002. Rheumatoid arthritis Flashcards
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
Chronic systemic inflammatory disease
Characterized by a symmetrical peripheral polyarthritis
Increases risk of cardiovascular disease by 2-3 fold
What genes are associated with RA?
What is a typical presentation of RA?
Symmetrical swollen painful joints in the hands and feet
Worse in the morning, larger joints may be involved
What are some of the less common ways RA can present?
Persistant monoarthritis
Systemic illness with extra-articular symptoms e.g. fatigue, fever, weight loss
Recurrent soft tissue issues
What extra-articular manifestations may occur in RA?
Lungs- pleural disease, interstitial fibrosis, organizing pneumonia
Cardiac- IHD, pericarditis, pericardial effusions,
Eye- episcleritis, scleritism scleromalacia, keratoconjunctivitus
What investigations are done for RA?
Rf, anti-ccp
Aneamia of chronic diseases
platelets (raised)
raised ESR and CRP
What are the treatment principles for RA?
Refer early
Treat to resolve symptoms and achieve control
Steroids rapidly reduce inflammation- acute exacerbations
NSAIDS good for symptom relief
smoking increases risk
What drugs DMARDS are typically enough to combat RA?
What two further things must we consider about these drugs
may take 6-12 weeks to begin
Immunosupression common, wtach out for pancytopenia
What are the side effects of methotrexate?
Oral ulcers
What are the side effects of sulfalsalazine
Decreased sperm count
Oral ulcers
Gi upset
What are the side effects of leflunomide
Tetarogenecity (males and females)
oral ulcers
increased blood pressure
What are the side effects of hydroxychloroquine?
Causes retinopathy (eye screening required)
What are the biologic agents that can be used in the treatment of RA?
TNF-a (e.g. infliximab) First line
B cell depleters (only when dmards and TNF-a fail)
IL-1 and IL-6 inhibitors (e.g. tacilizumab)in combination with methotrexate when TNF-a fails)
Inhibition of T cell co-stimulation
What are the side effects that biologics posses in the treatment of RA?
Serious infections (re-activation of TB)
Worsening heart failure
ANA and reversible SLE type illnesses may occur
Melanaomas are more common
elevated lymphomas