11) Human Reproduction Flashcards
What is the name of the male sex cell?
What is the name of the female sex cell?
aka ovum
What is the name of part A?
sperm duct
What is the name of part B?
aka testes
What is the name of part C?
What is the name of part D?
What is the function of a sperm duct?
transport sperm to urethra
What is the function of a testis?
to produce sperms and male sex hormones
What is the function of a urethra?
to transport sperms and urine seperately
What is the function of a penis?
to deposit sperm in the vagina of female
What is the name of part A?
fallopian tube
aka oviduct
What is the name of part B?
aka oviduct
What is the name of part C?
What is the name of part D?
aka womb
What is the name of part E?
What is the function of the vagina?
A site where sperms are deposited.
What is the function of the ovary?
It produces eggs and female sex hormones.
What is the function of the fallopian tube?
It collects the egg released and transport it to the uterus.
What is the function of the uterus?
It holds the developing fetus during pregnancy.
What is the function of the cervix?
It connects the uterus to the vagina.
What is puberty?
A stage in life where both boys and girls undergoes physical changes that allow reproduction to start.
What are some of the physical changes that happen during puberty for boys?
There are 2 changes to the voice, 2 changes to the body and 2 changes to the reproductive organs.
1) voice box enlarges
2) voice deepens
1) Hair growth in the armpits and pubic regions
2) Hair growth on face, chest and limbs.
Reproductive organs
1) Testes produce sperms and male sex hormones
2) Penis enlarges
What are some of the physical changes that happen during puberty for girls?
There are 3 changes to the body and 2 changes to the reproductive organs.
1) Hair growth in the armpits and pubic regions
2) Hips broaden
3) Breasts grows bigger
Reproductive organs
1) Ovaries produce mature eggs and female sex hormones
2) mensturation begins
What is a menstrual cycle?
A process that involves the regular changing of the uterine lining and the release of egg from the ovary.
How long is a typical menstrual cycle?
28 days
What are the 4 stages of the menstrual cycle?
1) Menstruation
2) Repair and growth of uterine lining
3) Ovulation
4) Further thickening of uterine lining
Look at the diagram. When is it the fertile period?
Day ____ to Day ____
Day 11 to Day 18
This fertile period usually happens 10 days after the first menstrual discharge.
What are the 3 stages before pregnancy?
1) Sexual intercourse
2) fertilisation
3) implantation
What is fertilisation?
The fusing of an egg with a sperm.
What is implantation?
The fertilised egg attaching itself to the uterine lining.
What is facilitated reproduction?
Using technology to increase the chances of pregnancy.
Name the 2 common methods of facilitated reproduction.
1) in-vitro fertilisation
2) artificial insemination
Describe how in-vitro fertilisation works.
There are 3 steps.
1) eggs and sperms collected from the couples
2) eggs mixed with sperms in a glass dish to allow fertilisation
3) fertilised eggs are released into the uterus for implantation
Describe how artificial insemination works.
There are 2 steps.
1) healthy sperms are collected from the male
2) the sperms are released into the uterus to increase the chances of fertilisation
State the 2 permanent birth control methods.
1) vasectomy (male)
2) ligation (female)
Describe how vasectomy works to prevent pregnancy.
The sperm ducts are cut and tied back.
This prevents the sperm from entering the urethra.
No sperms will be deposited at the vagina.
Describe how ligation works to prevent pregnancy.
The oviducts are cut and tied back.
This prevents the sperm from reaching the egg.
State the 5 methods of temporary birth control methods.
1) condoms
2) diaphragm
3) contraceptive pills
4) spermicide
5) intra-uterine device (IUD)
What are Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)?
Infections that spread during sexual contact.
Give 2 examples of STI spread by bacteria.
1) gonorrhoea
2) syphilis
Give 1 example of STI spread by virus.
HIV is short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus
State 3 other ways that STI can be spread besides sexual contact.
1) blood transfusion with containminated blood
2) sharing of containminated needles
3) an infected mother passing to child during child birth
What medicine is used to treat STI caused by bacteria?
What is abortion?
The delibrate ending of a pregnancy.
What are the 2 main reasons for abortion?
1) the family is not ready
2) the pregnant woman is suffering from life-threating medical conditions
What are the 2 after effects of abortion?
1) may affect the chances of future pregnancy
2) couple may develop depression and anxiety due to guilt.