10.1 Meiosis Flashcards
Where do chromosomes replicate before meiosis?
What are the 3 cell cycle phases in interphase?
- G1
- S
- G2
What happens in the S phase of interphase?
DNA is repilicated so that each chromosome consits of two chromatids
At the start of meiosis, what do the chromosomes do?
They condense and are visible as two chromatids, called sister chromatids
Where do pairing or synapsis occur in meiosis?
Occurs where homologous chromosomes come to align beside each other
What a tetrad?
The combination of chromatids as it is composed of four chromatids
Also a homologous pair
What is a tetrad also referred to as and why?
Bivalent - as it is composed of a homologous pair
What is the protein-based structure that forms between the homologous chromosomes called?
Synaptonemal complex
In what type of cells do synaptonemal complexes form?
Eukaryotic cells
What is crossing over?
The exchange of DNA material between non-sister homologou chromatids
When do breaks in the DNA occur in meiosis?
Prophase I
What happens during crossing over?
Non-sister chromatids “invade” a homologous sequence on a non-sister chromatid and bind in the region of the break
What are the connection points where crossing over occured called?
Chiasmata (P) or Chiasma (S)
What does the chiasmata formation between non-sister chromatids in a bivalent result in?
An exchange of alleles
What are the two consequences of chiasmata formation?
- Increased stability of bivalents at chiasmata
- Increase genetic variability if crossing over occurs
What are the two consequences of chiasmata formation?
- Increased stability of bivalents at chiasmata
- Increase genetic variability if crossing over occurs
What chromosomes are exchanged in crossing over?
The process of crossing over results in the exchange of DNA between the maternal and paternal chromosomes