10.2 Inheritance Flashcards
What does it mean if alleles are unlinked?
According to the law of independent assortment, pairs of alleles are inherited independently of one another if their gene loci are on separate chromosomes – these genes are said to be unlinked
Why are some alleles unlinked?
This is due to the random orientation of homologous pairs during metaphase I of meiosis
What does independent segregation lead to in terms of variation?
The independent segregation of unlinked genes results in a greater number of potential gamete combinations, as well as a greater variety of possible phenotypes
What does independent segregation lead to in terms of inheritance patterns?
This also results in more complex inheritance patterns (e.g. monohybrid versus dihybrid crosses)
What does a dihybrid cross determine?
A dihybrid cross determines the genotypic and phenotypic combinations of offspring for two particular genes that are unlinked
How many gamete combinations can there be in a dihybrid cross?
Because there are two genes, each with two alleles, there can be up to four different gamete combinations
What is a linked group?
A linkage group is a group of genes whose loci are on the same chromosome and hence don’t independently assort
What do linked genes not exhibit?
Linked genes will tend to be inherited together and hence don’t follow normal Mendelian inheritance for a dihybrid cross
What will be the phenotypic ratio for linked genes?
Instead the phenotypic ratio will be more closely aligned to a monohybrid cross as the two genes are inherited as a single unit
When may linked genes become separated?
Linked genes may become separated via recombination (due to crossing over during synapsis in meiosis I)
Who provided insight into gene linkage?
Thomas Hunt Morgan provided a key contribution to our current understanding of gene linkage by discovering non-Mendelian ratios in Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies)
What did Thomas Hunt Morgan show in terms of linked genes?
His breeding experiments involving fruit flies clearly demonstrated that linked genes were not independently assorted
What did Thomas Hunt Morgan show in terms of sex linkage?
When cross-breeding red-eyed wild types with white-eyed mutants, he discovered a clear sex bias in phenotypic distribution
What were the phenotypes of the fruit flies which suggested sex linkage?
All female offspring of a red-eyed male were red-eyed, whereas all male offspring of a white-eyed female were also white-eyed
How did Morgan explain his findings related to sex linkage?
Morgan described this distribution as ‘sex-limited’ inheritance and inferred it was caused by the gene for eye colour being located on a sex chromosome (i.e. X-linked)
What other features did morgan find that did not abide by mendelian ratios?
Morgan went on to identify a number of different traits in fruit flies that did not conform to Mendelian ratios
Certain phenotypic combinations occurred in much lower frequencies than was to be expected
What two explanations did Morgan present for the offspring not exhibiting Mendelian ratios?
The alleles for these traits were located on a shared chromosome (gene linkage) and hence did not independently assort
Linked alleles could be uncoupled via recombination (crossing over) to create alternative phenotypic combinations, but these new phenotypes would occur at a much lower frequency
What did Morgan also observe in terms of crossing over?
Morgan also observed that the amount of crossing over between linked genes differed depending on the combination of traits
What could Morgan conclude about crossing over?
This led to the idea that crossover frequency may be a product of the distance between two genes on a chromosome – genes with a higher crossover frequency are further apart, whereas genes with a lower crossover frequency are closer together
What did Morgan develop with his findings?
Morgan used this concept to develop the first gene linkage maps that showed the relative positions of genes on a chromosome
What can be seen from Morgan’s gene linkage map?
From the above diagrams it can be seen that:
Long aristae and red eyes are more likely to be separated via recombination (high crossover frequency)
Long aristae and long legs are less likely to be separated via recombination (low crossover frequency)
This indicates that the aristae and leg genes are located closer together, whereas the eye gene is more distant
What are recombinants of linked genes?
Recombinants of linked genes are those combinations of genes not found in the parents