liquidation may be ordered by the court on any of the grounds under s 122(1) IA 1986. The most common ground is that the company will be unable to pay its debts.
- Once the liquidation commences, the directors lose their powers and the liquidator takes control of the company.
- The role of the liquidator is to realise the assets of the company and to distribute these in accordance with the statutory order of priority.
What is the statutory order of priority for distributing company assets to creditors during liquidation or administration?
The statutory order of priority dictates how company assets are distributed to creditors.
The simplified order of priority assumes a qualifying floating charge (QFC) granted on or after 15 September 2003.
- Liquidators are required to distribute assets in this order, while administrators may do so with court permission.
- The process involves paying dividends (amounts distributed to creditors in respect of debts owed).
- Priority or subordination agreements between creditors can alter this statutory order, allowing one class of creditor to rank behind another.
This statutory framework ensures creditors are paid in a structured order while accounting for legal agreements and the nature of the debts.
What is the statutory order of priority for payments in liquidation?
- Liquidator’s fees and expenses of preserving and realising assets subject to fixed charges.
- Amount due to fixed charge creditor out of the proceeds of selling assets subject to the fixed charge.
- Liquidator’s other remuneration, costs and expenses.
- Preferential creditors (the first tier and then the secondary tier).
- Creation of the prescribed part fund (if available) for unsecured creditors.
- Amount due to creditors with floating charges.
- Unsecured/trade creditors (including payment of the prescribed part).
- Interest owed to unsecured creditors.
- Shareholders
Following step 1, what is the process for realising fixed charge assets in liquidation?
The liquidator realises assets subject to fixed charges first, and the proceeds are applied in the following order:
1. Liquidator’s costs for preserving and realising assets subject to a fixed charge, including fees for legal services, surveyors, or estate agents.
2. Fixed charge creditors (in respect of assets subject to a fixed charge).
If the proceeds are insufficient to fully discharge the debt secured by the fixed charge:
- The creditor may recover the remaining balance lower in the order of priority if they also hold a floating charge.
- Otherwise, the unpaid portion of the debt ranks as unsecured debt.
Following step 2, how are fixed charge creditors paid in liquidation?
Fixed charge creditors are paid from the proceeds of selling assets subject to their fixed charge (or mortgage). The payment process includes:
- Deducting the liquidator’s costs and associated fees for realising the assets.
- Using the net proceeds to repay the fixed charge creditor’s secured debt.
If the proceeds do not fully cover the debt:
- The remaining balance may be secured under a floating charge, allowing recovery lower in the priority order.
- If no floating charge exists, the unpaid balance ranks as an unsecured debt.
Following step 3, what are the “other costs and expenses” of the liquidation in the statutory priority order?
This includes all other costs and expenses of the liquidation, such as:
Costs of selling assets secured by a floating charge.
Costs and expenses incurred in litigation, including actions for:
- Wrongful trading.
- Voidable transactions.
Litigation approval requirements - Such litigation will require prior approval from either:
- Preferential creditors and floating charge holders, or
- The Court.
Without approval, the liquidator cannot claim litigation costs. This rule ensures that creditors, who would bear the costs of failed litigation, are protected.
Following step 4, what are preferential debts under Schedule 6, and how are they prioritised for insolvencies commencing on or after 1 December 2020 in the statutory order of priority?
Preferential debts are divided into two tiers:
First Tier:
- Employee claims for unpaid remuneration due in the four months before the ‘relevant date’ (e.g., winding-up resolution or petition), capped at £800 per employee.
- Accrued holiday pay.
- Certain contributions owed to an occupational pension scheme.
Secondary Tier - Crown debts, including:
- PAYE and employee National Insurance deductions not paid to HMRC.
- VAT collected by the company but not remitted to HMRC.
Priority of Payment: Tier 1 debts must be paid in full before Tier 2 debts.
Crown debts were reinstated as preferential following the Government’s reversal of their removal under EA 2002 reforms.
Following step 5, what is the prescribed part fund, and how is it calculated and applied in the statutory order of priority?
The prescribed part fund was introduced by the Enterprise Act 2002 and incorporated into the IA 1986 to ensure that **unsecured creditors receive some payment during liquidation. **
Purpose: Reserves a portion of the company’s net property for unsecured creditors. Prevents all proceeds from going to floating charge holders.
Scope: Applies to floating charges created on or after 15 September 2003. Known as the “ring-fenced” fund.
