11 - Emotion & Motivation Flashcards
Developed Broaden and Build Theory
Barbara Fredrickson 11
Inverted U-shaped relation between arousal on the one hand and mood and performance on the other hand.
Yerkes-Dodson Law 11
Unconscious spillover of emotions into nonverbal behaviour.
Nonverbal Leakage 11
Extent to which we have things in common with others, a predictor of attraction.
Similarity 11
Psychological drives that propel us in a specific direction.
Motivation 11
True or False 9: The effects of truth serum are quite similar to those of ingesting several alcoholic drinks. 11
Love marked by powerful, even overwhelming, longing for one’s partner.
Passionate Love 11
When we believe that both our good and bad moods will last longer than they do, we’re suffering from a _______ _______. 11
Durability Bias
True or False: Happiness tends to decline sharply after age 50. 11
Most drive reduction theories propose that we’re motivated to maintain a given level of psychological _______. 11
In about 6% of severe obesity, responsability lies with a mutation in a major _______ _ _______ _______.
Melanocortin-4 Receptor Gene
True or False: According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, we generally do best when we’re at our highest levels of arousal. 11
Eating disorder associated with excessive weight loss and the irrational perception that one is overweight.
Anorexia Nervosa 11
According to psychological research, money (can/can’t) buy longterm happiness. 11
Research shows that the primary problem with the polygraph test is its high rate of (false positives/false negatives). 11
False Positives
True or False: Few people are sexually active into their seventies and eighties. 11
According to Damasio’s somatic marker theory, we (do/don’t) use our “gut reactions” to help us determine how we should act. 11
1.25 to 3 meters / 4 to 12 feet; typically used for conversation among strongers and casual aquaintances.
Social Distance 11
Theory proposing that happiness predisposes us to think more openly.
Broaden and Build Theory 11
For a relationship to move to deeper levels, the rule of give and take, or _______, is often crucial. 11
Homeostasis 11
True or False: Obese individuals seem resistant to the effects of leptin. 11
Typically, the correlation between people’s confidence in their ability to detect lies and their accuracy in dong so is (low/high). 11
Fear causes our digestive systems to _______. 11
Describe how we experience emotions during an event like a car accident, according to Schachter and Singer’s two-factor theory of emotion. 11
We first experience arousal after an emotion-provoking event and then look to the situation to determine the cause of that arousal. The emotional label we attach to our arousal based on our interpretation of the situation is the emotion we experience.
A genuine smile associated with increased activity of the front region of the left hemisphere; appears to be specialized for positive emotions.
Duchenne Smile 11
Identified the Flight or Fight response. With Philip Bard proposed theory that an emotion-provoking event leads simultaneously to an emotion and to bodily reactions.
Walter Cannon 11
According to the _____ _____ _____, the expression “keep a stiff upper lip” should improve your mood. 11
Facial Feedback Hypothesis
Theory proposing that certain drives, like hunger, thirst, and sexual frustration, motivate us to act in ways that minimize aversive states.
Drive Reduction Theory 11
True or False: Starvation can lead to at least some symptoms of anorexia nervosa. 11
Along with William James developed their theoy of emotion
Carl Lange 11
Theory proposing that we use our “gut reactions ” to help us determine how we should act.
Somatic Marker Theory 11
Hormone that signals the hypothalamus and brain stem to reduce appetite and increase the amount of energy used.
Leptin 11
Glee we experience at the misfortune of others, especially those we consider arrogant.
Emotion relatively specific to a region in the frontal cortex behind our eyes
Anger 11
Companionate and passionate love appear to be psychologically and physiologically independent. 11
Alarm - Fear & Surprise
Hatred - Anger & Disgust
Schadenfreude - Happiness, Anger, & Pride
Primary Emotions Combined
Across vastly different cultures, men and women tend to (agree/disagree) on whom they find physically attractive. 11
The Feeding Centre
Stimulate rat eats; destroy rat starves
Stimulate rat starves; lesion rat eats
Lateral Hypothalamus 11
Average faces are rated as (less/more) attractive than distinctive or exotic faces. 11
True or False: A few months after winning big in a lottery, lottery winners aren’t much happier than anyone else. 11
Using Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, complete this figure by identifying the three major elements of love (forming the points of the triangle). According to Sternberg, what is the ultimate form of love? 11
b. c.
a. Intimacy
d. consummate love
b. passion c. commitment
True or False: Personal distance from others is usually correlated with emotional distance. 11
When stressed or nervous, you may engage in _______, such as biting your fingernails or twirling your hair. 11
The most widely administered version of the polygraph test, the _______ _______ _______, measures subjets’ physiological responses following three major types of yes-no questions. 11
Controlled Question Test (CQT)
The ability to predict our own and others’ happiness is called _______ _______. 11
Affective Forecasting
Ability to predict our own and others’ happiness.
Affective Forecasting 11
Model, developed by Abraham Maslow, proposing that we must satisfy physiological needs and needs for safety and security before progressing to more complex needs.
Hierarchy of Needs 11
Theory that when our blood glucose levels drop, hunger creates a drive to eat to restore the proper level of glucose.
Glucostatic Theory 11
According to _______ theory, when our blood glucose levels drop, hunger creates a drive to eat to restore the proper level of glucose. 11
- Public Distance
- Social Distance
- Personal Distance
- Intimate Distance
Levels of Personal Space 11
When talking, we often use _______, gestures that highlight or accentuate speech. 11
According to one theory of influences on sexual orientation, girls exposed to excessive testoterone in the womb develop _______ brains, and boys exposed to too little testosterone develop _______ brains. 11
Masculinized / Feminized
A relationship marked by a sense of deep friendship and fondness for our partner is called _______ _______.11
Companionate Love
_______ is the most common eating disorder, and 95% of the people with this diagnosis are women. 11
“Self-realization.” Proposed by Aristotle. The good life” is about living in line with your core values. This may not always bring you ‘pleasure’ but emphasizes self-actualization, rather than following desire.
Eudaimonic View
Physical nearness, a predictor of attraction.
Proximity 11
What kind of smile is characterized by the turning upwards of the corners of the mouth and changes in the eyelids and corners of the eye? 11
The Duchenne Smile
Each of us may have a genetically programmed _______ _______ that establishes a range of body and muscle mass we tend to maintain. 11
Set Point
True of False: Some emotions, like happiness, appear to be recognized by a substantial majority of people in all cultures. 11
Too tired to get up and eat?
Conflicting Drives 11
Is there any research evidence that motivational speakers, like Anthony Robbins, produce long-term changes in people’s behaviour? 11