10.6a Flashcards
What is an aircraft product?
Aircraft engine and propeller
What does a type certificate signify?
Product or appliance meet regs
Part 21
Airworthiness codes
If there are to be any extensive changes to an aircraft power, thrust what will have to happen?
New type certificate
When would a restricted certificate of airworthiness be issued?
For an ac that does not meet provisions
Where would you find the specifications of a new aircraft?
Type certificate data sheet
What is the minimum amount of hours flight testing for piston type of aircraft using a new engine?
At least 150 hours
300 for new turbine engine
Who can a type certificate holder be transferred to?
Some who can demonstrate the obligation to attain the license
How long can the type certificate holder delay producing the manuals for overhaul?
After product has entered service but before the product reaches relevant hours or cycles
Who can approve and classify a minor change in type design?
EASA or appropriately approved design organisation
If a maintenance organisation wishes to design a mod and they are not the ac design authority what approval must they hold
Design org approval (DOA) issues a supplemental type certificate
What is the classification for a minor change to a type certificate
Minor changes which do not affect mass Balance Structural stress Reliability Noise Fuel venting Emissions
What is a supplemental type certificate?
A major design change ie passenger ac to cargo ac
What information is needed on the application for a permit to fly?
Purpose of flight
Ways in which the ac does not meet the airworthiness requirements
The approved flight conditions
How long is an EASA flight certificate valid for?
14 days
Who can issue permits to fly?
Competent authority
Approved design organisation
Approved production organisation
Approved camo
Who can approve permit to fly flight conditions when related to safety of design
When can a permit to fly of unlimited duration be issued?
Non commercial activity
Non complex aircraft
When does a certificate of registration become invalid?
At change of owner ship
What does the issue of a noise certificate indicate?
Ac complies with noise regs
Who can amend the noise certificate?
How often will an aircraft require weighing if on an individual weighing programme?
Every 4 years and prior to entry of service
What is traffic load?
Total mass of passengers baggage cargo specialist equipment and ballast
Who issues an ac radio license
The office of communication
What is the modification classification when an aircraft radio is upgraded?
What is the validity of a radio license?
36 month can be applied for 2 months in advance of expiry