11/3 Flashcards
1st Layer of Foot Muscles
1. Adductor Hallucis- O: calcaneus I: proximal phalanx of great toe A: adducts great toe N: medial plantar nerve (S1-S3)
2. Flexor digitorum brevis- O: calcaneus I: middle phalanges of 2-5th digit A: flex MTP and PIP of 2-5th digit N: medial plantar nerve
3. Abductor digiti minimi- O: calcaneus I: proximal phalanx of 5th digit A: abducts 5th digit N: lateral plantar nerve (S1-S3)
2nd Layer of Foot Muscles
1. Quadratus Plantae- O: calcaneus I: tendons of flexor digitorum longus A: assists flexor digitorum longus N: lateral plantar nerve (S1-S3)
- Lumbricals (4)
O: tendons of flexor digitorum longus
I: medial side of extensor expansions
A: flexes MTP joints and extends IP joints of 2-5th digits
N: first is medial plantar nerve, 2-4th is lateral plantar nerve
3rd layer of Foot Muscles
1. Flexor Hallucis brevis- O: cuboid and lateral cuneiform bones I: proximal phalanx of great toe A: flexes MTP joint of big toe N: medial plantar nerve (S1-S3)
- Adductor Hallucis-
O: transverse head- capsule of MTP joints 3-5
Oblique head- bases of 2-4 metatarsals
I: proximal phalanx of great toe
A: adducts great toe
N: lateral plantar nerve (deep branch)
3. Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis- O: 5th metatarsal I: proximal phalanx of 5th digit A: flexes MTP of 5th digit N: lateral plantar nerve (superficial branch)
4th layer of Foot Muscles
1. Dorsal interossei (4) O: adjacent sides of metatarsals I: sides of phalanges of 2-4th digit A: abducts toes (DAB) N: lateral plantar nerve (S1-S3)
2. Plantar interossei (3) O: sides of 3-5th metatarsals I: medial sides of 3-5th proximal phalanges A: adducts toes (PAD) N: lateral plantar nerve