Calculation: Based on a percentage of the company’s net property (proceeds of selling property not subject to a fixed charge, after deducting liquidator’s expenses and preferential debts).
50% of the first £10,000 and 20% of any amount thereafter.
Maximum fund:
- £600,000 for floating charges created before 6 April 2020.
- £800,000 for floating charges created on or after 6 April 2020.
Application: Distributed rateably among unsecured creditors at the appropriate stage (Step 7).
Floating charge holders cannot claim against this fund for any shortfall, although their shortfall remains an unsecured claim.
Following step 6, how are floating charge creditors paid in a liquidation according to the statutory order of priority?
Floating charge creditors are paid after the previous steps in the liquidation process.
Payments come from any remaining realisations from assets subject to floating charges.
If there are multiple floating charge holders, their priority is determined by:
- The order of their security.
- Priority agreements between the floating charge holders.
Following step 7, how are unsecured creditors treated in a liquidation, and what is the pari passu rule under the statutory order of priority?
Unsecured creditors include:
- Ordinary trade creditors who remain unpaid.
- Secured creditors, to the extent their security is invalid or the secured assets do not cover the debt.
All unsecured creditors rank equally and share available funds rateably, following the pari passu rule:
- Creditors receive distributions in proportion to their claims.
- If total claims are £150 and only £75 is available:
- A creditor owed £100 receives £50.
- A creditor owed £50 receives £25.
Floating charge holders cannot claim dividends from the prescribed part fund for any shortfall on their security.
Following step 8, what happens to interest on unsecured debts during liquidation according to the statutory order of priority?
Interest on unsecured debts (including preferential debts) accrues from the commencement of the winding-up process.
This interest is paid only after all principal amounts of unsecured and preferential debts have been settled, reflecting its position in the statutory order of priority.
Following step 9, what is the position of shareholders in the statutory order of payment in a liquidation according to the statutory order of priority?
Shareholders rank last in the statutory order of payment.
Their rights depend on the class of shares they hold, as specified in the company’s Articles of Association:
Preference shareholders may have priority in recovering their capital over ordinary shareholders.
In most insolvent liquidations:
- Shareholders typically receive no return, as there are rarely sufficient assets to cover creditor claims.
- Fixed charge holders, preferential creditors, floating charge holders, and unsecured creditors are all paid before shareholders.
Provide an example which shows the application of the statutory order of priority.
A Limited has -
Freehold property - £200,000
Other Assets - £300,000
Liquidators fees:
Sale of fixed charge assets - £7,000
Sale of other assets (general costs) - £30,000
Bank - £320,000 (fixed charge on freehold property, floating charge over other assets).
Trade creditors - £315,000
Assets subject to fixed charge (freehold property):
- Asset value: £200,000
- Liquidator’s fees (fixed charge): (£7,000)
- Bank receives: £193,000
Assets subject to floating charge (other assets):
- Asset value: £300,000
- Liquidator’s costs and general expenses: (£30,000)
- No preferential creditors (£0)
Net property: £270,000
Prescribed part calculation:
- 50% of the first £10,000: £5,000
- 20% of the next £260,000: £52,000
- Total prescribed part: (£57,000)
- Leaves £213,000 remaining.
Remaining balance due to floating charge holder (bank):
- Bank’s original claim: £320,000
- Amount paid from fixed charge assets: (£193,000)
- Remaining balance: £127,000
- Amount available to unsecured creditors: £86,000
Total available for unsecured creditors:
- Prescribed part fund: £57,000
- Amount left in pot: £86,000
- Total for unsecured creditors: £143,000
Unsecured creditors owed £315,000:
- Dividend calculation: £143,000 ÷ £315,000 = 45.39%
- Each unsecured creditor receives a dividend of 45.39p for every £1 owed.
Provide a summary of the statutory order of priority.
- Liquidator’s fees and expenses of preserving and realising assets subject to fixed charges.
- Amount due to fixed charge creditor out of the proceeds of selling assets subject to the fixed charge.
- Liquidator’s other remuneration, costs and expenses.
- Preferential creditors (the first tier and then the secondary tier).
- Creation of the prescribed part fund (if available) for unsecured creditors.
- Amount due to creditors with floating charges.
- Unsecured/trade creditors (including payment of the prescribed part).
- Interest owed to unsecured creditors.
- Shareholders.
What are the two main types of formal personal insolvency procedure?
- Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) - A collective procedure, often used as an alternative to bankruptcy.
