10.2 Flashcards
psychological theories
suggest social movements attract people with psychological issues/social defects who participate in social movements to fulfill psychological needs + feel important
strain theories
propose that people’s feelings of deprivation motivate them to join social movements in an effort to change society into one that’s more equitable/fair
resource mobilization theories
based on ability to take advantage of resources such as time, money, and skill to create ability for the movement + an agenda that people can get behind/support
observation that when you study crowds, the more people who follow behavior, the more likely others will as well.
circular reaction
rejects the notion that crowd behavior is unique; sees crowd behavior as a special case of group behavior as a result of norms that emerge in social interaction between crowd members
emergent norms theory
the mind of the individual is lost to the collective mind - people in crowds tend to respond to each other in emotional and influential ways.
contagion theory
Crowds happen when people with similar ideas/tendencies happen to gather in the same place at the same time. Idea that crowds do not require planning
convergence theory
social movement:
when a large number of people have joined together to bring about or resist some type of social or cultural change