11-251 Flashcards
Minimum taxi distance from any obstacle is:
A. 10 feet.
B. 25 feet without a wingwalker.
During the instrument cockpit check, ensure the EHSI is within:
A. 8 degrees of the magnetic compass.
B. 5 degrees of a known heading.
During the instrument cockpit check, set the standby AI to and check the EADI for:
3 degrees nose low.
During the NAVAID ground checkpoint check, the allowable bearing pointer and CDI error is:
Plus or minus 4 degrees from the depicted course to the station
Rolling takeoffs increase takeoff roll approximately:
150-300 feet.
You may combine the climb check with the level-off check when your cruise altitude is
at or below:
FL 180.
Unless the controller directs otherwise, initiate the break between ___ and ___ down
the runway.
The approach end, 3,000 feet
Begin the closed pattern pull-up with a minimum of ___ and maintain a minimum of ___
until wings-level downwind.
240 KCAS, 200 KCAS
When performing an actual or simulated single-engine full-stop landing with 60% flaps,
the landing roll will be approximately
500 feet longer than the full-flap landing distance
During simulated single-engine patterns from a straight-in approach or single-engine go-arounds, set the simulated failed engine to not less than ___ rpm.
During an actual stall indication in the traffic pattern, primary emphasis should be on maintaining the prescribed pattern ground track.
For traffic pattern stalls and approach-to-stall training, set the power at
80% RPM minimum
If either crew is solo within an element, always ensure wingtip spacing of
50 feet.
For four-ship runway line up with number 3 in the slot:
A. Number 4 will line up offset from number 2’s jet blast while aligning the gear doors of number 3.
B. Number 3 will line up between lead and number 2, maintaining nose-tail clearance.
C. Flight lead places the wingtip on the centerline.
D. Two should line up as far to the side of the runway as practical and line up lead’s gear doors.
E. Both A and B.
E. Both A and B.
During formation engine run-up
Primary focus of attention should be outside the aircraft with only short glances inside the cockpit.
Route is flown from ___ spacing out to approximately ___, no further aft than ___, and no further forward than ___.
Two ship-widths, 500 feet, the extended fingertip line, line abreast
For 3-ship/4-ship formation rejoins, maintain a minimum of ___ feet spacing from the
preceding aircraft until that aircraft has stabilized in ___.
500, route.
The fighting wing position is a cone ___ aspect angle from lead, ___ feet aft
30-45 degrees, 500-1500
Wedge is a position ___ off lead’s 6 o’clock at a range of ___ feet
30-45 degrees, 4000-6000
Maintain _____ and ___ flaps throughout a circling maneuver until aligned with the landing runway
Final turn speed, 60%.
Normally, there is no need to close an IFR flight plan with FSS because the tower
should do this for you, whether you are at a military or civilian field
For a restricted military power climb, unless accomplishing a formation rejoin, begin a smooth power reduction out of MAX between _____ KCAS and terminate afterburner by _____ KCAS.
220-280, 300
The standard VASI and PAPI have a ____ degree glideslope and a glidepath intercept point (aimpoint) approximately ___ feet beyond the runway threshold
2.5 - 3, 750.
On normal inside downwind, slow to no less than ____.
final turn airspeed.
Prior to beginning the final turn, ensure the landing gear is down and locked and the
flaps have traveled a sufficient amount to ensure no asymmetry exists.
With gusty winds increase the final approach and landing speed by ____ the gust factor
For a normal aerobrake, increase pitch attitude to approximately ___ degrees
10 - 12.
When the crosswind component exceeds 15 knots
A. Plan to touch down on the upwind side of the runway.
B. Maintain the landing attitude and do not aerobrake.
After practicing an alternate landing gear extension, reset the landing gear system by
moving the gear handle
Down, then up, and then back to the down position.
When accomplishing a full aft stick stall, discontinue the exercise and recover the
aircraft when
Bank angle exceeds 90 degrees. AND/OR Bank angle stabilizes over 60 degrees.
Fly slow flight at an airspeed __ knots below computed final approach speed
(approximately __ AOA).
10, 0.7.
When given the ‘Admin’ lead, the particular member of the flight is expected to:
A. Navigate.
B. Communicate with outside agencies.
C. Make changes to the profile if external conditions dictate; however, the flight lead retains ultimate authority for the formation
Wingmen will acknowledge “push” frequency changes with call sign and will not acknowledge “go” frequency changes
Once in position on the runway, use a thumbs-up to signal ready for engine run-up
During a 3-ship/4-ship rejoin, if overshooting, preceding aircraft will inform the other
wingman with a radio call.
Line abreast (tactical) formation is defined as ____ feet line abreast to __ degrees aft with a vertical stack of up to +/- ____ feet.
4000-6000, 10, 2000
The 4-ship box is essentially two elements flying line abreast tactical separated in trail by ______ with the rear element normally stacking either high or low.
For hook turns in 4-ship box/offset box, when lead directs “Card 21, Hook Left/Right”, the trailing element will end up in front of the lead element.
All three/four-ship tactical rejoins will be called on the radio and acknowledged
When departing from a non-military field, you must contact the nearest FSS (or
coordinate through the tower) with your actual departure time so that you do not arrive
unannounced at your destination only if departing VFR.
Aspect Angle (AA) is
The angle measured from the tail/longitudinal axis of one aircraft to another aircraft’s
Angle-off is defined as
The angle formed by the extension of the longitudinal axes of two aircraft.
Closure is:
Overtake created by airspeed and/or angles.