- Bankruptcy, including the challenge of voidable transactions by individuals - A collective procedure to collect, sell, and distribute the individual’s assets for the benefit of creditors.
How are the principles of personal insolvency similar to those of corporate insolvency?
The principles of personal insolvency and corporate insolvency are similar, although the terminology differs.
Just as company directors must recognise when the company is in financial difficulty, individuals must also recognise the same indicators of financial difficulty.
The available options for both individuals and companies are:
1. Do nothing
2. Make a deal with some or all creditors
3. Seek a bankruptcy order
What is an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), and how does it work?
- An IVA is similar to a company voluntary arrangement (CVA) and involves a debtor making a proposal to compromise their liabilities with creditors.
- The proposal typically involves paying only part of the debt owed and/or extending the repayment period.
- The IVA is flexible and tailored to the debtor’s circumstances, often requiring payments from the debtor’s income, business, assets, or a combination.
- The IVA Supervisor pays a dividend to creditors based on their claims against the debtor.
- If approved by the required percentage of creditors, the IVA binds both the debtor and all creditors to its terms.
- A licensed insolvency practitioner must be appointed as the IVA Supervisor, who oversees the debtor’s compliance.
- The duration of an IVA can vary, but it typically lasts three to five years.
What is the process for setting up an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)?
- The debtor drafts a proposal for a compromise of liabilities and a statement of their affairs (including details of assets and liabilities), usually with the help of an insolvency practitioner known as a nominee at this stage.
- The nominee submits a report to the court stating their opinion on whether the debtor’s proposal has a reasonable chance of approval and if creditors should be asked to vote.
- The debtor can apply to the court for an interim order, which triggers a moratorium. This halts bankruptcy proceedings and legal actions (including eviction, repossession, and rent distress) against the debtor. The interim order lasts for 14 days, with the possibility of an extension.
- For the proposal to become binding, it must be approved by creditors holding at least 75% (by value) of the total debt owed. However, it will not be effective if more than half of the creditors not associated with the debtor vote against it.
What are the effects of the approval of an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)?
- If approved, the IVA binds the debtor and all of their unsecured creditors.
- It does not bind secured creditors or preferential creditors without their consent.
- The nominee becomes the IVA Supervisor, responsible for overseeing its implementation.
- The Supervisor can apply to the court for directions and must report to the court periodically.
- If the debtor fails to comply with the IVA terms, the Supervisor can petition for the debtor’s bankruptcy.
- At the end of the IVA, if the debtor has complied with the terms, creditors must write off any balance of pre-IVA debts.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)?
- An alternative to bankruptcy, avoiding the stigma and restrictions associated with it.
- Can bind all unsecured creditors.
- A moratorium is available if an interim order is made.
- May last longer than bankruptcy.
- Cannot bind secured creditors or preferential creditors without their consent.
- Can be an expensive and time-consuming process, with uncertainty about creditor approval.
What are the grounds and requirements for a creditors’ or debtor’s bankruptcy petition?
A bankruptcy petition is usually brought by a creditor but may also be made by the debtor.
Creditors’ Petition:
- The debtor must be unable to pay their debts or have no reasonable prospect of doing so.
- The debt must exceed £5,000, generally be unsecured, and the debtor must usually be domiciled or present in England and Wales.
Debtor’s Petition:
- The only ground is that the debtor is unable to pay their debts.
- The petition must be accompanied by a statement of affairs, detailing the debtor’s assets and liabilities.
What evidence is required for the debtor’s inability to pay debts, and what are the consequences of a bankruptcy order?
A bankruptcy petition is usually brought by a creditor but may also be made by the debtor.
Evidence of Inability to Pay Debts:
- A statutory demand that remains unsatisfied for three weeks from the date of service or is not set aside by the court.
- An unsatisfied execution of a judgment or other legal process.
Bankruptcy Order:
- The court has discretion to make a bankruptcy order if the grounds and other requirements are met.
- Upon the order, the Official Receiver becomes the Trustee unless a licensed insolvency practitioner is appointed.
- If there are few assets, it may be difficult to appoint another Trustee due to insufficient funds.
Consequences for the Bankrupt:
- Prohibited from acting as a director, managing a company, obtaining credit over £500 without disclosure, giving gifts, and practising in certain professions.
- Deprived of property ownership except for reasonable domestic needs while undischarged.
What powers does the Trustee have over the bankrupt’s estate and assets?
