1003. 21/01/21 Flashcards
How are atherosclerosis formed?
Affect medium and large arteries within the body
Caused by chronic inflammation and activation of the immune system in the artery wall
Leading to deposition of lipids in the wall
What is Leriche’s syndrome?
Occlusion only the distal aorta/ common Iliac artery
A clinical triad of thigh/buttock claudication, absent femoral pulses, male impotence
What are the symptoms of digoxin toxicity
Arrhythmia’s Seeing yellow Nausea Skin reactions Vomiting
What are the types of primary brain injury
Focal- contusion/haematoma
Diffuse- diffuse axonal injury
What are the various types of intra-cranial heamatomoas?
Extradural heamatoma- bleeding between dura matter and skull, lucid interval. Rupture of middle meningeal artery
Subdural- bleeding into outermost meningeal layer, slower onset, fluctuating consciousness
Intracerebral- present like an schematic stroke,caused by aneurysms or AV malformation
How does a diffuse axonal brain injury occur?
Mechanical shearing following deceleration
How does a secondary brain injury occur?
Cerebral oedema,
Tonsillitis or tentorial herniation
What is the cushing reflex?
Hypertension and bradycardia in response to increased intercranial pressure overcoming the arterial pressures in the brain
What would third nerve palsy result in?
Down and out eye
Dilated, fixed pupil
The torchlear nerve has a palsy, what symptoms would you see?
Palsy results in defective downward gaze (vertical diplopia)
What cranial nerve would present with nystagmus?
Cranial nerve 8 (vestibulocochlear)
Also can give bearing loss and vertigo
What are acoustic neuromas?
Schwann cell tumours of the cochlear nerve
What are the muscles of the eye?
Superior rectus (extraocular muscle) Cranial nerve III
Lateral rectus- Crnail nerve VI
Medial rectus- cranial nerve III
Inferior rectus- Cranial nerve III
Superior oblique- Crianial nerve IV
Inferior oblique- Crianila nerve III
What is Trigeminal neuralgia
Disease of chronic pain in which severe pain arises from minimal touching of the face
A problem with the corneal reflex would indicate a problem with which cranial nerve?
Ophthalmic or facial (afferent and efferent)
What arteries are involved in Tortola anterior circulation infarcts?
Middle and anterior cerebral arteries
Unilateral hemispheresis
Homonymous hemianopia
Higher cognitive dysfunction
What controls the muscles of mastication?
Cranial nerve V- it’s only motor innervation.
What innervates taste?
Facial (anterior 2/3rds)
Glossopharyngeal (1/3rd)
What nerve innervates the gag reflex?