11-2T-38 Vol. 3 Flashcards
With squadron supervisor approval, pilots may reduce gross weight by burning down fuel to a predetermined usable fuel weight prior to taking the runway for takeoff.
For local sorties, begin briefings a minimum of 1 hour before scheduled takeoff.
An alternate mission
A. Should be briefed for each flight, when appropriate.
B. Will be less complex than the primary mission.
C. Should parallel the primary mission. D. All of the above.
If unit-developed checklists are used in lieu of flight manual checklists, carrying a flight manual checklist and having it immediately available on all flights is optional.
The crew chief will repeat ground visual signals when it is safe to operate the system.
Objects will not be placed on top of the glare shield during start with canopies open.
Minimum taxi interval is:
A. 150 feet staggered or 300 feet in trail.
B. 300 feet when ice or snow is present.
C. May be reduced when holding short of or entering the runway.
Minimum taxi interval may be reduced when holding short of or entering the runway.
For formation takeoffs, place the wingman on the upwind side if the crosswind exceeds ____ knots.
Pilots will remove and properly stow ejection seat and canopy jettison safety pins once clear of the aircraft parking area, but not later than the before takeoff checklist.
Do not takeoff when The runway condition reading (RCR) is less than
Do not takeoff when Computed takeoff roll exceeds ____% of the available runway (single ship or interval).
Do not take off when Computed takeoff roll exceeds ____% of the available runway (element takeoff).
Single-ship rolling takeoffs are authorized:
A. When available runway exceeds CFL by 1,000 feet or more.
B. During daylight hours only.
C. After the pilot has considered TOLD with a runway length 300 feet less than the available runway.
D. Both A and B above.
E. Both B and C above.
For operations with a remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is less than or equal to RS-EF, go/no-go speed is:
For operations with a remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is greater than RS-EF and less than TOS:
A. OG/CC approval for takeoff is required.
B. Use TOS as the go/no-go speed (performance data must result in a valid DS and SETOS).
C. Only a rated pilot or student under IP supervision may perform the takeoff
D. All of the above.
For operations without a remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is less than RS-BEO, go/no-go speed is:
For operations without a remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is greater than RS-EF, takeoffs are not authorized.
For operations with a raised, non-remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is greater than RS-EF and less than TOS, with OG/CC approval (as long as performance data results in a valid DS and SETOS):
A. Use SETOS as the go/no-go speed.
B. Pilots will delay rotation until 155 KCAS (T-38C) or 150 KIAS (T-38A) and ensure the nose is off the runway no later than 174 KGS/KIAS respectively.
C. Only a rated pilot or student under IP supervision may perform the takeoff.
When aircraft operate on a runway with a remotely controlled arresting system, pilots will remain on the frequency of the agency that controls the runway and the arresting system until safely airborne.
The MA-1A is suitable for stopping an aircraft with a travel pod.
The minimum runway required for operations is 8,000 feet or 7,000 feet with squadron supervision level approval.
Which of the following does not prohibit a formation takeoff:
A. Runway width less than 150 feet.
B. Standing water, ice, slush, or snow on runway.
C. Crosswind or gust component exceeds 15 knots.
D. CFL within 1,000 feet of available runway.
D. CFL within 1,000 feet of available runway.
Which of the following is not true concerning flight join-up and rejoin:
A. Weather criteria for a VFR join-up underneath a ceiling are 1500/3.
B. Flight leads will not normally exceed 30 degrees of bank during a turning join-up.
C. For a straight-ahead rejoin, the number 2 aircraft will join on the left wing unless otherwise briefed.
D. For a turning rejoin, the number 2 aircraft will join on the outside of the turn unless otherwise briefed.
D. For a turning rejoin, the number 2 aircraft will join on the outside of the turn unless otherwise briefed.
A battle damage check is mandatory after every mission prior to or during return to base.
The maximum flight size is two aircraft in IMC conditions.
The minimum altitude for changing leads is:
A. 500 feet AGL over land.
B. 1,000 feet AGL over water.
C. 1,500 feet AGL in IMC or at night unless on radar downwind.
The parameters for a safety observer in a chase aircraft are:
A 30- to 60-degree cone out to 1,000 feet.
The minimum airspeed for all maneuvering is 150 KTS unless conducting training under a formal syllabus that specifies or allows a slower airspeed for the training to be conducted.
Which of the following is not a prohibited maneuver:
A. Practice single-engine circling approaches or overhead patterns.
B. Overhead patterns to set up a practice single-engine go around using 60% or 100% flaps and both throttles until rolling out on final.