The bankrupt’s estate (comprising all assets and rights of the bankrupt) vests automatically in the Trustee upon the bankruptcy order, meaning the bankrupt must surrender possession or access to their assets.
The Trustee has wide statutory powers to:
- Sell or deal with assets in the estate.
- Carry on the bankrupt’s business if necessary.
- Sell the bankrupt’s assets and grant security over them.
The Trustee will collect in the assets of the estate including those assets which may be available to swell the estate as a result of challenging certain prior undervalue or preferences transactions.
What are the Trustee’s duties in distributing the bankrupt’s estate and handling onerous property?
The Trustee is responsible for distributing the estate’s proceeds according to a statutory order of priority for bankruptcies.
The Trustee can disclaim onerous property or contracts, such as leases, to end the bankrupt’s liability under them.
When proposing to pay a dividend to creditors, the Trustee must notify creditors of:
- The amount of sale proceeds.
- Any deductions made from the proceeds.
- The expected dividend each creditor will receive.
How does the Trustee handle creditor claims and payment of dividends?
The Trustee will ask creditors to prove their claims by providing evidence to support them.
If creditors disagree with the Trustee’s determination of their claim, a court can intervene to decide the matter.
When proposing dividends, the Trustee must notify creditors who have proved their claims, detailing:
- The amount of sale proceeds.
- Any deductions.
- The amount of dividend expected.
The Trustee must pay the dividend in accordance with the statutory order of priority.
What is the order of priority of payments in a bankruptcy for personal insolvency?
- Secured creditors – Paid only up to the value of the security; any amount not recovered is treated as unsecured.
- Expenses of the bankruptcy – Including the Trustee’s remuneration.
- Two tiers of preferential creditors – Identical to those in a corporate winding-up.
- Ordinary unsecured creditors – Paid after preferential creditors.
- Statutory interest – Applied to outstanding debts.
- Debts of a spouse – Must be provable but are postponed to other creditors.
- Surplus – Any remaining funds are payable to the bankrupt.
What are the duties of a bankrupt to the Trustee?
A bankrupt has a duty to provide the Trustee with information and assistance to help carry out their functions.
Under Section 333(1) IA86, the bankrupt must:
- Give information about their affairs.
- Attend meetings with the Trustee at reasonable times.
- Comply with any other reasonable requests by the Trustee.
Failure to comply with these duties is a criminal offence, which could lead to:
- Imprisonment for up to two years.
- Unlimited fines.
- Suspension of the bankrupt’s automatic discharge.
What is the process of bankruptcy discharge and when can it be suspended?
A bankrupt is generally automatically discharged from bankruptcy after a maximum period of one year.
Discharge means the bankrupt is released from most bankruptcy debts and personal restrictions such as:
- Acting as a director
- Obtaining credit over £500
The Official Receiver or Trustee can apply to suspend the discharge if the bankrupt fails to comply with obligations under the IA 1986.
A bankrupt may be discharged before the year is up if:
- The Official Receiver or Trustee files a notice stating no investigation is needed, or
- Any investigation is concluded within the one-year period.
What are Bankruptcy Restriction Orders (BROs) and Bankruptcy Restriction Undertakings (BRUs)?
The Secretary of State or the Official Receiver may apply to the court for a Bankruptcy Restriction Order (BRO) if the court finds it appropriate based on the bankrupt’s conduct before or after the bankruptcy order.
The behaviour considered includes failure to keep records, entering into preferences, undervalue transactions, fraud, and incurring debts without the ability to repay.
A BRO can last between two and 15 years, during which the bankrupt cannot:
- Act as a director
- Obtain credit over £500 without disclosing the BRO
Breaching a BRO is a criminal offence punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment.
Instead of going to court, the bankrupt can offer a Bankruptcy Restriction Undertaking (BRU), which, if accepted, has the same effect as a BRO.
What are the key voidable transactions that a Trustee can challenge in bankruptcy and how do they work?
A Trustee has the power to challenge voidable transactions in bankruptcy to increase the assets available to creditors.
The Trustee must balance the costs and risks of litigation with the likelihood of success.
The types of voidable transactions include:
- Transactions at an undervalue (Section 339 IA86)
Preferences (Section 340 IA86)
Transactions defrauding creditors (Section 423 IA86)
If the court finds that any of these transactions meet the requirements, it can order that the position be restored to what it would have been before the transaction or preference occurred.
An “associate” in these claims refers to someone defined in Section 435 IA86.
