11/5- Genetic Counseling and Risk Flashcards
In what ways are genetic conditions different from other medical conditions?
- Predicting future health
- Invasion of privacy
- Life and death issues faced in prenatal decisions
- Potential discrimination
- Effect/risk to other family members
- Lack of treatment/interventions*
Genetic conditions are not always inherited (some occur de novo)
What is genetic counseling/what are the goals?
Communication process which deals with the human problems associated with the occurrence of risk of a genetic disorder in a family. Goals are to help the individual or family to:
- Comprehend medical facts
- Appreciate the way heredity contributes to the disorder and the risk of recurrence in specified relatives
- Understand options for dealing with risk of recurrence
- Choose a course of action which seems to them appropriate in view of their risk, their family goals, and their ethical and religious standards
- To make the best possible adjustment to the disorder in an affected family member and/or to the risk of recurrence of that disorder
What are indications for genetic counseling?
- Questions of diagnosis, cause, and prognosis of heritable or developmental disorders
- Questions of disease risk for family members
- Questions of the risk for a genetic disease in an expected or future child
- Discussions of options of prenatal testing for certain genetic disorders
- Discussions about and performance of predictive molecular genetic testing (e.g., for cancer disposition syndromes or for late manifesting heritable diseases such as Huntington disease)
- Questions of management and anticipatory guidance for heritable disorders or disease susceptibility
- Clarification and advice about:
- Infertility or recurrent miscarriages
- Advanced maternal or paternal age
- Assisted reproductive therapy
- Marriage between relatives (consanguinity)
- Exposure to teratogens before or during pregnancy
What are some reasons for referral to genetic counseling?
- Prenatal
- ART, Male or Female Infertility
- Pediatric: Abnormal newborn screening results, child with birth defect, neurologic disorders, ID/DD, FTT, short statures, autism spectrum disorders, hearing loss, vision loss
- Cancer: Individuals with a personal or family history of cancer (especially those with multiple affected family members and cancer at unusually young ages)
- Metabolic: diagnosis, treatment and follow-up for IEMs, couples who have had children died of SIDS or SUDC
- Neurogenetics: Patients with suspected or known neurogenetic conditions or with a family history of hereditary neurogenetics condition (i.e., DMD, ALS, HD,)
- Hematology: Individuals who have a diagnosis or family history of a hematologic condition (i.e., sickle cell, Fanconi anemia)
- CV genetics: Suspected or known hereditary cardiovascular disease or with a family history of hereditary cardiovascular disease (i.e., Long QT, Marfan, HCM, sudden cardiac death under 50yo)
What is the structure of a genetic counseling visit?
Information, education; “Talking”:
- Information gathering
- Information giving
- Communication of Risk
Counseling, support; “Listening”:
- Psychosocial assessment and counseling
- Help with decision making
- Ongoing client support
What are some key points regarding communication of risk in genetics counseling?
- Risk communication is an integral part of genetic counseling
- Help an individual make a choice about whether or not to undergo testing
- Help individuals and families adjust to the knowledge that an event has occurred.
- People’s perception of the magnitude of risk are influenced by factors other than numerical data
- Terms such as risk, chance, possibility, or probability also imply value judgments (e.g., risk = bad, chance = good), which may be perceived differently by different individuals
- 1/800 sounds higher than 1/400 since denominator is higher
- Use of nonnumeric phrases (often, rarely, never) introduces potential risk for bias
What are the best practices to use when communicating risk?
- Provide risk in several ways
- Provide likelihood of a negative outcome balanced by the likelihood of a positive outcome
- Use visuals to emphasize key points
- Use risk comparisons to help put risks in perspectives
- Abstractions: use examples, stories, analogies
- Fractions, percent
- If risk is unclear, give a range
- Assess patient’s perception of risk – more meaningful than the actual risk
- Define technical terms, use words the patient is familiar with
- Be cautious of nonverbal messages
What are some counseling skills/behaviors?
- Sit if possible
- Effective listening
- Promote shared language
- Silence
- Rephrasing: stating in your own words what the pt has said
- Reflecting: repeating the last phrase of a client’s statement in the form of a question
- Redirecting: used to manage the rate of information exchange
What are the different types of responses you may get?
- Factual responses
- Aggressive/hostile response (“counterattack”; by patient)
- Reassuring response (by doctor; but don’t do before concerns are heard)
- Empathetic response
What are some common pitfalls made be doctors in counseling?
- Wanting to be liked
- Asking too many closed-ended questions
- Reluctance to control the agenda
- Avoiding emotionally charged issues
- Bringing your own agenda/biases into the session
What are some themes in genetic counseling?
- Non-directive
- Autonomy
- Informed Consent
- Confidentiality
- Beneficence (non-maleficence)
What are different methods of risk assessment
Straight forward risk assessment, use:
- Inheritance/pedigree analysis to estimate risk
- Hardy-Weinberg to estimate risk
- Genotype to estimate risk
Not as straight forward:
- Recurrence risks can be more difficult to assess if inheritance patterns are affected variable expression, reduced penetrance, under 100% sensitivity of molecular testing, new mutations
- Use Bayesian analysis
What are some inheritance patterns?
- Single gene inheritance
- Non-traditional inheritance patterns
Single gene inheritance
- Autosomal dominant
- Expressivity and penetrance
- Autosomal recessive
- X-linked
Non-traditional inheritance patterns
- Multifactorial
- Mitochondrial
- Trinucleotide repeat
- Uniparental disomy
- X-inactivation
What is the Hardy Weinberg Law?
- Assumptions
- Genotypes are distributed in proportion to the frequencies of the individual alleles in a population and remain constant from generation to generation if the population is at equilibrium
- Using genotypes, can calculate allele frequencies
- Assumptions:
- Random mating
- No selection
- No new mutations
- Population is infinitely large
- No migration
- If these assumptions are nearly correct, the locus is said to be in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium
How to calculate allele frequency
Ex) MN blood group system genotypes (M/M, M/N, N/N)
- What is frequency of M allele? N? (pic 496 )
- Multiply number of individuals with M/M genotype by 2 since each individual has 2 M alleles.
- Similarly, multiply total number of individuals in population by 2 since each individual has 2 alleles/chromosomes

