103 Combat Logistics Fundamentals Flashcards
103.1a Describe The following as it pertains to how equipment and cargo are to be prepared for air, land and sea movement: Palletization
Palletization: Cargo should be palletized from heaviest to the lightest and distribute large and heavy objects from the center to prevent one side being heavier than the other. Construct and square or pyramid shape when possible.
103.1b Describe The following as it pertains to how equipment and cargo are to be prepared for air, land and sea movement: Weighing and marking.
Weighing and marking: The unit offering cargo is responsible for marking each item with the correct gross weight. You should always mark items 10 feet or longer, and anything that has a balance point other than center.
103.1c Describe The following as it pertains to how equipment and cargo are to be prepared for air, land and sea movement: Shoring.
Shoring: Used to stabilize items for transport.
103.1d Describe The following as it pertains to how equipment and cargo are to be prepared for air, land and sea movement: Joint inspections.
Joint inspections: Ensures all supplies and equipment presented for movement are prepared, documented, and manifested.
103.1e Describe The following as it pertains to how equipment and cargo are to be prepared for air, land and sea movement: 463L Pallet System.
463L Pallet System: designed to reduce unload and load time of the aircraft. Made from corrosion resistant aluminum and softwood core. Its overall dimensions are 88“ x 108“ but the usable surface is 84“ x 104“ which allows for the attachment of straps, nets, and other restraints.
103.2a State the types of Air Mobility Command (AMC) organic aircraft and their primary use and mission: C-130 Hercules
C-130 Hercules: Paris Mission is intra-theater tactical airlift of cargo from main theater bases to the front lines.
103.2b State the types of Air Mobility Command (AMC) organic aircraft and their primary use and mission: C-17 Globemaster.
C-17 Globemaster: The newest, most flexible cargo airlift capable of rapid strategic delivery of troops and all types of cargo to Maine operating bases or forward bases in the deployment area.
103.2c State the types of Air Mobility Command (AMC) organic aircraft and their primary use and mission: C-5 Galaxy
C-5 Galaxy: Primary mission is intra-theater strategic airlift of outsize cargo to main-theater staging bases.
103.2d State the types of Air Mobility Command (AMC) organic aircraft and their primary use and mission: KC-10 Extender.
KC-10 Extender: Primary mission is aerial refueling however it can also provide cargo or personal transport to overseas deployments.
103.3 Explain the procedure to calculate the center of balance for Civil Engineer Support Equipment (CESE).
Multiply the weight by distance of each axle from the Reference Datum Line (RDL) in inches and then divide the total results by the vehicle Gross Weight (GWT) to compute the CB location of vehicles. The resulting figure is the number of inches to be measured aft from the reference line to the CB of the vehicle the vehicle CB is computed to the nearest whole inch. Any answer with a fraction of 0.5 or higher is increased to the next highest number. If 0.4 or less, drop the number.
103.4 Discuss the information found on a Timed Phase Force Deployment Data (TPFDD).
Begins with mission analysis and the determination of force structure to satisfy mission requirements. TPFDD provides the following info units already deployed, force’s deployed to support the OPLAN, routing of force’s to be deployed, movement data about deploying forces, estimates of non-unit related cargo and personal movements to be conducted concurrently with force deployment, an estimated transportation requirements.
103.5 discuss the Military Sealift Command mission.
Provides ocean transport of equipment, fuel, supplies, and ammunition to sustain US forces worldwide. They operate ships that provide combat logistics support to USN ships at sea, special mission support to government agencies, propositioning of military supplies and equipment at sea, and ocean transport of DoD cargo.
103.6 Discuss OP Funds.
Granted by Congress, this is a command budget based on projected operating expenses. Funds are dispensed on a quarterly basis.
103.7a What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class I
103.7b What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class II
103.7c What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class III
103.7d What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class IV
Construction materials
103.7e What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class V
103.7f What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class VI
Personal demand items (toothbrush)
103.7g What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class VII
Major end items (tanks)
103.7h What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class VIII
Medical material
103.7i What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class IX
Repair parts
103.7j What are the 10 Army Classes of Supplies? Class X
Material to support nonmilitary programs (agriculture).
