103.2 Process Text Streams with Filters Flashcards
Text Streams
sort numerically or alphabetically starting by default at column 0
Text Streams
numbering the lines in a file or input stream can be all lines or just lines with data
Text Streams
abbreviation for word count but can do a lot more
Text Streams
changes tabs in file to specific number of spaces - default 8
Text Streams
command that will allow the extraction of field(s) or column(s) of data from a particular location in the indicated file
Text Streams
combines two files together without removing any data - concat style
Text Streams
combines two files together but removes redundant fields (database style) based on the first field (key)
Text Streams
allows you to extract only ‘unique’ lines of data from a file
Text Streams
similar to cat command in that it will display contents of a file but displays only a certain number of lines form the top - default 10
Text Streams
similar to cat command in the it will display contents of a file and it is the oppisite of the head command - only displays a certain number of lines from the bottom of the file - default 10
Text Streams
allows you to take a file with a number of records and split it into multiple files that contain part of the original data
Text Streams
display a file - top to bottom in full to standard output
Text Streams
same as cat but in reverse
bottom to top in full to standard output
Text Streams
allow save display of binary file to standard output terminal with having to recover with a clear or rest of terminal
Text Streams
commonly used to format a source file or other text only files to be printed and adds a header with the date of job, the file and pagination (page number at top)
Text Streams
used to formation files for printing however is limited to wrapping longer lines of put and commonly used with the pr command
Text Streams
allows you to change one or more chars matching a pattern in a file or stream - not intended to substitute entire words or phrases
cannot be used to operate on a file directly the file intended has to be treated as a stream
Text Streams
very powerful stream editor can quickly process and perform complex actions on streams of text
makes use of regular expressions often called regex to determine what to perform its ops on in the stream
Text Streams
allows paginate paging through text files one screen at a time
Text Streams
similar to more however also allows movement through the file backwards and is considered faster as it does not read the entire file before starting display