C. Practice minimum roll landings.
D. Practice no-flap patterns and landings with more than 2,500 pounds of fuel.
B. Overhead patterns to set up a practice single-engine go around using 60% or 100% flaps and both throttles until rolling out on final.
All flight members will acknowledge understanding the initial air traffic control (ATC) clearance
Conduct low altitude training no earlier than ___ minutes after sunrise (___ hour mountainous terrain) and exit the low altitude structure no later than ____ minutes prior to sunset (____ hour mountainous terrain).
30, 1, 30, 1
Weather minimums for visual low level training will be ____ feet and ____ miles for any route or area, as specified in FLIP (for military training routes), or as specified in unit publications, whichever is ______.
1,500, 3, higher
Bingo fuel is:
A prebriefed fuel state which allows the aircraft to return to the base of intended landing or alternate, if required, using preplanned recovery parameters and arriving with normal recovery fuel.
Normal recovery fuel is:
The fuel on initial or at the FAF at the base of intended landing or alternate, if required. Established locally or 800 pounds, whichever is higher.
Minimum fuel is:
600 pounds or less.
Any pilot may perform back seat landings with an IP in the front seat.
The minimum low approach altitude for IPs or SEFEs flying chase position is:
50 feet AGL.
Unless safety or circumstances dictate otherwise, minimum low approach altitude for chase aircraft during an emergency is:
300 feet AGL.
Initiate the closed traffic pattern:
A. At the departure end of the runway unless directed or cleared by local procedures or the controlling agency.
B. To plan to arrive on downwind between 200 and 240 KTS.
Which of the following prohibits formation landings?
A. The runway is reported wet.
B. Ice, slush, or snow is on the runway. C. The runway width is less than 150 feet.
D. All of the above.
The T-38 is approach category E, however, category D minimums may be used where no category E minimums are published if:
A. A straight-in approach is flown.
B. Missed approach can be flown at 260 KTAS or less.
C. Final approach is flown at 165 KTS or less.
T-38 aircrews will request complete icing condition forecasts, to include trace icing, for the entire route of flight when receiving a preflight weather briefing via any source.
For trail departures:
Each aircraft or element will accelerate in AB power until reaching ____ KTS, accelerate in mil to ____ KTS, then climb at ____ KTS using _____ degrees EGT until reaching cruise Mach or TAS, unless otherwise briefed.
250, 300, 300, 600
For trail departures:
All turns will be made using ____ degrees of bank.
For trail departures: The flight lead will call initiating all turns and, during climbs and descents, each aircraft or element will call passing each 5,000 foot altitude increment with altitude and heading (or heading passing) until join-up or level-off or until the following aircraft or element calls “visual.”
If IMC flight is unavoidable, formation breakup is authorized in IMC if accomplished in straight-and-level flight
Formation penetrations are restricted to two aircraft when the weather at the base of intended landing is less than:
Overhead traffic pattern minimums.
For formation VMC drag:
Minimum weather required is ____ foot ceiling and ___ nm visibility.
1,500, 3
For formation VMC drag: minimum spacing is
3000 feet
For formation VMC drag:
The flight lead will coordinate with the appropriate air traffic control agency for nonstandard formation prior to directing the formation VMC drag.
In AETC, do not file to a destination unless the ceiling and visibility for the estimated time of arrival, plus or minus 1 hour, is at or above the appropriate PWC or suitable published minimums, whichever is greater.
The PWC decision height or minimum descent altitude will be determined by reference to:
A. Touch-down-zone elevation (TDZE) for straight-in approaches.
B. Field elevation for circling approaches.
C. Field elevation if TDZE is unavailable.
The pilot may descend below the decision height or minimum descent altitude if:
The aircraft is in a position to make a normal approach to the runway of intended landing AND the pilot can clearly see the approach threshold of the runway, approach lights, or other markings identifiable with the approach end of the runway.
The lost wingman procedures for two- or three-ship (not echelon) flights, when inside the turn are to simultaneously transition to instruments, inform the lead and:
Momentarily reduce power to ensure nose-tail separation, inform the flight lead to roll out of the turn, and maintain angle of bank to ensure lateral separation.
