10.5 - Chemotaxis Flashcards
What happens in the running stage?
All the flagella bundle together (if it has several flagella) and rotate and the bacteria will swim in straight lines.
o Flagella counter-clockwise
What happens in the tumbling stage?
The flagella will de-bundle and occupy a large space.
o Flagella clockwise
What happens when bacteria run towards an attractant or away from a repellent?
They will suppress the tumbling stage so that they can run further (long run). This is what is referred to as random biased walk.
What is CheY-P also called?
It is phosphorylated CheY also known as tumble factor
What does CheY-P do?
Interacts with proteins in the basal body of the flagella and will promote the clockwise rotation (tumbling phase). CheY is made by default and acts as a RR protein (Response regulator).
What is Methyl Accepting Chemotaxis Protein?
MCP is a transmembrane protein in the cytoplasmic membrane.These chemoreceptors cluster at one pole of E. coli, forming a “nose”
What does CheW do?
Connects CheA to MCP
What is CheA?
A kinase (a Histidine Protein Kinase), which is active by default
Where are CheW and CheA found?
On the cytoplasmic side of the inner mb and aggregate in a tight array
What happens when no ligand is bound to MCP?
Both CheA subunits are in very close proximity to each other, CheA is thus active and will therefore be able to phosphorylate CheY.
What does phosphorylates CheY do?
The phosphorylated CheY will interact with the flagellar basal body and promote the clockwise rotation of the flagella (tumbling).
What happens when ligands bind to MCP?
The signal is transmitted to CheW (adaptor protein) and then to the 2 CheA domains are separated (deactivated) and will not be able to phosphorylate CheY. So tumbling factor synthesis is suppressed by ligand binding
What does CheZ do?
CheY that were already phosphorylated will get quickly dephosphorylated by a phosphatase called CheZ.
When will the flagella rotate counter clockwise (running stage)?
Since there is no more CheY-P, the flagella will rotate counter-clockwise (running stage).
When is the tumbling stage repressed and the running phase favored?
E. coli is randomly tumbling in the media, and then, by chance, it gets oriented in the right direction (towards a nutrient source for example). E. coli knowns when it is oriented in the right direction because that is when the ligand from the extracellular space binds to MCP.