Insolvency, in this context, refers to either cash flow or balance sheet insolvency.
What are the essential considerations in challenging voidable transactions during bankruptcy?
Trustees aim to increase the bankruptcy estate by challenging voidable transactions.
The Trustee must weigh the costs and risks of litigation against the potential recovery for creditors.
The time periods and sections under the IA86 differ between individual bankruptcies and corporate insolvencies.
Voidable transactions are transactions that could potentially harm the bankrupt estate and include:
- Undervalue transactions (Section 339 IA86)
- Preferences (Section 340 IA86)
- Fraudulent transactions (Section 423 IA86)
The court can restore the position to what it would have been if the voidable transaction had not taken place.
What are the key elements of a Transaction at an Undervalue (TUV) under Section 339 IA86 and when can a Trustee bring a claim?
A TUV occurs when a transaction is:
1. A gift.
2. In consideration of marriage or the formation of a civil partnership.
3. For consideration that is significantly less in value than what the bankrupt provided.
Relevant time: The transaction must have occurred within 5 years before the bankruptcy petition is presented.
Insolvency requirement: Insolvency must be proven only if the transaction happened between 2-5 years before the petition.
Presumption of insolvency: Insolvency of the bankrupt is presumed when the transaction is with an associate (defined in Section 435 IA86), but this can be rebutted by the associate.
What are the key elements of a preference under Section 340 IA86 and when can a Trustee bring a claim?
A preference occurs when a creditor (or a surety/guarantor) is put in a better position than they would have been if the individual had been made bankrupt.
Relevant time:
- 6 months before the bankruptcy petition, if to an unconnected person.
- 2 years before the bankruptcy petition, if to an associate.
Insolvency requirement: The individual must be insolvent at the time of the preference, or become insolvent as a result of it.
Other requirements:
The individual must be influenced by a desire to prefer the creditor.
There is a rebuttable presumption (for the associate to rebut) that the bankrupt individual was influenced by a desire to prefer the creditor if the preference is made to an associate.
What are the key elements of a claim for Transactions Defrauding Creditors (TDC) under Section 423 IA86?
A TDC claim can be brought by:
The Trustee or Official Receiver (in addition to persons listed in corporate insolvency provisions).
To bring a TDC claim:
- The transaction must be a transaction at an undervalue with the intent to defraud creditors or to put assets beyond their reach.
- There is a high evidential burden to prove this intent.
Relevant time: There is no specific time limit for bringing a TDC claim, meaning it can be brought even outside the time limits for Transaction at an
Undervalue claims under Section 339 IA86.
Insolvency requirement: There is no need to prove that the debtor is insolvent to bring a TDC claim.
Provide a summary of the key provisions of Voidable Transactions under IA86.
Transactions at an Undervalue (s 339 IA86):
- A transaction for an undervalue.
- Must occur within 5 years preceding the bankruptcy petition.
- Insolvency must be proven at the time of the transaction or as a result (presumed with associates).
Transactions Defrauding Creditors (s 423 IA86):
- Must be a transaction at an undervalue.
- Intent to defraud creditors or put assets beyond their reach is required.
- No need for insolvency or time limit.
Preferences (s 340 IA86):
- The individual must put the creditor in a better position than they would have been if the individual were bankrupt.
- The individual must be influenced by the desire to prefer the creditor.
Must occur:
- Within 6 months of the bankruptcy petition if to an unconnected person.
- Within 2 years if to an associate (with a presumption of preference).
- Insolvency must be proven at the time of the preference or as a result.
Provide a summary of Personal Insolvency.
- An IVA is often an alternative to bankruptcy and allows an individual to make proposals for repayment and reach a binding agreement with their creditors under the supervision of an insolvency practitioner acting as the Supervisor.
- A creditor, or the debtor themselves, can file a bankruptcy petition on certain specified grounds, most likely that the debtor is unable to pay its debts. The court has discretion to make a bankruptcy order and either the Official Receiver or an insolvency practitioner is appointed as Trustee. The Trustee is appointed to gather in and distribute the bankruptcy estate in accordance with the statutory order of priority. The Trustee has a wide range of powers in carrying out its duties.
- The Bankrupt has a duty to cooperate with the Trustee. The Bankrupt is automatically discharged and released from their bankruptcy debts after one year from the date of the bankruptcy order, provided they have complied with their duties to the Trustee.
- The Trustee can bring claims for TUV’s, TDCs and preferences and the court can make a restoration order on such terms as it thinks fit.