100 SOPs Flashcards
Learn critical data covered in 100 SOPs
PT shorts are acceptable to wear at what times?
During work outs, and after 1700 (5:00 pm).
How are SOPs revised?
SOPs revised every 3 years of when there is a change, revision or a new SOP. Assistant Chiefs are responsible for SOPs in their area.
What are the employee’s responsibilities when seeking out Maternity Leave?
(1) informing supervisor or pregnancy
(2) requesting Transitional Work Assignment
What are the supervisor’s responsibilities when an employee asks for Maternity Leave?
(1) inform employee of Transitional Work opportunity
(2) inform employee of SOPs and policies governing pregnancy, special leaves without pay, and FMLA
(3) coordinate with BC the placement of member in Transitional work assignment
When must a request for Transitional Work assignment be made?
anytime prior to member not being able to perform functions of their position
What must a member have in order to return to frontline duty?
Member must secure in writing permission from their physician authorizing return to active duty
How long must an employee be with the city prior to being eligible for Parental Leave?
Employee must be actively employed either full or part time for 12 consecutive months prior to being eligible for Parental leave.
What is the longest amount of time available for Parental Leave?
Employee may request up to 12 months of paid/unpaid leave.
What are considered valid reasons for requesting Parental Leave?
(1) birth or care of a child
(2) care of employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has serious medical condition
(3) serious health condition which makes employee unable to perform
What are the requirements for Parental Leave?
(1) employee must provide 30 days advance notice to Fire Chief and Personnel Director when need is foreseeable
(2) city will request medical certification to support a request when leave is requested due to medical condition
What happens to employees upon return from Parental Leave?
(1) The employee is returned to original or equivalent position in rank/pay
(2) benefits to which employee is eligible for resumes immediately (NOTE: NO ACCRUAL OF BENEFITS OCCUR WHEN EMPLOYEE IS ON PARENTAL LEAVE)
Who must members speak to prior to use of MFMD name and/or logo?
employee’s immediate supervisor must approve any non-departmental use.
Who grants final permission for use of MFMD name and/or logo
An Assistant Chief must grant final approval for any non-departmental related use of MFMD name/logo.
Who approves changes to uniforms, turnouts, and helmets?
A uniform committee is responsible for approving any and all changes to these items.
Who approves changes to apparatus or additions to apparatus?
The apparatus committee is responsible for any and all changes to configuration of MFMD apparatus.
Are outside personnel allowed to use MFMD logo and/or name?
The PIO gives permission for all outside use of MFMD name and logo, and the organization must be directly affiliated or have a direct relationship with MFMD.
Who is responsible for reporting possible child and/or elderly abuse?
Any employee who observes or had reasonable belief that an abuse has occurred is obligated to report to peace officer, CPS, and their immediate supervisor.
How long is the window for filing of a written report for child abuse?
An employee has a 72 hour window to make a written report, which is filed with peace officer, CPS, and their immediate supervisor. A pre-hospital report is filed prior to the end of shift when abuse was witnessed.
How long is the window for filing of a written report for elderly abuse?
An employee has a 48 hour window to make a written report, which is filed with peace officer, CPS, and their immediate supervisor. A pre-hospital report is filed prior to the end of shift when abuse was witnessed.
What is contained in the written report?
The written report contains:
(1) name and addresses of minor or vulnerable adult
(2) name and addresses of parents or persons having custody
(3) minor or vulnerable adult’s age and nature of abuse, as well as evidence of previous abuse or neglect
(4) any additional information which might help establish cause, nature, or history of abuse or neglect
What are the penalties for not reporting abuse?
Not reporting minor or vulnerable adult abuse/neglect is considered a class 1 misdemeanor or a class 6 felony. In addition to any criminal charges, disciplinary action will be initiated up to and including dismissal.
Driver/Operators are governed or regulated by…?
(1) State/Provincial laws;
(2) City Ordinances
(3) Department SOPs
(4) Any statutes/laws/ordinances governing any vehicle operator
The licensing requirements for driver/operators were established by…?
The Federal Department of Transportation
Apparatus maintenance is defined as…?
Keeping the apparatus in a state of usefulness or readiness
Apparatus repair is defined as…?
restoring or replacing that which has become inoperable
The purpose of preventive maintenance is…?
an attempt to eliminate unexpected or catastrophic failures of apparatus
Apparatus maintenance repair/inspection records help with and are used by…
(1) warranty claims to document necessary maintenance was performed
(2) scrutinized by investigations in the event of an accident
(3) aid in decision to purchase new apparatus or repair the old
3 reasons to keep the apparatus clean are…?
(1) maintain good public relations
(2) permit proper inspection
(3) promotes longer vehicle life
4 things to consider when waxing the apparatus include…?
(1) may not be necessary on new vehicles
(2) should not be done until paint is at least 6 months old
(3) done only after washing / drying
(4) applied and buffed with soft cloth
apparatus inspection pattern is:
done in a clockwise directon:
(1) left side of passenger cab
(2) front of apparatus
(3) right side of passenger cab
(4) right side of equipment cab
(5) rear of apparatus
(6) left side of equipment cab
Clutch free play…?
(1) is the distance pedal is pushed before throw-out bearings contact clutch release fingers
(2) insufficient play causes shortened life of throw-out bearings; clutch slips, overheats, and wears out faster
(3) excessive free play results in clutch not releasing completely; harsh shifting, gear clash, and damage to gear teeth
Steering wheel free play…?
(1) should be no more than 10 degrees in either direction
(2) exceeding that parameter could indicate serious steering problem