For low altitude maps, the RAA is computed at a minimum of 1,000 feet separation from the highest obstacle/terrain feature (rounded to the next highest 100 feet) to include the area:
A. Within the lateral limits of the route or training area.
B. In no case less than 5 NM either side of planned route.
C. Covering the entire area on the map to be carried by each pilot in the flight.
D. Both A and B above.
Lost wingman procedures for a missed approach are to simultaneously transition to instruments, momentarily turn away to ensure separation, inform lead, and:
Continue the published or assigned missed approach procedure while climbing to 500 feet above missed approach altitude.
For number 4, lost wingman procedures for wings-level flight are to simultaneously
transition to instruments, inform lead and:
Turn away, using 30 degrees of bank for 30 seconds, prior to resuming heading
During lost wingman procedures, the flight lead should acknowledge the lost wingman’s radio call and transmit:
A. Attitude and heading
B. Airspeed.
C. Altitude.
as well as other parameters as appropriate.
When stowing items in the rear cockpit, if it is necessary to place items on or near the
rear cockpit breaker panels, aircrews should:
Ensure items do not exceed 8 inches in height.
Visually confirm clearance exists between the balance weight arm and the stowed object with the canopy closed.
As a minimum, use the videotape recorder (VTR) or video-data transfer system (VDTS) to record:
A. As a minimum, will be used to record mission tasks and pattern work.
B. Aerial events
For operations with a remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is greater than RS-EF and less than TOS:
A. OG/CC approval for takeoff is required.
B. Use TOS as the go/no-go speed (performance data must result in a valid DS and SETOS).
C. Only a rated pilot or student under IP supervison may perform the takeoff
Aircraft must have a full fuel load for each mission, waiverable by OG/CC
A radio call is mandatory when directing position changes at night or under instrument conditions.
Flight leads will not break up formations until each pilot has a positive fix from which to
navigate (visual, TACAN, EGI, or VOR).
For flight path deconfliction during tactical maneuvering, the wingman of the lead
element is responsible for deconflicting with trailing aircraft or elements.
Which of the following maneuvering parameters does not apply:
A. Accomplish practice nose high recoveries or instrument unusual attitudes below FL240 and in VMC.
B. Do not fly formation above FL350
C. Minimum altitude for all aerobatic maneuvers other than air combat maneuvering (ACBT) is 8,000 feet AGL.
D. Minimum altitude for all aerobatic maneuvers is 5,000 feet AGL.
E. Do not fly above FL390 except in an emergency.
Minimum altitude for all aerobatic maneuvers is 5,000 feet AGL.
For G-awareness:
At a minimum, accomplish a ___-degree turn at ____ Gs and a ____-degree turn at ____ Gs.
90, 4
180, 5
UFT and PIT pilots will accomplish a G-awareness exercise when maneuvers in excess of ____are anticipated.
For G-awareness:
Maintain a minimum of ____ feet between aircraft
Single-ship and two-ship low altitude training will be dual
Unless local procedures or unique runway surface conditions require landing beyond a given point on the runway, the desired touchdown point for a VFR approach is
150-1,000 feet from the threshold
Tactical entry to the overhead pattern parameters?
A. Maximum of four aircraft.
B. Lateral spacing of 4,000 to 6,000 feet and no more than 6,000 feet of element spacing.
C. If using offset box formation, offset away from the direction of break with the lead element breaking over the touchdown point and the second element breaking when number two is clear of the intended flight path.
Solo syllabus sorties are not allowed within the extended daylight window
Flying multiple approaches in VMC without a chase is not authorized
For formation approaches, the flight’s pilot weather category is determined by:
500 feet and 1 1/2 miles or the highest of any flight member’s weather category, whichever is higher.
Taxiing an aircraft with a single generator malfunction or failure is allowed
Which of the following is not a UFT solo student restriction?
A. Practice lost wingman as lead.
B. Rolling takeoffs.
C. Low closed or circling approaches.
D. Practice emergency patterns and landings.
A. Practice lost wingman as lead
Solo UFT students will not perform patterns and landings with total fuel greater than
2500 pounds
Solo UFT students will not fly formation low approaches below
200 feet AGL
Solo UFT students will not enter a split-s or sliceback or continue over-the-top maneuvers when the apex is below:
18,000 feet AGL.
In order to fulfill flying training requirements, an instrument approach may be flown from either cockpit when simulating IMC with a qualified pilot as a safety observer or during actual IMC.
Rear cockpit landings do not update normal (front) cockpit landing currencies
Formation takeoff and formation landing currency can be updated from either the lead or wing position.
To obtain night sortie credit, ___ percent of the sortie must be flown during the period of
darkness between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight.