10.4 Flashcards
How many annexes does Air Ops have?
Part 1- definitions Part 2- Authority requirements Part 3- organisation requirements Part 4- commercial air transport Part 5- specific approvals Part 6- non commercial with complex motor powered Part 7- non commercial with non complex motor powered Part 8- specialised
What annex must organisations operating CAT aircraft meet the requirements of?
Annex 3, 4 and 5 (if ETOPS)
What is AOC?
Air operators certificate
Where must the AOC requirements have a headquarters?
In the country they intend to gain approval.
Who is the MEL created by?
created by operator and approved by NAA.
What’s an MMEL?
Master minimum equipment list. (Given by manufacturer)
What must be carried on every flight?
Aircraft tech log Mass and balance document MEL Aircraft flight manual Certificate of registration Certificate of Airworthiness Noise certificate AOC Aircraft radio license
What areas of the fuselage suitable for break in by rescue be marked by?
Hashed line rectangles (red or yellow)
What is ATA?
Air transport association.
When and why was ATA formed?
Formed by 14 airlines in 1936.
Promote knowledge of aircraft industry and increase efficiency and safety.
What is ATA 100?
Standard for layout of aircraft technical documentation.
What is ATA 104?
Guidelines for aircraft maintenance documentation.
What is ATA 105?
Guidelines for training and qualification of personnel for NDT.
What paper is temporary revision on?
Yellow paper.
Can a temporary revision be revised?
What is an MPD?
Maintenance planning document
What are intervals for aircraft components to be?
What is a LAMS?
Light aircraft maintenance schedule.
What weight are LAMS aircraft?
Less than 2730kg
What CAP is the LAMP?
Cap 767 or 766
What is an SDMP?
Self declared maintenance programme (non commercial aircraft)
What is IPC?
Illustrated parts catalogue.
What does the CMM contain?
Info required for overhaul, maintenance and repair of aircraft components.
What is a TSM?
Trouble shooting manual.
What does the TSM allow?
Systematic identification, rectification and isolation of aircraft faults.
What format is the TSM usually given?
Flow chart.
What is the name given to the TSM by Boeing?
Fault identification manual.
Who is the MMEL produced by?
Aircraft manufacturer.
What are the categories for rectification intervals from MMEL established in accordance with?
Cat A- no standard interval
Cat B- 3 calendar days
Cat C- 10 calendar days
Cat D- 120 calendar days
What must be done to each inoperative item of MEL?
Placarded with MEL no. and DD number (deferred defect)
What is a CDL?
Configuration Deviation List .
Details any external components of the aircraft which may be missing on despatch
When are Airworthiness directives given out?
When it is decided that a particular maintenance action is required to ensure continued Airworthiness of a particular aircraft type.
Given out by EASA.
What is EAD?
Emergency Airworthiness Directive.
If urgent and short term time scale is essential
What are Service Bulletins (SB) ?
Detail recommendations concerning the maintenance or operation of aircraft.
(Not mandatory)
Under what Part must an organisation have approval to design a modification.
Part 21.
What happens to the certificate of Airworthiness if there is failure to get approval for a change to the aircrafts design?
Becomes invalid.
What do CAA class modifications as?
What is Part SPA?
Specific approvals
Examples extended twin operations.
What is Part SPO?
Aircraft used for agriculture, photography, advertising