10a: Renal Flashcards
Embryology: the (X) functions as the interim kidney in developing embryo for the first (Y) weeks
X = mesonephros Y = 12 (first trimester)
The ureteric bud arises from (X) and eventually gives rise to which part(s) of kidney?
X = caudal end of mesonephric duct
Ureter, pelvises, calyces, collecting ducts
Woman taking (X) drugs puts baby at risk for Potter sequences. What are the symptoms/findings?
X = ACEi/ARB (causes oligohydramnios, since A-II required for kidney development)
- Pulmonary hypoplasia (cause of death)
- Oligohydramnios
- Twisted face (low-set ears, retrognathia, flat nose)
- Twisted skin
- Extremity defects (club feet)
- Renal failure in utero
Patient with Duplex Collecting system is at high risk for:
UTIs (strongly associated with vesicoureteral reflux and ureteral obstruction)
Note: Duplex collecting system means two ureters for one kidney
Which amino acid is provided by amniotic fluid and helps in fetal lung development?
List the components of the glomerular filtration barrier, starting from inside Bowman capsule
- Podocytes (epithelial layer)
- Glomerular BM
- Fenestrated capillary endothelium
T/F: The mesangial cells of the kidney are located in Bowman capsule
False - located near afferent/efferent arterioles in glomerulus
Ureters pass (over/under) which key vessels in males/females?
Under (“water under the bridge”)
F: uterine artery
M: vas deferens
Plasma volume, part of (ECF/ICF) can be measured by which method?
ECF (25% of it)
Radiolabeling albumin
ECF volume can be measured by which method?
Radiolabeling mannitol or inulin
Glomerular filtration barrier is selective based on size and charge of molecules. Which parts of barrier are responsible for these?
Size: slit diaphragm (podocyte feet with basement membrane) and fenestrated capillary endothelium
Charge: negatively-charged glycoproteins on all three layers (prevent neg-charged molecules from entering)
Renal clearance equation:
T/F: Oncotic pressure of glomerular capillary normally equals zero
False - oncotic pressure of Bowman space normally zero
Best estimate of GFR is (X). (Y) is also used, but tends to (over/under)-estimate the value
X = inulin clearance
Y = creatinine clearance;
Over-estimates (moderately secreted by tubules)
A reduction of GFR by half will (increase/decrease) serum Cr by which factor?
Increase; 2x
Renal (plasma/blood) flow can be estimated using (X) clearance
Plasma flow (RPF) X = PAH (para-aminohippuric acid)
Note: Renal blood flow can be calculated via RPF/(1-Hct)
Filtration fraction equation:
GFR/RPF (normally about 20%)
Filtered load equation:
Prostaglandins (dilate/constrict) (X) arteriole in kidney and Angiotensin II (dilates/constricts) (Y) arteriole. Which of these affects filtration fraction?
X = afferent
Y = efferent
Angiotensin II (increases FF since increases GFR, decreases RPF)
How does dehydration affect filtration fraction in kidney?
Decrease (decrease in GFR, but even greater decrease in RPF)
After certain point, efferent arteriole constriction will actually decrease (GFR/FF).
GFR (flow-mediated increase in glomerular cap oncotic P)
Note: FF will ALWAYS be increased with efferent arteriole constriction due to greater decrease in RPF
Glucosuria in normal adult will begin at plasma conc of (X). And at transport rate of (Y) mg/min, all transporters are fully saturated
X = 200 mg/dL Y = 375
In metabolic (acidosis/alkalosis), renal ammoniagenesis is stimulated. (X) is metabolized to eventually form ammonium and (Y).
X = glutamine (to glutamate and then to alpha-KG and then to glucose + CO2)
Y = HCO3 (combines with CO2 and reabsorbed into blood)
Posterior fracture of L 12th rib: which structure likely injured?
L kidney