What is the Hardy Weinberg equation?
- What do the variables stand for?
- For A/a autosomal dominant alleles, how do you calculate frequency of AA? Aa? aa?

Calculate the frequency of M/M, M/N, and N/N genotypes for the past example

How closely the numbers calculate match the genotype counting method determines whether the population is at equilibrium

How can you use HW with more than 2 alleles?
If there are more than 2 alleles at the same locus: (p + q + r + …)^2 where each letter represents the frequency of each allele
Ex) Calculate ABO blood group genotype frequencies (A/A, A/O, A/B, B/B, B/O, and O/O); what percentage should be blood group A?
- A = 0.30 (p)
- B = 0.10 (q)
- O = 0.60 (r)
- A = 0.30 (p)
- B = 0.10 (q)
- O = 0.60 (r)
Thus: (p + q + r)^2 = 1
Individuals who are phenotype A can be genotypes A/A or A/O
- Therefore, the incidence of the A blood group equals: p^2 + 2pr = (0.30)^2 + 2(0.30)(0.60) = 0.45
Look at this analysis of the HW equation for an autosomal dominant trait

If the incidence of the Huntington disease is 1/10,000 (an autosomal dominant disease), what is the frequency of the HD gene?
Incidence of disease = 2pq = 1/10,000 q = 1/2(1/10,000) = 1/20,000
- Therefore, for AD traits, the frequency of the mutant gene is equal to 1/2 the incidence of the trait
- The ½ is from alleles in heterozygotes are HD gene with frequency q
Look at this analysis of the HW equation for an autosomal recessive trait

Cystic fibrosis affects approximately 1/2,500 non-Jewish, Caucasians in the US. What is the frequency of the CF gene and what is the frequency of heterozygotes (CF carriers)?
- For rare recessive traits (incidence under 1/10,000), p, the frequency of the normal allele is very close to one and the carrier frequency equals 2q.
- Therefore, for AR traits, the frequency of the mutant allele is the square root of the incidence (q2) and the carrier frequency is 2q(1-q) or 2q for rare traits.

