11. Communication Plan Flashcards
- Communication Plan
11.1. An effective communication plan shall be established prior to beginning work and shall remain effective for all the time that work is actively
taking place.
11.Communication Plan
11.2. Electronic communication systems should be utilized.
- Communication Plan
11.2.1. These communication systems shall be compatible with the work environment.
- Communication Plan
11.3. Hand or whistle signals shall be reviewed prior to beginning work to ensure understanding by all members of the work team.
- Rope Access Systems
12.1. Anchorage Systems
- Rope Access Systems
12.1.1. Anchorage systems used as the primary support within a main or backup system shall have a minimum strength of either 12 kN (2700 lbf), or two times the maximum arrest force of the backup system when used in accordance with manufacturer specifications, whichever is greater.
- Rope Access Systems
12.1.2. A minimum of two anchorage systems shall be used to establish the main and backup systems.
- Rope Access Systems One anchorage may be used to establish multiple anchorage systems.
- Rope Access Systems Main and backup systems should utilize independent anchorage systems.
- Rope Access Systems
12.1.3. Anchorage systems shall accommodate the range of direction of pull.
- Rope Access Systems
12.1.4. Anchorage systems shall be protected appropriately.
- Rope Access Systems
12.1.5 . Load-sharing Anchorage Systems
- Rope Access Systems Load-sharing Anchorage Systems
- Rope Access Systems Utilize multiple anchorages to achieve the required anchorage system strength.
- Rope Access Systems Achieve a desired direction of pull or fall line.
- Rope Access Systems Load-sharing anchorage systems should distribute forces appropriately between the anchorages.
- Rope Access Systems A table of loads applied to anchorage systems where the forces are distributed equally based on the interior angle is provide din Table 1.
- Rope Access Systems
12.1.6. Directional Anchorage Systems
- Rope Access Systems The minimum strength of a directional anchorage system is determined by:
- Rope Access Systems The interior angle created by the rope passing through the directional anchorage system.
- Rope Access Systems The anticipated load.
- Rope Access Systems A table of loads applied to a directional anchorage system based on the interior angle is provided in Table 2.
- Rope Access Systems
12.2. Two-Rope Systems
- Rope Access Systems
12.2.1. Two-rope systems should be installed in a manner that minimizes lateral movement along sharp and/or abrasive surfaces.
- Rope Access Systems
12.2.2. Two-rope systems shall be installed in a manner that if a component of one system were to fail, there would be minimum pendulum swing.