102.5 Use RPM and YUM package management Flashcards
How do you install the man pages in a RedHat distro?
sudo yum install man-pages
What is the Yum command that reinstalls a package that becomes corrupt or if a config file becomes damaged?
yum reinstall packagename
What is the Yum command that finds out what package provides a specified file name?
yum whatprovides */packagename
What is the Yum command that removes or uninstalls a package and its dependencies?
sudo yum autoremove
What is the Yum command that uninstalls an application?
sudo yum remove packagename
What is the Yum command that installs a package and all its dependencies?
sudo yum install packagename
What is the Yum command that uninstalls an application?
sudo yum remove packagename
What is the Yum command that installs a package and all its dependencies?
sudo yum install packagename
What is the Yum command that cleans up all Yum’s cache information and its local database file?
yum clean all
What is the Yum command that lists information about a specified package?
yum info packagename
What is the Yum command that searches the Yum repositories for a specified package?
yum search packagename
What is the Yum command that searches online repositories for updated packages compared to what is currently installed on the system and upgrades packages?
yum update
Where does Yum cache the latest repository information?
It caches repo info in /var/cache/yum
What does /etc/yum.repos.d contain?
It contains a configuration file for each repository it uses.
Where does Yum read repository information from?
Where is the yum config file?
What distros use Yum?
RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux and old Fedora.
Does Yum handle RPM dependencies?
Yes, it does. It installs all necessary dependencies for the user.
What does YUM stand for?
Yellowdog Updater, Modified
What rpm command verifies all installed packages?
rpm -Va
What rpm command erases a package?
sudo rpm -e packagename.rpm
What rpm command upgrades an already installed package?
sudo rpm -Uvh package.rpm
What rpm command installs a package?
sudo rpm -ivh package.rpm
What rpm command displays all installed packages on a system?
rpm -qa | less
What rpm command displays information on a package?
rpm -qpi packagename.rpm
What rpm command lists the files contained in a .rpm package?
rpm -qpl packagename.rpm
Does RPM manage dependencies for the user?
No. The user has to resolve the dependencies.
What command can you use to repair a corrupted RPM database?
rpm –rebuilddb
Where is the RPM database located?
What does an .rpm contain?
the app or utility
the default config files
how and where to install the files
a listing of dependencies the package requires
What does RPM stand for?
Red Hat Package Manager