105 Module B Study Guide Flashcards
What is phlebitis?
Inflammation of the vein. It can be caused from inadequate insertion technique or inadequate aseptic technique. s/s pain at iv site, vein appears red or inflamed , red streaks up arm, vein becomes hardened. ***
What is infiltration?
When a catheter leaks. S/S: redness, hot or cold at the site, edema at the site, pain. ***
How can infiltration and phlebitis be prevented?
Inspect the IV site and ask the patient how the IV feels/do they have any pain? Make sure the site is dated (most hospitals only let you have them in for 4 days). ***
What is extravasation?
When the IV site becomes necrotic. This can happen when infiltration occurs. S/S: blistering, the skin could fall off, weeping, redness, blistering. The best way to prevent extravasation is to check the IV site. ***
How is a hematoma formed? Who is at risk?
Blood leaking out of a vein. Anyone who is on blood thinners is at risk for a hematoma. You’ll want to know what meds older folks are on and what diet they’re on.
What is meant by KVO? What rate is it?
Keep Vein Open. The rate is whatever the Doctor says it should be.
What is the Nurse Practice Act?
This tells you what specific duties certain nurses can perform. It defines scope of practice. An RN cannot give Chemo drugs unless they are certified. In the state of Alabama LPN’s cannot hang blood or administer blood products. He said to remember this.
What are CDC guidelines for IV therapy? Who can do what tasks?
Aseptic technique (wash hands, keep site clean, clean hub). Old catheters and used needles and ANYTHING that has blood in it is disposed of in the sharps container. The blood bag, however can be disposed of in the hazmat bag.
What are the guidelines for blood transfusions?
Maximum time to give blood is 4 hours. They will first test the patient for blood compatibility (type/cross). Before you administer blood you will also have to have patient consent and a doctor’s order. You will also want to check the blood product label and the patient’s blood bracelet to make sure they match. Also verify the blood product’s quantity, exp. Date. You will also check the patients, ID/birthdate/order/etc. 2 nurses must sign off on it. You will use filtered tubing for blood. The ONLY thing normal saline is usually used for is to flush the tube in case of a reaction or to flush tube when the procedure is over.
What are some transfusion reactions? What do you do to prep for these? What if they happen?
If the blood reaction is bad they will have FLANK PAIN (from the kidneys). He said to remember this. You will sometimes see an order for Tylenol and Benadryl. These are used for instances where the patient has a reaction. If they have a reaction, YOU STOP THE BLOOD and call the doctor.
What type of solutions are blood products?
Colloid solutions.