101-150 Flashcards
Most woody plants are propagated by ______.
When studying insects that affect our gardens, crops, and goods, agriculture we must first learn..
how to identify the insects
Biological and chemical controls of harmful insects are closely tied to…
where, when, and how insects develop
Many chemical insecticides were developed after…
World war one
Many beneficial insects need to be _____ when it is economically feasible.
protected and promoted
Insects, like all other plants and animals, are classified by…
binomial nomenclature
Insects are grouped based on similarities and types of development. An example would be…
type of legs, mouthparts, absence or presence of wings
Mouthparts, wings and type of metamorphosis are characteristics used to….
Identify an insect
Names of insects end with -idae. An example is Aphidae.
The names of most insect orders have the ending -petra, which means…
The insect possess wings in the adult stage
_______ names refer to large groups rather than individual species.
Insects are in the class insecta becasue they possess the following characteristics…
three body regions, three pairs of jointed legs, one pair of antennae and one or two pairs of wings
There are three regions of an insects body, which of the following is NOT correct?
Piecing-sucking, lapping, and sponging are all examples of…
This part of an insects body is mostly membranous and has a frame work of veins.
The most important characteristic for the insects is the presence of three…
Pairs of jointed legs
Insects use this to feel their way, detect danger, locate their food find their mates and in some cases to communicate.
The term “metamorphosis” literally means a change in ______.
This part of an insect has a great deal of variation and can be used fro identification.
A newly emerged insect feeds ravenously, but the extent of its growth is restricted by ___.
Rigid exoskeleton
The process of an insect shedding its outer skin is called ________.
Gradual metamorphosis includes which of the following stages of development?
Egg, nymph, adult
Complete metamorphosis includes which of the following stages of development?
Egg, larvae,pupa, adult
During simple metamorphosis each development stage is called ____.
Of the 80,000+ diseases that attack plants in the U.S., over 30,000 attack crops that are ____.
Economic importance
The vegetative structure of a fungus is made of thread-like material known as
Fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes are 4 major groups of plant parasitic organisms which cause
plant disease
There are ____ types of plant diseases.
Nematodes that insert a spear-like mouth part into the root tissue, inject a chemical substance then withdraw plant material as it feeds to belong to a group called ____.
Bread mold is a ____ which produces a thread-like vegetative structures.
Nematodes that feed by completely entering the plant root are called ____.
Scorch is a _____.
Burning of leaf margins as a result of infection or unfavorable environmental conditions.
Witches broom is a ______.
Broom like growth or massed proliferation caused by the dense clustering of branches in woody plants.
Bacteria cells may divide every _____.
20-30 minutes
Beneficial fungi are called ____.
Fungi most commonly reproduce ______.
Nutrient deficiencies, lack of or excess soil moisture, too low or too high temperatures are all examples of ______ plant diseases.
A parasite or an organism that attacks a plant can be referred to as a _____.
A susceptible host, a parasitic organism, environmental conditions are three factors always present for a _______ disease.
A fungus is a multi-cellular organism which has NO roots, stems, or leaves and ______.
Cannot make its own food
The formation of spores, sclerotia, and mycelia fragments refer to the process of
fungi reproduction
______, a common disease in ornamental plants which causes the damping off of young vegetable plants is spread by mycelia fragments.
These structures can remain viable in the soil for several years until a susceptible crop is planted. They form when the mycelium of some fungi become hard.
Fungi that form in swimming spores thrive in low, wet areas and cause diseases such as root rot. These types of fungi are known as _____.
This is an advanced group of fungi. They produce spores on special structures inside plant tissue.
Practically all types of fungi produce their asexual spore on exposed stalks called and resemble a small plant with fruit hanging on it.
Inoculation, penetration, infection, incubation, invasion, reproduction, over wintering are stages in the life cycle of a ______.
Direct penetration, penetration through stomates or through wounds is necessary in order for ____ to occur.
______ are spread by blowing rain, insects, humans and inside seeds.
Symptoms of this include mottled or puckered leaves streaks on leaves and at times distorted fruit.