1.03 Defense and Coping Mechanisms Flashcards
Primarily unconscious
goal is immediate gratification of the drives, otherwise it would create anxiety if not allowed
Has both conscious and unconscious components
what should be done, what should not be done
Mediator between the id and superego, the person and reality
Conscious roles of the ego
Perception Learning Reality Testing Thinking Comprehension Affect Judgement
The collection, identification, organization and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment
Acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information
The ability to have abstract, logical and coherent thoughts
Refers to the experience of feeling or emotion
Adjudication capabilities of particular individuals
Allows us to express our impulses in a disguised form
Defense Mechanisms
Genesis of defense mechanisms
1) Id seeks expression of an impulse
2) The superego prohibits the impulse from being expressed
3) Conflict produces anxiety
4) Ego defense is recruited to decrease anxiety
5) Decrease the anxiety as compromise
6) Defense mechanism
7) A character or trait is formed, based on the types of ego defenses used.
Classifications of Defense Mechanisms by George Vaillant
Defenses found as part of a psychotic process but may also occur in young children and adult dreams or fantasies
Narcissistic defense mechanisms
Share common notes of avoiding, negating or distorting reality
Narcissistic defense mechanisms
Types of Narcissistic Defense Mechanisms
Reality is ignored so as to avoid painful feelings and memories
Altering one’s perception of the environment by replacing reality with a more acceptable version in order to suit the inner needs
Casting out unacceptable thoughts or feelings onto others, misattributing or misinterpreting motives, attitudes, feelings or intentions of others
Mechanisms common in preadolescent years and adult character disorders
often mobilized by anxieties related to intimacy and loss
Immature Defense Mechanisms
Immature Defense Mechanisms
Acting out Passive Aggressive behavior Regression Schizoid fantasy Somatization Hyperchondriasis
Performing an extreme behavior in order to express thoughts or feelings the person feels incapable of otherwise expressing
Acting out
The expression of hostile feelings in a non-aggressive or non-confrontational manner
Passive-Aggressive behavior
Attempt to go back to an earlier phase of functioning in an attempt to avoid the tension involved at the current level of development
Retreating into one’s private internal world to avoid anxiety brought by interpersonal situations
Schizoid Fantasy
Compensatory relationship in the fantasy, a substitute for an actual experience
Schizoid Fantasy
Converting emotional pain into physical symptoms and focussing one’s attention on somatic rather than intrapsychic concerns
Exaggerating or overemphasizing an illness for the purpose of evasion and regression
Unacceptable aggressive impulses toward others is transformed into self reproach and complaints of pain, somatic illness and neurasthenia
Function usually in the alleviation of distressing affects and may be expressed in neurotic forms of behavior
Neurotic Defenses
Neurotic Defenses
Displacement Intellectualization Rationalization Isolation of Affect Reaction Formation Repression Sexualization
Transferring an emotion associated with one idea or object to another one where the expression is more permitted, less forbidden and more acceptable
Overemphasis on thinking to deal with emotional issues
Attention is focused on irrelevant details, avoidance of expression of emotion
Offering rational explanations in an attempt to justify beliefs, attitudes or behaviors or failures that is otherwise unacceptable or intolerable
A justification of attitudes, beliefs or behavior that might otherwise be unacceptable by an incorrect application of justifying reasons or the invention of a convincing fallacy
Separating an idea from its associated emotion
Isolation of Affect
Unacceptable wishes are transformed into the complete opposite
Reaction Formation
Expelling or excluding unacceptable ideas or impulses or blocking them from entering consciousness
Situations and people are colored with sexual overtones that were either not there, or if present, were subtle
Defense mechanisms that can underlie seemingly admirable and virtuous patterns of behavior
Mature Defenses
Committing oneself to the needs of others over and above one’s own needs
Delaying immediate gratification by planning and thinking about future achievements and accomplishments
Attempt to eliminate pleasurable aspects of experience
Finding something comic in difficult situations to reduce unpleasant affect and personal discomfort
Channeling of unacceptable impulse, thoughts and emotions into acceptable one
Conscious decision to delay paying attention to an emotion or need in order to cope with the present reality
Internalizing the qualities of another person and becoming like that person
An attempt to take back an unconscious behavior or thought that is unacceptable or hurtful
Classes of coping mechanisms
Consciously Seeking Social Support
Conscious Cognitive Strategies
Adaptive involuntary Coping Mechanisms
Class of coping mechanisms in which individuals elicit help from appropriate others
Consciously Seeking Social Support
Class of coping mechanisms that individuals intentionally use to master stress
Conscious Cognitive Strategies
Class of coping mechanisms that distort our perception of internal and external reality in order to reduce subjective distress, anxiety and depression
Adaptive involuntary Coping Mechanisms
Levels of Coping
1) Defensive Deregulation
2) Action Level
3) Major image distorting level
4) Disavowal level
5) Minor image distortion level
6) Mental inhibitions level
7) High adaptive level
Level of coping characterized by failure of defensive regulation to contain the individual’s reaction to stressors, leading to a pronounced break with objective reality
Defensive Deregulation
Examples of Defensive Deregulation
Delusional projection
Psychotic denial of external reality
Psychotic distortion
Level of coping characterized by defensive functioning that deals with internal or external stressors by action or withdrawal
Action level
Examples of Action level
Acting out
Passive Aggression
Apathetic withdrawal
Help rejecting complaining
Level of coping characterized by gross distortion of misattribution of the image of self or others
Major image distorting level
Examples of Major image distorting level
Autistic fantasy
Splitting of self image or image of others
Level of coping characterized by keeping unpleasant or unacceptable stressors, impulses, ideas, affects, or responsibility out of awareness with or without a misattribution of these to external causes
Disavowal level
Examples of disavowal level
Level of coping characterized by distortions of the image of the self, body or others that may be employed to regulate self esteem
Minor image distortion level
Examples of Minor image distortion level
Level of coping characterized by keeping potentially threatening ideas, feelings, memories, wishes or fears out of awareness
Mental inhibitions level
Examples of Mental inhibitions level
Displacement Reaction formation Dissociation Repression Intellectualization Undoing Isolation of affect
Level of coping characterized by maximizing gratification and allowing the conscious awareness of feelings, ideas and their consequences
High Adaptive Level
Examples of High Adaptive Level
Anticipation Self Assertion Affiliation Self observation Altruism Sublimation Humor Suppression