103.8 State the purpose of your departments Table of Allowance (TOA) TA-77.
90 day supply for operations and 15 days supply for food and water.
103.9 Explain the uses of the government commercial purchase card [International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card (IMPAC)].
Intended to streamline small purchase methods, minimize paperwork, eliminate petty cash, streamline payment processes, and simplify the admin effort.
103.10 Describe the purpose of shipper declaration of dangerous goods.
To ensure that the shipper and receiver is aware of the materials being transported and handles them accordingly.
103.11 Describe the different types of cargo containers that may be used for unit movements.
Internal aircraft/helicopter Swingable container Unit (ISU), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) container, triple container (tricon individual or set of three), quadruple container (quad con individual or set of four), pallet container (palcon), half-height container (halfcon) flat rack loaders, side opening containers.
103.12a Define the following as applied to embarkation: ACL.
ALE: Allowable Cabin Load is the max payload that can be carried.
103.12b Define the following as applied to embarkation: CRE/CRT.
CRE/CRT: Designated Contingency Response Element/Contingency Response Team.
103.12c Define the following as applied to embarkation: Marshaling.
Marshaling: Should be as close as possible to departure area, is used for the final preparation of cargo, and allows for rapid clearing of cargo and personnel.
103.12d Define the following as applied to embarkation: AACG.
AACG: Arrival Airfield Control Group
103.12e Define the following as applied to embarkation: DACG.
DACG: departure airfield control group, DACG/DACG assist AMC and the deploying unit in receiving, processing, and loading of personnel and equipment.
103.13a Explain the four types of shoring used during embarkation operations: Sleeper.
Sleeper: Protects the surface/floor while in transit under the vehicle frame or axle.
103.13b Explain the four types of shoring used during embarkation operations: Rolling.
Rolling: Protects ramps, cargo floor, or loading ramps of cargo planes.
103.13c Explain the four types of shoring used during embarkation operations: Parking.
Parking: Protects the surface or floor area from damage.
103.13d Explain the four types of shoring used during embarkation operations: Approach.
Approach: Decreases the approach angle of aircraft ramps when loading.
103.14a Discuss the following convoy planning element: Route reconnaissance and selection.
Route reconnaissance and selection: Recon, by ground or air, of possible convoy routes should be done prior to selection to avoid predictability. HHQ may specify the route used or give the decision to Convoy Commander.
103.14b Discuss the following convoy planning element: Convoy troop leading procedures.
Convoy troop leading procedures: Receive the mission, issue the warning order (WARNO), make a tentative plan [Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support available/Key Terrain Observation and Fields of Fire, Cover, and Concealment, Obstacles, Avenues of Approach (METT-TC/KOCOA)], initiate movement, reconnoiter, complete the plan, issue the convoy brief (OPORD), and supervise.
103.14c Discuss the following convoy planning element: General planning considerations:
General planning considerations: Gun trucks, forward security element, maintain OPSEC, destruction plan for classified docs and comms, vehicle recovery plan, medical coverage, designate assault teams, rest/rotation plans for drivers, disperse commodities throughout the convoy, use convoy signals, have aviation support, coordinate boundary crossing considerations, rehearsals and battle drills.
103.15 discuss how the operating target (OPTAR)/budget impacts your department.
Each department/division is responsible for anticipating the required funds needed for the upcoming fiscal year, which are based on past usage data and upcoming operating schedules.
103.16a Discuss the following forms and their purpose: DD Form 1348-6.
 DOD single line item requisition system doc (manual long form).
103.16b Discuss the following forms and their purpose: NAVCOMPT 2276.
Used to request work or services from a Navy contracting office, like public works.
103.16c Discuss the following forms and their purpose: NAVSUP 1250-2.
Seven part multipurpose form used for procuring non-NSN material.
103.16d Discuss the following forms and their purpose: DD Form 448 Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)
Authorize funds for an external command to perform work or services for the requesting command, like Marine unit training on an Army base.
103.16e Discuss the following forms and their purpose: SF 44.
Purchase order invoice voucher, multipurpose pocket sized purchase order form for on the spot, over the counter purchases. Can also be used as a receiving report, invoice and public voucher.
103.16f Discuss the following forms and their purpose: DD Form 1155.
Distribution of purchase orders.
103.16g Discuss the following forms and their purpose: SF 1449.
Used to document the legal binding contract issued to a private business for providing goods/services to the government.
103.16h Discuss the following forms and their purpose: SF 30.
Used to amend an existing SF 1449.
103.16i Discuss the following forms and their purpose: DD Form 200.
When government owned property is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed and investigation will be launched by the Accountable Officer and this form is used to determine negligence or abuse in the situation.
103.17a State the purpose of the following: Table of Allowances (TOA).
A listing of the number of vehicles and equipment authorized for a given command or base.
103.17b State the purpose of the following: Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS).
(DPAS) assures the timely availability of industrial resources to meet current national defense and emergency preparedness program requirements.
103.18 Define and discuss DLR procedures.
Depot Level Repairables are Navy managed items, which base on the unit cost, annual demand, difficulty of repair, and other economic considerations, have been selected for special inventory controls.
103.19a Discuss the functions and purpose of: Joint Acquisition Review Board.
Use for the procurement of items costing an excess of $200,000, force protection items, and other special interest items that must be prioritized. It is a review board that verifies the justification of the request, but in no way determines unit requirements.
103.19b Discuss the functions and purpose of: Joint Facilities Utilization Board.
Evaluates and reconciles component requests for real estate, use of existing facilities, and construction to ensure compliance with the Joint Civil Military Engineering Board.
103.20 Discuss the procedures for hardening vehicles.
Kevlar blankets, armor plating, ballistic glass, and other protective devices are used to make the vehicle less vulnerable and significantly protect occupants from injury or death in an attack.
103.21a Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Convoy Commander and A-Convoy Commander:.
The leader is charged with responsibility for the planning, preparation, execution, and tactical employment of a convoy.
103.21b Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Lead Vehicle Commander.
Experienced subordinate leader that performs convoy navigation duties, maintains convoy speed/interval, and is familiar with route.
103.21c Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Vehicle Commander.
Responsible for standard equipment requirements, the organizing and rehearsing of drills, provides supervision to drivers, serves as alternate navigator, and designates alternate driver.
103.21d Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Driver and A-Driver.
Primary duty is to drive. Also scans assigned sector of observation and monitors fuel and maintenance of vehicle.
103.21e Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Crew Serve Weapons Operator.
Responsible for primary and alternate sectors of fire, and targets greatest threat along route.
103.21f Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Designated Marksman.
Facilitates precision fire and assist Convoy Commander to ensure proportionate fire is used during a threat.
103.21g Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Combat Life Savers/Medic.
Render medical treatment and supervise evacuation of casualties. When possible, multiple CLSs should be assigned throughout convoy.
103.21h Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Litter Team.
Consist of two personnel who are responsible for providing buddy aid, preparation of casualties for movement, and/or evac under supervision of CLS.
103.21i Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Landing Zone Team.
Minimum of two personnel, establish and mark the landing zone for possible MEDEVAC or other air support.
103.21j Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Assault Team.
Used when a convoy encounters a heavy enemy element that brings a convoy to a halt. Should be spread throughout several vehicles, have an assault leader, and it’s own comms capability.
103.21k Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Recovery Team.
Assist with maintenance and recovery of convoy asset, wheeled vehicles are preferred and if not available, the recovery vehicle should be able to tow anything in the convoy and be equipped with chains.
103.21l Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Security Personnel.
All other personnel in a convoy, because in tactical convoy no one is just a passenger! They observe for potential close threats, signal and direct traffic, dismount on order, and should be formed into tactical elements.
103.22a Discuss advantages and disadvantage of the following formations: File.
Best for inexperienced drivers, simple, usual at night with compressed intervals and minimized IED blast effect. But does leave a weak left flank, reduced field of view, and reduced headlight coverage at night.
103.22b Discuss advantages and disadvantage of the following formations: staggered.
Can only be used on multilane roads and allows for all around security, greater flexibility, permits ease of maneuver during contact, limits third-party interference, and offers greater headlight coverage at night. But it requires more command and control, driver experience, and is more vulnerable to IED blast.
