107 Flashcards
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information
If the target of an identified IFR or CVFR aircraft appears likely to come in proximity to another observed target to warrant the pilot’s attention, provide ATS surveillance traffic information, unless one of the following applies:
- The aircraft are known to be separated by more than the appropriate vertical separation minimum.
- The aircraft are established in a holding pattern.
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information
Provide traffic information to pilots of aircraft in Class C and Class D airspace.
Provide traffic information to pilots of aircraft in Class E airspace, unless workload, equipment limitations, or
higher priority duties prevent you from doing so.
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information
- traffic volume
- traffic complexity
- radio frequency congestion,
- coordination
- other control-related duties
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information
- on-the-job training,
- staffing,
- employee periods of relief
-other workplace constraints.
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information
Provide traffic information to all concerned aircraft if any of the following apply
- You clear an aircraft to maintain at least 1000 feet on top.
- You clear an IFR aircraft to fly in accordance with VFR.
- Multiple aircraft are holding at the same fix and are separated by the vertical separation minimum.
- A pilot requests it.
- A pilot acknowledges an avoidance instruction.
- You consider it necessary
MATS ACC > Flight Information > Information Service
Provide flight information service to all known aircraft operating within a flight information region, unless any of the following apply:
- The aircraft operator provides flight information service
- An operational factor such as workload or equipment limitations prevents you from providing the service.
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information
Traffic information may be based on:
- Observation of identified or unidentified targets
- Reports from pilots or other ATS facilities
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information > Traffic Information Format
When issuing traffic information to aircraft, as appropriate, include:
- Position of aircraft
- Direction of flight
- Type of aircraft or relative speed
- Altitude of aircraft
- Reporting point and time
- Other information