What is the equation for X-linked traits:
- Males
- Females

Example: X-linked trait
- The incidence of an X-linked trait is 1/40
- What is the frequency of female unaffected carriers?
- How many females will be affected?
- Incidence of the trait in males = q = 1/40 = the frequency of disease gene
- Frequency of female carriers = 2pq = 2(1/40)(39/40) ~ 1/20
- Frequency of affected females = q2 = (1/40)2 = 1/1600
What is Bayes Theorem/Bayesian analysis? When is it used?
- What different probabilities are considered?
Used to adjust a person’s prior risk by taking into account further information (the conditional risk) to provide a modified posterior risk.
- PRIOR probability = probability of an even BEFORE taking additional information into account
- CONDITIONAL probability = the chance of someone occurring, assuming that each even is true
- JOINT probability = Prior probability x Conditional probability
- POSTERIOR probability = probability of the even after taking into account addtl information
Example risk calculation using Bayesian Analysis for the following:
- Prior probability
- Conditional probability
- Joint probability
- Posterior probability

Example of Bayesian analysis:
- Mary wants to know if she is a carrier of DMD
- Mary is the daughter of an obligate carrier (both her maternal uncle and brother have DMD)
- Mary has 4 sons, all are healthy
- Prior probability for situation A (carrier) and situation B (no carrier). The probability for each of these situations is 1/2. The two events are mutually exclusive; therefore, their sum is 1/2 + 1/2 = 1.
- The conditional probability that four sons of a carrier are healthy is (1/2)4 = 1/16 (with a probability of 15/16 that at least one of the sons would have been affected).
- Since the various pregnancies represent mutually independent events, the multiplication rule is applied. In the case that person B is not a carrier for muscular dystrophy, she would only have healthy sons. The conditional probability in this case is 1.
- All this information is taken into account in the calculation according to the Bayes theorem as shown in Table 14.2. This results in an posterior probability of approximately 1/17 for situation A that she is a carrier, and in an posterior probability of 16/17 that she is not a carrier. This example demonstrates the considerable change in risk figures once all relevant information is taken into account.

Example: Bayes + Hardy Weinberg The Potters have 2 healthy children. Mrs. Potter has found out that her niece has CF.
- What is the risk for this couple to have a 3rd child with CF?
1/2 since at least 1 of her parents is an obligate carrier
Example: Bayes + Hardy Weinberg The Potters have 2 healthy children. Mrs. Potter has found out that her niece has CF.
- What is the chance that Mr. Potter is a CF carrier?
- He has no relatives with CF, so his carrier risk is the same as the general population risk.
- The incidence of CF in the general population (q2) = 1/2500
- The allele frequency (q) = 1/(√2500) = 1/50
- The carrier frequency (2q) = 1/25
Example: Bayes + Hardy Weinberg The Potters have 2 healthy children. Mrs. Potter has found out that her niece has CF.
- What is the probability that they have an affected child without taking into account their healthy children?
- The chance that BOTH are carriers = ½ x 1/25 = 1/50
- The chance that BOTH are carriers and have an affected child = ½ x ½ x 1/25 x ½ = 1/200
Example: Bayes + Hardy Weinberg The Potters have 2 healthy children. Mrs. Potter has found out that her niece has CF.
- What is the probability that they have an affected child if the healthy children are taken into consideration?
- The chance that BOTH parents are carriers is about 1/88
- Therefore, the chance to have a future child with CF is about 1/350 (0.3%)