103.22c Discuss advantages and disadvantage of the following formations: Offset.
Used to block third-party traffic and assists in lane changes. Combines flexibility of stagger with the ease of file formation, and allows Convoy Commander to control third-party traffic. But it is vulnerable to IED blast and difficult to command and control.
103.22d Discuss advantages and disadvantage of the following formations: Inverted T.
Used on multilane roads, convoy runs the centerline of their lanes, which limits third-party vehicles infiltration. But requires experienced drivers and is difficult to command and control without sufficient comms.
103.22e Discuss advantages and disadvantage of the following formations: Diamond.
Used on multilane roads, convoy runs the centerline of their lanes, which limits third-party vehicles infiltration. But requires experienced drivers and is difficult to command and control without sufficient comms.
103.23a Discuss actions for the following battle drills: Downed driver.
Vehicle Commander gains control of steering wheel, if possible third person pulls driver out of compartment so the Vehicle Commander can move into driver position.
103.23b Discuss actions for the following battle drills: Bailout.
Used when vehicle is inoperative or when occupants are required to use the vehicle as cover.
103.23c Discuss actions for the following battle drills: Hasty vehicle recovery.
The recovery vehicle uses straps, cables or chains to pull downed vehicle, with the Vehicle Commander in the downed vehicle to steer and work brakes. If this is not viable, push through is an option.
103.23d Discuss actions for the following battle drills: In-stride hasty Vehicle recovery.
Only used on small to medium vehicles, with straps connected to the left front and right rear of the vehicle and strapped to the recovery vehicle which slowly moves forward taking up the slack and pulling the vehicle out.
103.23e Discuss actions for the following battle drills: Dismount/remount procedures.
Call is made by the Vehicle Commander, dismounts use buddy teams to watch each other and maintain line of sight. Use hand signals and verbal comm‘s, if more action is required follow ROE. If fired upon, move to cover, suppress fire and mount.
103.23f Discuss actions for the following battle drills: React to contact-blow through.
Speed up, signal direction of enemy, return fire, send report, move to rally point away from site, establish 360° security, send report and continue the mission.
103.23g Discuss actions for the following battle drills: React to contact- recovery, no obstacle.
Convoy stops, dismount, establish 360° security, move gun trucks to support firing positions, report to HHQ and request assistance if needed, recover casualties from cold side of vehicle, use hasty recovery method, convoy continues movement to rally point.
103.23h Discuss actions for the following battle drills: React to contact- recovery with obstacle.
Stop when forced, Vehicle Commanders and other personnel dismount, drivers and crew serve weapons remain ready to react, establish 360° security, achieve fire superiority, recover casualties from cold side of vehicle, Convoy Commander assess the situation and establishes a hasty defense and awaits QRF or directs escort force to assault through ambush.
103.23i Discuss actions for the following battle drills: Hasty attack.
Preposition straps, cable or chain ahead of time. After fire superiority is obtained, recovery vehicle moves forward, driver stays in vehicle while Vehicle Commander ties onto disabled vehicle and then gets in to steer and work brakes, recovery vehicle moves out pulling the disabled vehicle behind it, moves to rally point and re-configures to more stable means of towing. Push through is also an option, mount a used tire on the front to assist with pushing.
103.24 Discuss sectors of observation and field of fire in a convoy.
A sector of observation is comprised of the entire visible area of a crewmember, even though not all observed area is easily fired upon. Fields of fire or areas that can be covered with direct fire, should designate primary and secondary locations.
103.25 Discuss convoy communications.
Primary means of communication is radios. Comms should include vehicle internal, vehicle to vehicle, and external to convoy. Alternate means of communication include hand signals, pyrotechnics, vehicle signals, whistles, etc.
103.26 Identify characteristics and considerations of roadside IED or VBIED.
One of the greatest threats to convoys, personnel should always expect an ambush following an IED attack. Bottom line is to protect the convoy, personnel must maintain situational awareness on the lookout for actual IED‘s and likely hiding places. Their construction is limited to the enemies imagination and can be housed and trash, animal carcasses, or guard rails. Be wary of suspicious activities, foreign looking objects, and use driving considerations like varyng of routes, speed and intervals.